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I don't remember exactly but I will try one more time. Seems like I did try that but it would not let me adjust the intensity off 100% so I bagged it for the manual thing. I did try on other solution that had the intensity where I wanted but then the timer did not work, went in there at 9pm and the light was still on.
When you enter the standard flower program, you set the intensity when you turn it on. From 0 to 100%.


Then go into flower timer and set the timer to 8/8 or whatever.

That's it. don't go anywhere else in the app. That's as simple as it gets but I think is working for you based on the vid you sent me over text.
Thanks again bro, did it one more time and yea, that is where the phone is so out of date it's missing something. I set the intensity to 50%, then flower timer, and it boosts the intensity back up to 100% and unable to change without turning the recipe off and then there is no timer.

My wife is going to order that phone she found and will be in business soon, will just need to do it manually for the next week or so.
I just read the whole manual and I see no warning about power interruption, but they do sell a product that does a software backup to a flash drive and automatically downloads to the light in case of data loss.

I would try just unplugging it and plugging it back in, and if it keeps the settings, just use a timer for the time being.

What intensity are you trying to set to?
Thanks Moe, I will try that. I am probably being paranoid and overly cautious here with the light. That thing is like my baby, if I could get it in bed with us, I might do it.

I think I read the same manual and it talks about keeping setting during interruptions if I remember right. Good thing because our power goes out here all the time, we have battery backups for all our computers. Did it for the better part of a whole day and the plants did not skip a beat, at least from what I could tell.

I am at 50%. Turned it to 55% Saturday morning and today noticed some weird leaf twisting so I raised it a bit and lowered back down to 50%. Nothing big but it was on a few of the fans closest to the light.
Mr. Carver ! Glad to have ya using that hash pipe again this morning - no it still needs oiled up - welcome
Hey, nice to see its still useful, I've 2 computers I use and my upstairs comp I signed up with I kept forgetting to send the password downstairs and its a computer generated one so there's no trying to remember it and I couldn't sign in down here......I know link them but no I like to keep them separate from one another, this old win 7 is not as well protected. No banking ,or shopping just a few websites and my grow shit on it........but I'm wired now so yahoo.

I might get at making a few this summer if I can get the work around our yard caught up. I'd like to get some proper mouth pieces & stems and make a few.....
The sponered growth diaries is a sad part of things. Glad you came by!!!!
I'm happy with the lights and sponsorships, If it was a product that sucked I'd have issues posting but The SF lights and tents seem good and have been a great way for me to get into led's and tents without costs to me. I'm on the site anyways almost daily so posting a few pics and an update is easy and it keeps me active keeping my grow to show off.........I'm on hook to them for 3 days a week until Aug but they keep sending me stuff so wtf I'm sure I've enough plants and seeds to get me through another 3 - 4 months
Glad to see you PC, I too always enjoyed your posts and beautiful flower shots bro. Hell yea bro, glad you're here!

Your cats are so beautiful, my shit memory can't remember their names but I remember your posts about them. My Prissy (another black cat) just had babies and we are keeping two of them. A cute black "tuxedo" a lot like mama named Lizzy and a tiger striped male named Moe....cute as buttons and really starting to get into mishchief, especially little Moe, he is a compact little terror boy :LOL:
My 3 boys are Coal, Qnight & Dusk...I have Qnight down here with me until lights out, he's curled up on a bed I got at the Dollar store for him last week, Black on black, last night I forgot he was here with me I shut down locked up and headed upstairs only to remember ooops my Cat..........he was still on the bed....good thing cause I have a real loud motion alarm and if he'd gone to the door after I'd set it....we'd of had shit on the floor.....lol.......
I'm happy with the lights and sponsorships, If it was a product that sucked I'd have issues posting but The SF lights and tents seem good and have been a great way for me to get into led's and tents without costs to me. I'm on the site anyways almost daily so posting a few pics and an update is easy and it keeps me active keeping my grow to show off.........I'm on hook to them for 3 days a week until Aug but they keep sending me stuff so wtf I'm sure I've enough plants and seeds to get me through another 3 - 4 months
I need to clarify my comment PC. I did not mean it as an insult to those that are sponsored. I have just seen some things on insta and other platforms that are a down right lies about plants and products coming from guys that are sponsored by the manufacturer. If it helps you I am happy for you.
I need to clarify my comment PC. I did not mean it as an insult to those that are sponsored. I have just seen some things on insta and other platforms that are a down right lies about plants and products coming from guys that are sponsored by the manufacturer. If it helps you I am happy for you.
Hey no offense taken, I know nothing of other platforms, I'm old, no cell phone old. This site, the Farm and a few family friends on facebook and that's it, I've never even been to instagram or ? when they sent me an offer for a free light I thought I was special...lol....me......an influencer??? lol.....wowzers I've hit the big time......I'm special...lol........oh... wait .................everyone was offered free lights?????? we can't all be special......fk.......lol....I'm cracking up here....its lights out my cat and I say gnight.....
I'm sorry for laughing.
Salespeople are like wild animals.
They smell fear, confidence, and all sorts of other things 'normal' people never think about.
You were not good prey for them.
No one ever offered me any lights for my grows
About 2 month's ago Viparspectra was offering me lights and a tent if I'd post about it on the Farm 3 times a week but I had to say not at this time. They sent me a reply saying they understood and for me to send them an email when I was available lol........WTf if they want to send me lights and another tent, I could give one light to a friend and share the wealth. When I finish my obligation to SF if their offer still stands I may take them up on it.

