Shaded's Corner Reborn


Organic Soil Wizard
Apr 15, 2023
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Well yall know what time it is, join along on my wizardly adventures for some organic soil grown goodness! 🌲🧙‍♂️🌲

Grow space: 5x10 tent, 5x2 closet
Lights: Phlizon FD8000, Spider Farmer SF4000 & SE3000
Nutrients: Gaia Green(All Purpose & Power Bloom) and of course the Triforce (Epsom, Gypsum, Azomite)
Base Soil: 50% ProMix BX, 25% EWC, 25% Perlite

Genetics for this run are Grape God and Desert Eagle from Next Generation Seed Co. We are about 7-8 weeks into flower at this point and all of them seem to be at different stages 😂 like I said I've almost killed them from neglect with my work schedule the last couple of weeks but hey here we are. You can expect updates every Monday from here on out....peace

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Hang on I’m trying to think of something.nope..I got no comeback…😀
Well America does a lot of shit backwards... I'd rather have backwards flushing toilets to go with my universal Healthcare than clockwise flushing toilets and mass shootings on te reg.... you can't help the rotation of the earth and its effect on toilets... but we just choose to be ignorant. 🤣
Nice looking neglected plants Shaded 😀.how long you vegging.buggered if I can get my plants to stack like that..

Thanks Max! I didn't get the chance to veg these ones for as long as I should have(I think it was 5-6 weeks). I was getting impatient trying to fill out the canopy and CG/Pipecarver were already putting peer pressure on me with their grows so I had to flip to flower a bit earlier than I would have liked :cautious: the Critical Magic plants I've got in my closet right now are coming up on 2 months of veg. I popped them as soon as I put the current plants in the main tent. Mind you they have been vegging away with barely any light but they are still pretty big(coming up to my belly button). And if my Critical Magic closet grow from last year is any indication of what to expect for potential bud sizes, I should be in for some really dense donkey dicks if I can get my next run dialed in and get the canopy filled 🐴

I started a new soil grow last night. They do not have gaia green here, but I'm still going to follow along and learn what I can from you. Hopefully it translates.

Glad you are here wizard.

Moe! I have seen and heard the whispers of you dipping your feet into the organic soil realm. Even if you can't find the Gaia you should be okay with Dr. Earth's or any other organic dry amend with similar ratios (444/284) 🤙 feels good to be back at it with my buds
You liking the azomite over the rock dust?

Honestly I think I liked the Rock Dust better just due to how easily it seemed to dissolve compared to the Azomite. The Azomite tends to clump/form a thick layer that really plays around with the soil compaction on the top layer. Whether or not this has any measurable impact at this point is beyond my recognition other than it's annoying to deal with. I might switch back but I got a huge bag of Azomite for real cheap so I'll use what I have.

I should of asked what week are you topping.I’m doing mine first day of flower so that probably the reason..not really affecting my yields but I’d like some donkeys like your grows..

Yeah imo early training is a big part of getting nice colas, assuming you are growing a strain that responds well to topping. I let my seedlings grow 8 nodes and then I start my shaping. I top at the 5th node, leave the 4th, and trim everything below(I like having lots of space between my soil level and the first node). It seems very scary to obliterate half of your plant matter but you'll see them recover over a week or so and it sets you up for at least 4 very nice colas. If you want more main colas you would just top the 4 main branches that are left to get 8 main tops or top those again for 16 if you want to push your veg further.


Then at week 3 of flower, just after the stretch phase has finished I will go and do a really thorough "lollipopping" where I remove any branch or leaf that is below my SCROG. These sites will not get much light and will only produce you larfy garbage buds so may as well get rid of them and let the plant use its energy in areas that get light.
Honestly I think I liked the Rock Dust better just due to how easily it seemed to dissolve compared to the Azomite. The Azomite tends to clump/form a thick layer that really plays around with the soil compaction on the top layer. Whether or not this has any measurable impact at this point is beyond my recognition other than it's annoying to deal with. I might switch back but I got a huge bag of Azomite for real cheap so I'll use what I have.

Yeah imo early training is a big part of getting nice colas, assuming you are growing a strain that responds well to topping. I let my seedlings grow 8 nodes and then I start my shaping. I top at the 5th node, leave the 4th, and trim everything below(I like having lots of space between my soil level and the first node). It seems very scary to obliterate half of your plant matter but you'll see them recover over a week or so and it sets you up for at least 4 very nice colas. If you want more main colas you would just top the 4 main branches that are left to get 8 main tops or top those again for 16 if you want to push your veg further.

