i love this home. i chose a room in it for my office because of the windows in it. not so i could do what i've done the past few days, but because i knew i could do what ive done the past few days.

i can sit and watch the sky light on fire here. so, with a small amount of time off work i can witness the world come alive. in the words of eyedea, and counter to, i will not take my .45, shoot a hole in the sky and climb inside. instead i am grateful for the privilege to breathe, to be emotional, to experience every day. the birds at this time of day sing like i've never heard, or never had the patience to hear before. there's... magic here. and i've glad to the a blip on this radar.

i said something much more eloquent to my nephew and felt quite clever when i did. i'm quite drunk though, so i'm going back to watching the sun burn the world. good morning y'all east coasters.
Now life really begins for you! I raised all my kids like this. We laughingly used to call them free ranged children. My kids were never big tv watchers and if they did, I had great control over how much time was spent and watching what.
I had one by birth, and four others that were throwaways that I raised. I wanted my own ball team, but chickened out at five lol.
Im happy for you! Best choice you could have made! Enjoy!
I was a free-range kid. I grew up on a small farm in a small farming community on an island. Most parents let their children roam free, and we did. I didn't like it then. Now, I think of it as a rare form of paradise. I wish I had those fields and forests to roam today.
i have one of those now. the problem is, the fuckers know how to escape it by means of things called doors. apparently the laws these days prevent us from locking them out, so instead we get 100+ open and closes a day. can't beat em now either, unlike when i was a kid. i remember when we were allowed three ins and outs before a belt was on my backside and i knew where i was supposed to be until told otherwise. times changed, i guess.
Lol 😆 my old man was apologizing for beating me today 🤣

I'm sorry I beat so much kid .. I was a terrible dad
I was a first generation farmer, born abd raised in the city, bought a 20 acre property the year after we were married and have lived on acerage basically the last 50 years of my life. Today were on 6.88 acres so i can justify owning a tractor of sorts.

Ps: Mountain lions ain't cool
Yeah 👍 I'm a country boy myself who grew up in northern Illinois and traveled the country growing up. Spent decades in the city and recently purchased 12 acres land out in the mountains here in the remote PNW Cascade region. Mostly wooden elevation but it's something, off grid to some degree. A new start for the future

I think it's common for some of us to become torn on who we were as children and what our lives become as adults.
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Spent decades in the city and recently purchased 12 acres land out in the mountains here in the remote PNW Cascade region.
Welcome to the PNW! It's what I call home. My people have inhabited the region for many generations. It's a wonderful place to be.

I think it's common for some of us to become torn on who we were as children and what our lives become as adults.
So true—at least it is for me.
Welcome to the PNW! It's what I call home. My people have inhabited the region for many generations. It's a wonderful place to be.

So true—at least it is for me.
Yeah I've been out here in Washington for about fifteen years now... Spokane.. Moses lake. Tacoma... Seattle. Some years before that in Salem Oregon

The rural area and cities both up and down sides. IMO It's like Mars except lots of rain 🌧️ and vegetation out here. Have to be creative on keeping myself busy and especially entertainment

Ie go jump into or sit bye the river or waterfall Catch a fish 🐠. ECT. Or hike up to the lake
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Yeah I've been out here in Washington for about fifteen years now... Spokane.. Moses lake. Tacoma... Seattle. Some years before that in Salem Oregon

The rural area and cities both up and down sides. IMO It's like Mars except lots of rain 🌧️ and vegetation out here sometimes. Have to be creative on what to do
I've spent many years in eastern Washington, but prefer the Puget Sound region. This is where I grew up. I'm up in the north sound wilderness now. I love trees and being among them, except when it's time to clean out the gutters. I don't have much good to say about the preponderance of mold, as well. So, yes, it does rain a lot sometimes. I complain about it when there's too much and when there's not enough. It can get pretty darn dry during the summer, too, though. That's when the spiders come out to play.
I've spent many years in eastern Washington, but prefer the Puget Sound region. This is where I grew up. I'm up in the north sound wilderness now. I love trees and being among them, except when it's time to clean out the gutters. I don't have much good to say about the preponderance of mold, as well. So, yes, it does rain a lot sometimes. I complain about it when there's too much and when there's not enough. It can get pretty darn dry during the summer, too, though. That's when the spiders come out to play.
Lol they are everywhere up here now. Just got the needed rain today and yesterday. But I think it's going to be a dryer one this year

My aquifer off the ridge is drying up

Mold.... I just try to be around the healthy kind 🤠. It's unavoidable.
Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
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Lol they are everywhere up here now. Just got the needed rain today and yesterday. But I think it's going to be a dryer one this year

My aquifer off the ridge is drying up

Mold.... I just try to be around the healthy kind 🤠. It's unavoidable.
Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Good to see the forest got 5 stars. You'd think there would be at least one person who complains about the service.
Damn, maybe we washingtonians should plan a get together. I'm smack dab between Portland and Seattle now.