We are now open to the public, but we want to have a higher level of information exchange with less drama than your typical free for all. We are not motivated to grab as many new users as we can to improve ad revenue - revenue is not even part of our DNA. This site will be funded 100% by user donations, and that will be based on what you feel comfortable with.

What we want are respectful growers from across the spectrum. Newbies to those been growin' for 50 years. Doesn't matter as long as the user is someone who is a net positive to the community.

If you know someone that would fit in well to this framework, please invite them. Just please help us with self / community moderation.

As we get older, we will find better ways of weeding out the net negative users, right now the plan is to not invite them in the first place!

Once again, welcome.
"weeding out" LOL
I havn‘t invited anyone yet.I was going invite a few guys but when I tried the first guyit wouldn’t allow me to dm him…then I thought I’d get banned for doing so as your messages can b read by admins over there..it’s a great site so I didn’t want to risk it..
I havn‘t invited anyone yet.I was going invite a few guys but when I tried the first guyit wouldn’t allow me to dm him…then I thought I’d get banned for doing so as your messages can b read by admins over there..it’s a great site so I didn’t want to risk it..
Just let me know I’ll do it for you
Don’t have to guess I know ! Lol welcome well u been here a week or so , bout time you posting up! - how’s the grow goin ?
Well there are some seedlings out on the front porch that have been in the ground since early April. What I need to do is set up some of the purple seeds out there. Never germinated....just into the dirt. Growing with dill, parsley, Italian basil, wandering Jew as companion plants in pots from the last grow. Am using Procrop 1, Dr Bronners, neem/clove/peppermint oil spray and washing the deck with vinegar in an attempt to keep the bugs away. Can't flower plants outside here, can veg them OK but after that fogetaboutit. Now I have 2 Mars Hydros and the Phlizon I won in a contest so there's that. Want to hang another set of overhead hooks to drop more than 1 light. Looking at what Lockbox is doing starting with 12/12 as my seeds could all be 50/50. Hauling all the dirt around is the only thing that gives me pause and I kind of pulled something on my side playing with kids at the pool. Excuses all; delaying tactics.
I havn‘t invited anyone yet.I was going invite a few guys but when I tried the first guyit wouldn’t allow me to dm him…then I thought I’d get banned for doing so as your messages can b read by admins over there..it’s a great site so I didn’t want to risk it..
Same here. I don't want to rock the boat although there seems to be some duplication. I think everyone can't join is OK, but then someone is holding server space for content any way you slice it. I've also not loaded this app on my phone. Generally speaking the Zombie light grow show hasn't been fun. Haven't seen the repartee and fun attitude like it was back in 2019. While the whole legalization thing has proceeded here in old Siam, I still don't want to show the neighbors what I'm really doing. Still pretty much living in my own little world and the electronic connection with people means a great deal.
About 2 month's ago Viparspectra was offering me lights and a tent if I'd post about it on the Farm 3 times a week but I had to say not at this time. They sent me a reply saying they understood and for me to send them an email when I was available lol........WTf if they want to send me lights and another tent, I could give one light to a friend and share the wealth. When I finish my obligation to SF if their offer still stands I may take them up on it.

Bro this "Valerie" from Vipar wanted a blood sample, semen, a post every 8 minutes on Insta, FB, "the place with no name" in 3 threads, YoutTube, full rights to literally anything and everything, had to be listed like "ASLDHA:KDJ:LJKDA:" exactly, and didn't tell me about this said contract until after tell me I was being gifted a XS-1500 that I actually was super excited about cause my 600w Blackbirds are just overkill for seedlings.
She had me going for months man. I was like you have to be kidding with all of these requirements, contracts to sign, etc. She's like ok how about this! And it would be 3% less ridiculous at most. Not sure if she was a newbie or what but we went quick from what I felt was I won a light, to straight up unpaid "influencer" contracted for an entire grow, then turned into they wanted to send me a tent and 3 different lights for each growth phase, but the requirements were too much. The signing a contract part I just couldn't get over. For a $200 light tops? naw I will stick with my HLG's for meow

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