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Then at week 3 of flower, just after the stretch phase has finished I will go and do a really thorough "lollipopping" where I remove any branch or leaf that is below my SCROG. These sites will not get much light and will only produce you larfy garbage buds so may as well get rid of them and let the plant use its energy in areas that get light.
Yes. Pretty much the same training routine that I use. I like to set up the canopy low, like maybe 6" - 8" from the top of the pots so some LST also comes into play for me. I like doing this early while the branches are still pliable.

One thing that I haven't tried as of late is to use more plant sites earlier. I'm curious to see if I can stick 6 plants in my 5 x 5, vegged and trained early and allow stretch to fill out the canopy. I find that younger plants tend to stack colas fatter. @Aqua Man or any of the other gurus can respond to my anectdotal broscience but I'm guessing younger plants are still producing growth hormones rather than shedding them once they reach a certain level of maturity. Again, all anectdotal broscience but it's what I've observed.
Yes. Pretty much the same training routine that I use. I like to set up the canopy low, like maybe 6" - 8" from the top of the pots so some LST also comes into play for me. I like doing this early while the branches are still pliable.

Yes I find this is very 🔑 to successfully training/setting up your canopy! Getting at those branches early before they turn more wood-like. There also seems to be some kind of stress-response factor going on from the early abuse we give these plants.
Yes. Pretty much the same training routine that I use. I like to set up the canopy low, like maybe 6" - 8" from the top of the pots so some LST also comes into play for me. I like doing this early while the branches are still pliable.

One thing that I haven't tried as of late is to use more plant sites earlier. I'm curious to see if I can stick 6 plants in my 5 x 5, vegged and trained early and allow stretch to fill out the canopy. I find that younger plants tend to stack colas fatter. @Aqua Man or any of the other gurus can respond to my anectdotal broscience but I'm guessing younger plants are still producing growth hormones rather than shedding them once they reach a certain level of maturity. Again, all anectdotal broscience but it's what I've observed.
Do it. I ran six plants in my 4x4 consistently, and depending on medium, aimed for 3-5wks of veg. Granted I was also going from clone most of the time just because the vigor I was getting starting from seed was a bit slower. You might even be able to fit nine and really fill the space (proceed with caution -- being very diligent of veg time is critical when trying to use plant #s to fill a space).

However, the younger the plant, the more vigor it will have within reason. Just the way cannabis is. People that have kept moms for years and years can speak to this factor, the plant eventually just starts to lose its vigor after some period of time. The same thing happens with mushroom cultures, eventually one has no choice but to start fresh from seed/spore to regain the original vigor.

Granted, in the timespan most of us run with the genetics we grow we likely won't ever see that happen, and will likely instead be experiencing a placebo effect if that's what is being perceived.
Honestly I think I liked the Rock Dust better just due to how easily it seemed to dissolve compared to the Azomite. The Azomite tends to clump/form a thick layer that really plays around with the soil compaction on the top layer. Whether or not this has any measurable impact at this point is beyond my recognition other than it's annoying to deal with. I might switch back but I got a huge bag of Azomite for real cheap so I'll use what I have.

Yeah imo early training is a big part of getting nice colas, assuming you are growing a strain that responds well to topping. I let my seedlings grow 8 nodes and then I start my shaping. I top at the 5th node, leave the 4th, and trim everything below(I like having lots of space between my soil level and the first node). It seems very scary to obliterate half of your plant matter but you'll see them recover over a week or so and it sets you up for at least 4 very nice colas. If you want more main colas you would just top the 4 main branches that are left to get 8 main tops or top those again for 16 if you want to push your veg further.

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Then at week 3 of flower, just after the stretch phase has finished I will go and do a really thorough "lollipopping" where I remove any branch or leaf that is below my SCROG. These sites will not get much light and will only produce you larfy garbage buds so may as well get rid of them and let the plant use its energy in areas that get light.
I see now.your technique is very similar to manifolding shaded..something I’ve never tried yet to get more out of the space I’m using.your right on top of your grows that are easily maintained.mine like a jungle.I need to get more bud to stem ratio.I reckon I could get 9 of your gals in a 5x4 ….maybe 😄
Do it. I ran six plants in my 4x4 consistently, and depending on medium, aimed for 3-5wks of veg. Granted I was also going from clone most of the time just because the vigor I was getting starting from seed was a bit slower. You might even be able to fit nine and really fill the space (proceed with caution -- being very diligent of veg time is critical when trying to use plant #s to fill a space).