In other news, seeds have been dropped. Let the lady pick the poison this run. We'll see if I can actually get these to germinate this time. Last time I tried with these, I had one out of three germinate.

alright alright. seeds in rapid rooters, temporary ghetto seed germination station set up.

yes, that tray is filthy. yes, i preach cleanliness like a broken record. yes, i will clean it. just not now, later. maybe later later when it's time for taking clones.

the insulated reflective material is arched over the little setup to try and capture some of the heat from the light and ballast as it's about 68F in my office, so likely closer to 65F in that restroom they're gonna hopefully start their lives in. Heat mat is set to 79F on the controller, so should see some sprouts in a few days.

Still trying to figure out how I want to mount the carbon filter to the ceiling in the garage. The platform is all refreshed and ready to go in, but if I'm going to mount the filter to the ceiling, the tent is going to have to move at least one more time before I can get placed in the tent. I have got to figure out a way to make getting the irrigation pipe into and out of the platform easier if I'm gonna use this set up anymore after this run.

Shopping list includes four more clip fans, a 12" oscillating fan, and I think I have an idea for how to use a gutter downspout to take the catch bin out of the tent entirely and have it sitting next to the res instead of requiring getting into the tent to empty it. just gotta work out the math for the gravity situation to make the idea work. IIRC a slope of three degrees for every 12 inches is the minimum requirement for optimal water flow.

Anyways, so long the seeds germinate, I'm hoping to be able to be taking clones about three weeks to a month from germination. We'll see if that'll happen, though. Figure the rapid rooters will go into 1 gal bags of straight coco and I'll set em up in the utility closet so the tent stays nice and fresh for once the clones are ready to go.
It's 2% or ~¼" per foot.

I recall watching my father tape a piece of wood of the right thickness to one end of a level. So, a 2-foot level would have a half-inch piece of wood taped to one end.
ah, thanks! i knew it was something real marginal. I think i did 3% on the platform just to try and combat wicking, which I still had a problem with till i put some spray foam on the lower edge and trimmed it flat.

water and its hydroscopic behavior is a motherfucker to overcome, man.
It's 2% or ~¼" per foot.

I recall watching my father tape a piece of wood of the right thickness to one end of a level. So, a 2-foot level would have a half-inch piece of wood taped to one end.
Was your father a plumber?
Interesting read, written by a dead man. If this is too political mods, feel free to delete. I find it interesting, nonetheless, given I've done extensive research on Hitler's rise and WWII overall, and the quoted author was something of a pivotal figure albeit not as well known as his oppressor.

Interesting read, written by a dead man. If this is too political mods, feel free to delete. I find it interesting, nonetheless, given I've done extensive research on Hitler's rise and WWII overall, and the quoted author was something of a pivotal figure albeit not as well known as his oppressor.

This sort of explains his "pro-god/anti-religion" beliefs.
This sort of explains his "pro-god/anti-religion" beliefs.
Yeah, it's an interesting quote. The power of religion being so captivating that it can make even intelligent men stupid by blinding their reasoning. That era has always fascinated me from a young age, especially given my grandfather fought in the war. He was in the Navy and was stationed in Pearl Harbor. I'm sure the pestering kid asking him for stories wasn't good for his PTSD but back then, PTSD wasn't a thing -- it was just the 1000 yard stare.
Seven days have passed. Battle time. Images delivered to the judge, and the results are in. I won, as to be expected. I've been doing this shit longer than the kid has been alive. But the BALLS I tell you. I'm damn proud of him for even proposing this, and hope he keeps his confidence and comes at me again.

His submission
My submission

The rules were simple:

  • All ballpoint ONLY
  • Seven days from inception to delivery.
  • Word to be written is ADABE

Fucker didn't adhere 100% as he used marker in his piece, but I'm damn proud of him. This is a personal thing that means nothing, no prizes, no gift cards, no ribbons. It means nothing to the rest of the world but to him and I, it means everything, and the fact that I've given this kid an outlet for his totally fucked up life, and those emotions a 15 year old feels regardless his uniquely fucked position; I'm humbled.

I still beat the fucker per the judge. Don't try to fuck with my mistress -- ball point is my weapon of choice for many reasons haha
the basement is striking. had temps pretty stable at 80F in the ghetto seed starter but they dived to 74F as the sun went down. the office is probably about 65F from 68F so makes sense, but damn. turned on the space heater again to try and get temps back in order.

wild to be running a space heater on the summer solstice, but here we are. welcome to the western Cascade region. It's wet, it's cold, not too cold though. just cold enough to fuck with your shit enough that you need to burn some watts.
Damn, maybe we washingtonians should plan a get together. I'm smack dab between Portland and Seattle now.

In other news, seeds have been dropped. Let the lady pick the poison this run. We'll see if I can actually get these to germinate this time. Last time I tried with these, I had one out of three germinate.

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Let the fun times roll!!
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