4x4 is almost back in action. Tons of wiring to work out, gotta decide where to mount the ballasts, get the table in place, etc. I'll get my shit together soon, and this time won't smell like I fucked a skunk 🤣

obviously have a lot of cleaning to do. the res and that rear vent in the tent are disgusting. i need to sterilize the table too, it's been sitting outside for the better part of two months. all the piping and water pumps will be given a pleasurable cold bath in a high chlorine bath, the lights wiped down with microfiber and heatsinks hit with iso.

for the first time with this tent i'll have full access so some tuning in position is in order. this isn't the end-all-be-all, i have plans to build a room finally, this is simply to satiate my addiction to growing cannabis. by the time I harvest the run in this tent, the next will be rocking in the room, so long things go as planned.

sorry for no plants eh. promise there will be many in this thread 🤌

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Same kooler I used my guys at work until last year finally got a new one that thing would keep Ice for 48 hrs down here in a truck ! Loved that thing , can’t bring myself to buy a expensive one for others to trash
4x4 is almost back in action. Tons of wiring to work out, gotta decide where to mount the ballasts, get the table in place, etc. I'll get my shit together soon, and this time won't smell like I fucked a skunk 🤣

obviously have a lot of cleaning to do. the res and that rear vent in the tent are disgusting. i need to sterilize the table too, it's been sitting outside for the better part of two months. all the piping and water pumps will be given a pleasurable cold bath in a high chlorine bath, the lights wiped down with microfiber and heatsinks hit with iso.

for the first time with this tent i'll have full access so some tuning in position is in order. this isn't the end-all-be-all, i have plans to build a room finally, this is simply to satiate my addiction to growing cannabis. by the time I harvest the run in this tent, the next will be rocking in the room, so long things go as planned.

sorry for no plants eh. promise there will be many in this thread 🤌

View attachment 6826
Im looking forward to your room built. It seams that in the last 5 years or so everyone has moved to growing in tents
I'm here for the party

"Come on Baby light that fire......." - Jose Feliciano

As fun as it will be to see the tent up I want to see you set up that entire room. I'm starting to get to a point where I want to just designate the lung room as its own grow room and increase my harvest footprint beyond the 5 x 5.
4x4 is almost back in action. Tons of wiring to work out, gotta decide where to mount the ballasts, get the table in place, etc. I'll get my shit together soon, and this time won't smell like I fucked a skunk 🤣

obviously have a lot of cleaning to do. the res and that rear vent in the tent are disgusting. i need to sterilize the table too, it's been sitting outside for the better part of two months. all the piping and water pumps will be given a pleasurable cold bath in a high chlorine bath, the lights wiped down with microfiber and heatsinks hit with iso.

for the first time with this tent i'll have full access so some tuning in position is in order. this isn't the end-all-be-all, i have plans to build a room finally, this is simply to satiate my addiction to growing cannabis. by the time I harvest the run in this tent, the next will be rocking in the room, so long things go as planned.

sorry for no plants eh. promise there will be many in this thread 🤌

View attachment 6826
Going to be so worth it!👍

Hope everything fits, without headaches. 😝
What you runnin.
i haven't decided yet. i've got a bunch of fems and some DFG gear I still need to rock. I'll probably just rock some fems for now because I need to get some jars filled. That's the shitty thing about such a small space, can't really pheno hunt or run multi-strain without running into various problems.
Same..I’d like to grow more regs .bit more of a variety makes it more fun and interesting.I can’t stop myself from growing so I can make my room bigger lol..this growing addictions got me by the balls.
so after some thought, i moved the tent to the garage instead. having it in my office was just making the room feel too cramped and after moving out of the tiny (in comparison) place we were previously, I'm being quite particular about NOT filling up every square inch with random shit. plus, with it in the garage i won't have to explain to my coworkers what all the white noise is with 800CFM worth of air moving through the tent :ROFLMAO:
got the lights hung yesterday, positioned the carbon filter, though i'm not 100% sure where I have it is its final resting place. need to pick up some more bleach when i hit the grocery store this afternoon so i can hit the platform and the irrigation components with a strong solution.

then, will need to work out a way to automate recirculation so that i can run the system and make sure it's fully sterilized. almost go time. just taking my time along with all the other shit that comes with settling in post move.
i was gonna get some work done on the tent today, but a much needed costco run happened instead, and I need to get a handful of woodworking projects knocked out ASAP.

First is a gate for the top of the stairs on the deck. We've been using a grill and a propane tank to corral the baby donkey up there. For those of y'all that don't know, we have a 120lb doberman that we refer to as baby donkey, or Hercules, depending on his behavior. Well, today he decided he was fed up with the tank being where it was and proceeded to kick it down the 18 step stairwell, damn near taking out the driver side door of my car in the process. So, gate is needed ASAP.


