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Bro this "Valerie" from Vipar wanted a blood sample, semen, a post every 8 minutes on Insta, FB, "the place with no name" in 3 threads, YoutTube, full rights to literally anything and everything, had to be listed like "ASLDHA:KDJ:LJKDA:" exactly, and didn't tell me about this said contract until after tell me I was being gifted a XS-1500 that I actually was super excited about cause my 600w Blackbirds are just overkill for seedlings.
She had me going for months man. I was like you have to be kidding with all of these requirements, contracts to sign, etc. She's like ok how about this! And it would be 3% less ridiculous at most. Not sure if she was a newbie or what but we went quick from what I felt was I won a light, to straight up unpaid "influencer" contracted for an entire grow, then turned into they wanted to send me a tent and 3 different lights for each growth phase, but the requirements were too much. The signing a contract part I just couldn't get over. For a $200 light tops? naw I will stick with my HLG's for meow

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Haha i ended up taking the deal.
I got a ks3000, a 2x2, and an xs1500 pro. Contract was for 12 months, or 3 full grows. Plus a bunch of other threads i needed to post.

Now im 100% out of it and got to keep the stuff. Best deal i ever made lmao
I feel fortunate. When I got mine I had zero strings attached to it other than keeping a diary. I did my part until Puny Penis decided to pull the plug. Haven't heard from them after that and I'm assuming their going to cut their losses and move on.
I feel fortunate. When I got mine I had zero strings attached to it other than keeping a diary. I did my part until Puny Penis decided to pull the plug. Haven't heard from them after that and I'm assuming their going to cut their losses and move on.
Sounds right. They made a predictable business decision.
I feel fortunate. When I got mine I had zero strings attached to it other than keeping a diary. I did my part until Puny Penis decided to pull the plug. Haven't heard from them after that and I'm assuming their going to cut their losses and move on.
You won yours in a give away right? Ive seen plenty of people win stuff and once they get it you never see them again lol.
Bro this "Valerie" from Vipar wanted a blood sample, semen, a post every 8 minutes on Insta, FB, "the place with no name" in 3 threads, YoutTube, full rights to literally anything and everything, had to be listed like "ASLDHA:KDJ:LJKDA:" exactly, and didn't tell me about this said contract until after tell me I was being gifted a XS-1500 that I actually was super excited about cause my 600w Blackbirds are just overkill for seedlings.
She had me going for months man. I was like you have to be kidding with all of these requirements, contracts to sign, etc. She's like ok how about this! And it would be 3% less ridiculous at most. Not sure if she was a newbie or what but we went quick from what I felt was I won a light, to straight up unpaid "influencer" contracted for an entire grow, then turned into they wanted to send me a tent and 3 different lights for each growth phase, but the requirements were too much. The signing a contract part I just couldn't get over. For a $200 light tops? naw I will stick with my HLG's for meow

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Man that's a far cry from the days of the local hydroshop owner giving me something for free and just wanting me to tell him if I like it or not the next time I was in the shop. Hard to tell if they're selling lights or timeshares with that tactic. Blaring sirens and flashing warming lights all over that one
You weren’t lying, lol
I cant help but laugh… he must be chugging red bulls staring at the posts here 24/7 screaming to himself and anyone else who will listen to his BS lies. All the shit i found out about him in the last few days makes me feel dirty for even being a part of that site and defending him and his actions all those years.

And now ill drop it because he isn’t even relevant
You won yours in a give away right? Ive seen plenty of people win stuff and once they get it you never see them again lol.
Yup! I think it was one of their last ones with that model. I was all for doing a review and, honestly, it would have been a good one as I like my little powerhouse.

I had stuck a couple of flowering plants that I had put out too soon for my outside grow in the 2 x 2 I bought and they're getting nice and fat!!
Yup! I think it was one of their last ones with that model. I was all for doing a review and, honestly, it would have been a good one as I like my little powerhouse.

I had stuck a couple of flowering plants that I had put out too soon for my outside grow in the 2 x 2 I bought and they're getting nice and fat!!
Yeah im wicked happy with the performance of that little light. I feel like it would even veg a 3x3. Not enough to flower it, but definitely get ya through veg. And 2 would kill it in a 2x4 or 3x3.
Yeah im wicked happy with the performance of that little light. I feel like it would even veg a 3x3. Not enough to flower it, but definitely get ya through veg. And 2 would kill it in a 2x4 or 3x3.
For sure. Originally, I was going to pick up a 2x4 but I thought it would be too small for the tent as I wanted to use it for mothers but now I have two 2 x 2's so I can either mother or flower in either one!!!
For sure. Originally, I was going to pick up a 2x4 but I thought it would be too small for the tent as I wanted to use it for mothers but now I have two 2 x 2's so I can either mother or flower in either one!!!
Never saw a use for 2x2s when i started growing but they definitely have a place now that im back in one. And if nothing else, they make a hell of a dry tent lol.
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