However, the younger the plant, the more vigor it will have within reason. Just the way cannabis is. People that have kept moms for years and years can speak to this factor, the plant eventually just starts to lose its vigor after some period of time. The same thing happens with mushroom cultures, eventually one has no choice but to start fresh from seed/spore to regain the original vigor.

Granted, in the timespan most of us run with the genetics we grow we likely won't ever see that happen, and will likely instead be experiencing a placebo effect if that's what is being perceived.
Lol didn’t see your post Tobh .you reckon 9 aswell .
Lol didn’t see your post Tobh .you reckon 9 aswell .
i mean... this is a whole other topic of discussion -- a higher number of smaller plants with less veg time, or less but larger plants with a longer veg time. there are compromises with either approach, but it's all dependent on every other variable of the grow.

That's why we saw the surge of SOG in the early 2000s -- higher plant density with less veg time to get consistent harvests more quickly, then SCrOG took off because of easier maintenance and nearly the same results + the ability to stay within legally mandated plant count restrictions.

Personally, I don't give a shit about plant count restrictions, and indoors whatever will shave time off the timeline is what I'm gonna do. So, higher plant count in hydro it is. That's not to say I haven't gone the other way and ran just two plants in the 4x4 with like a three month veg in a scrog configuration. That was a mistake and I wouldn't do that again in a small space like a 4x4 tent. Was just too difficult to deal with (for a lot of different reasons).

Additionally it depends on if you're monocropping with clones or doing seed runs. So many things to consider that it's not something I will personally tell you what you should do -- you know your goals and schedule better than I.
I think I know the grow your talking about…that plant was fucking it had a gazillion colas on it..I don’t know how those colas stayed upright..this was Jeff’s love stash you grew Tobh.
lol that was one of the bigger problems -- the colas weren't staying upright. they ended up making a massive bed. the quality of the end product was subpar, and yet surprisingly i only found one tiny spot of suspected botrytis. twas these ladies

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One done a wicked job of maintaining those plants.I fucking love it 😍

Shadeds just lost his thread…wait till he comes back he’ll b like WTF 😆

I don't mind at all :)

this thread is open for any and all discussions! And yes you are right @Mad Max it's like a poor mans mainline. Takes much less recovery & setup time this way but may not look as pretty or whatever. Gives me the results that I am looking for 🧙‍♂️

just 2 plants in that grow @tobh ? fucking lovely grow you had goin there
just 2 plants in that grow @tobh ? fucking lovely grow you had goin there
yeah. Dragon's flame love stash in a two site dutch bucket system. vegged for like three months. was a shitshow tbh, especially towards the end. learned that if you're gonna scrog, first scrog screen is for training, and a second is needed to support the colas later in the flower cycle. Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of donkey dicks laying on top of each other.

Would've yielded quite a bit more than I did if I had a second screen, but ended up with about 50% unusable larf because of how I ran it. plus, it was my first foray into recirculating hydro, and had all kinds of weird issues crop up like wild pH swings, organic growth in the res, deficiencies, etc.
yeah. Dragon's flame love stash in a two site dutch bucket system. vegged for like three months. was a shitshow tbh, especially towards the end. learned that if you're gonna scrog, first scrog screen is for training, and a second is needed to support the colas later in the flower cycle. Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of donkey dicks laying on top of each other.

Would've yielded quite a bit more than I did if I had a second screen, but ended up with about 50% unusable larf because of how I ran it. plus, it was my first foray into recirculating hydro, and had all kinds of weird issues crop up like wild pH swings, organic growth in the res, deficiencies, etc.

Looks like an upside down cannabis chandelier! Really good turnout even with all the hiccups that's for sure. I'm gonna have to run some of his genetics this year 100%
I guess the best way to describe it would be as the plants are growing into maturity their growth hormones are increasing. Once they hit maturity they level out then start to decrease. If I start flower earlier due to the higher plant count not lengthening the veg cycle for net coverage I can catch them on the hormone ramp going up rather than at maturity as those hormones are in decline.

That's the completely, unscientific, anecdotal observation that I'm making. I guess it comes down to me actually doing it to see if I notice a difference.
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