Second, I'm planning some sound proofing boxes for my office ceiling, which I saw in a youtube video. Basically you take some 2x4s, make some boxes, wrap em in canvas and fill em with R30 rockwool insulation. You mount em to the ceiling using french cleats for a seamless, no-hardware-visible look and the best part is they can be painted to match whatever you want em to.

Might wonder why I want to soundproof my office? Well, there are a few reasons. One is four years old, the other is six, the last is 27. I, unfortunately, must be on zoom calls more often than I would like so I need my "sanctuary" to be quiet as possible. Plus with the paint I'm slapping on the walls and the other stuff I have planned, it'll be visually pleasing.

So, tomorrow I'll hang the carbon filter above the tent instead of it sitting on the garage floor, get the platform sterilized and in the tent, ballasts hung, intake and exhaust fans configured, and initial wire management handled. Figure by next weekend I'll be able to have the tent running full bore for environmental testing and determine what else I need to work out. Biggest concern right now is the humidity. Temps are solid in the basement for not getting too hot, but the humidity down here has been averaging about 70%, so might need to work out how to get that down into the 30s before plants are introduced. With plants I foresee an immediate bump for mid 30s up to mid 50s or 60s, so it's something that's gotta be addressed before this next run.

Happy Father's Day to all you fellow fathers around here! 🍻
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My sister would say no such thing as sound proof. If you need/want info on building materials they might tell you in an email or call. They test stuff all the time too.

My sister would say no such thing as sound proof. If you need/want info on building materials they might tell you in an email or call. They test stuff all the time too.

yeah, i just need shit down from the 90db to like 50db. without one of those chambers, there's no such thing as sound proof lol so long the battle cries of the kids are tampered to a level zoom filtering can eliminate, i'm good.

however, i looked at that site in my research and i just wish i had the bankroll to pay them to do a full consultation and build out. just not worth the expense in a home office of a home that's likely to be sold in a decade or two.
yeah, i just need shit down from the 90db to like 50db. without one of those chambers, there's no such thing as sound proof lol so long the battle cries of the kids are tampered to a level zoom filtering can eliminate, i'm good.

however, i looked at that site in my research and i just wish i had the bankroll to pay them to do a full consultation and build out. just not worth the expense in a home office of a home that's likely to be sold in a decade or two.
In the old days there was a big soundproof room for the kids, i called it outside.
In the old days there was a big soundproof room for the kids, i called it outside.
i have one of those now. the problem is, the fuckers know how to escape it by means of things called doors. apparently the laws these days prevent us from locking them out, so instead we get 100+ open and closes a day. can't beat em now either, unlike when i was a kid. i remember when we were allowed three ins and outs before a belt was on my backside and i knew where i was supposed to be until told otherwise. times changed, i guess.
In the old days there was a big soundproof room for the kids, i called it outside.
to add on, though. the kids haven't watched a second of TV in over two weeks. they haven't had a movie, a cartoon, nothing. they've been out exploring and being kids. my ol lady and i keep catching ourselves seeing them through the windows and being taken back by it. it's something we would've never allowed or seen where we were in the city. here, they can run wild and they're doing it to it. just wish they had some friends to do it with, but that'll come with time.

maybe tomorrow after i knock out the couple projects i gotta get done we'll cut some trails so they can venture deeper into the property. they still need to stay close enough to the house we can see/hear em but they're old enough to venture out and get into some trouble. just need to be close enough of ear shot in case the trouble they find is real serious, eg. bear, mountain lion, impalement, fallen tree. all the kind of shit that can happen where we're at.
I was a first generation farmer, born abd raised in the city, bought a 20 acre property the year after we were married and have lived on acerage basically the last 50 years of my life. Today were on 6.88 acres so i can justify owning a tractor of sorts.

Ps: Mountain lions ain't cool
I was a first generation farmer, born abd raised in the city, bought a 20 acre property the year after we were married and have lived on acerage basically the last 50 years of my life. Today were on 6.88 acres so i can justify owning a tractor of sorts.

Ps: Mountain lions ain't cool
born and raised on a ranch. after shit hit the fan due to the "adults" at the time running shit, spent 20 years running around all the major cities. started craving land about a decade ago and finally landed on four acres. need some small equipment to get it workable but i'll make it happen.

watched my first sunrise on this property a couple days ago, and it finally set in. this is home for the long haul. a lot of work that needs done but dammit, this will be the land i quit working for someone else on, that my kids live their forever childhood memories on, and where i lay my demons to rest. We will call this land Babylon.
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