To flush, or not to flush.. That is the question.

The answer IMO is it all depends on the reason for the flush. There can be no factual or credible blanket statement made on the subject that states good or bad under all circumstances.

There are reasons people see differences, studies show differences and thats all because of different variables.

What may benefit some may not benefit others….

But one thing is certain the nutrient ratios and concentrations do play a role along with environmental parameters and other factors.

IMO a plant needs what it needs and as stated in a previous post can benefit from various changes such higher magnesium and sulphur at or near then end of a grow.

Also a plant cannot carry out certain processes in the absence of required nutrients that may or may not be beneficial but my gut says its almost certainly beneficial to have the required nutrients for these.

In the same breath i feel excessive available nutrients would be detrimental in almost all cases.

The key to if its beneficial or not is understanding current circumstances and parameters you have and do they show a need to address any issue that is nutrient related where a flush would benefit.
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