White Tips on Leaflets



I would appreciate some advice.

These white tips suddenly worsened on the leaves of my Amnesia Haze. I've done some reading this morning and most describe this as either nutrient burn or a potassium deficiency. (I'm leaning toward the latter.)

It has been four weeks since the last nutrients were top dressed (1 tbsp/gal of Gaia Green All Purpose) and two weeks since supplements were added (Epson Salts, Gypsum and Azomite). So, feeding them is on schedule.

They need to be watered either today or tomorrow.

So, what do you think?

I am thinking plain water this time or a low dose of the scheduled feeding, but maybe I should just feed them according to the plan. They're getting tall for the tent, so I need to prepare them for the flip soon.

The scheduled feeding would be 1 tbsp Epsom Salts, 1 tbsp Gypsum, 2 tbsp Azomite, 7 tbsp GGAP and 7 tbsp GGPB.

I would appreciate some advice.

These white tips suddenly worsened on the leaves of my Amnesia Haze. I've done some reading this morning and most describe this as either nutrient burn or a potassium deficiency. (I'm leaning toward the latter.)

It has been four weeks since the last nutrients were top dressed (1 tbsp/gal of Gaia Green All Purpose) and two weeks since supplements were added (Epson Salts, Gypsum and Azomite). So, feeding them is on schedule.

They need to be watered either today or tomorrow.

So, what do you think?

I am thinking plain water this time or a low dose of the scheduled feeding, but maybe I should just feed them according to the plan. They're getting tall for the tent, so I need to prepare them for the flip soon.

The scheduled feeding would be 1 tbsp Epsom Salts, 1 tbsp Gypsum, 2 tbsp Azomite, 7 tbsp GGAP and 7 tbsp GGPB.

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Yeah start if K deficiency im not a organic or soil grower other than the n my garden so wont be much help.

If you have high amounts of Ca it can reduce availability of P and K and i do see some blueish hugh to some of those leaves which is why that cane to mind.

With potassium it can usually be linked to watering but I can’t say for sure the cause here.

Can you take a pic further back?
Can you take a pic further back?
Will do, and thanks. Will be back soon.

I transitioned the plants to @Shaded's organic Gaia Green method in early May when they were about a month old. I haven't used any synthetic nutrients; except I added a half dose of liquid FF Cal-Mag when they were last watered because they had been showing a Ca deficiency. So, you may be right about the Ca reducing the P and K. That may be what did this.

The soil is a mix of FFHF and FFOF with EWC and perlite.

I doubt it's due to overwatering. I'm careful about that and use a soil moisture meter to decide when to water. The plant in the picture was last watered on June 1st--nine days ago--and the meter is reading in the middle of the red.
Will do, and thanks. Will be back soon.

I transitioned the plants to @Shaded's organic Gaia Green method in early May when they were about a month old. I haven't used any synthetic nutrients; except I added a half dose of liquid FF Cal-Mag when they were last watered because they had been showing a Ca deficiency. So, you may be right about the Ca reducing the P and K. That may be what did this.

The soil is a mix of FFHF and FFOF with EWC and perlite.

I doubt it's due to overwatering. I'm careful about that and use a soil moisture meter to decide when to water. The plant in the picture was last watered on June 1st--nine days ago--and the meter is reading in the middle of the red.
99% of the time a Ca deficiency is not due to a lack of Ca but rather and uptake issue
That could well be the case. I didn't get off to a good start with these.

Here's a picture of the whole plant. I was planning to take off the large fan leaves near the top the next time I watered them.

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You can back the light off a bit to ease the demand on the plants until you get it sorted… that may be part of the issue
No more cal/mag...You don't need it until week 3 of flower . burnt tips I think is the result of adding the cal/mag in veg. I use this chart for nute demands1686434973630.png. I veg mine with a regular line of Gh 3part + flurolicious then start adding extra's as this chart shows in flower.
I would appreciate some advice.

These white tips suddenly worsened on the leaves of my Amnesia Haze. I've done some reading this morning and most describe this as either nutrient burn or a potassium deficiency. (I'm leaning toward the latter.)

It has been four weeks since the last nutrients were top dressed (1 tbsp/gal of Gaia Green All Purpose) and two weeks since supplements were added (Epson Salts, Gypsum and Azomite). So, feeding them is on schedule.

They need to be watered either today or tomorrow.

So, what do you think?

I am thinking plain water this time or a low dose of the scheduled feeding, but maybe I should just feed them according to the plan. They're getting tall for the tent, so I need to prepare them for the flip soon.

The scheduled feeding would be 1 tbsp Epsom Salts, 1 tbsp Gypsum, 2 tbsp Azomite, 7 tbsp GGAP and 7 tbsp GGPB.

View attachment 6677
i use gaia green i been top dressing every 3 weeks , i thought thats what shaded did every 3 weeks on gaia green and every 2 weeks on the other stuff but my mind is like living with amnesia lol
If you have high amounts of Ca it can reduce availability of P and K and i do see some blueish hugh to some of those leaves which is why that cane to mind.
I think this is the problem. Adding Ca to account for that deficiency could have tipped the balance.

You can back the light off a bit to ease the demand on the plants until you get it sorted… that may be part of the issue
I lowered the light by 10 Watts. I think you're right about it being part of the issue. This is my smaller tent, and I've found that there's less tolerance for variations of the climate settings.

@Rootsruler and @Pipecarver - Thanks for the charts.

I've decided to stay with @Shaded's schedule and the pre-flower mix. It adds GG Power Bloom that has increased P & K. I'll drop the liquid Cal-Mag, too.
I think this is the problem. Adding Ca to account for that deficiency could have tipped the balance.

I lowered the light by 10 Watts. I think you're right about it being part of the issue. This is my smaller tent, and I've found that there's less tolerance for variations of the climate settings.

@Rootsruler and @Pipecarver - Thanks for the charts.

I've decided to stay with @Shaded's schedule and the pre-flower mix. It adds GG Power Bloom that has increased P & K. I'll drop the liquid Cal-Mag, too.
Sounds like a good plan to me
i got some amenisa haze where did u get them ? mine are freebies from barney farm
I bought the seeds from SeedSupreme.com.

i use gaia green i been top dressing every 3 weeks , i thought thats what shaded did every 3 weeks on gaia green and every 2 weeks on the other stuff but my mind is like living with amnesia lol
That's close. His schedule adds Gaia Green every 4 weeks and the supplements every 2 weeks. I'm using the pre-flower mix this time because I want these to flower. They didn't grow well so I am eager to start a new run. I do want to try it, though.
I top dressed both plants with the pre-flower mix and then watered it in. The soil moisture was low, so both pots took about 3 quarts of water. The plants drooped after watering for the rest of their day and the tent humidity was high. I tweaked the exhaust fan to compensate.

That was yesterday. Today, both plants are happy. Now that they're doing well, I plan to defoliate today. There are some large fan leaves near the top that need to go.

I'm thinking these will be ready to flip in about a week.

They struggled so much when they were seedlings—due to poor initial soil, I believe. So, I'm glad to see them finally growing well and will be sad when it's time for the chop.

Here's a picture:

@Amnesia do you have any EWC or other microbial life in these pots? I only ask because of my stupidity from my last grow thinking that I could run without EWC. You will run into nutrient availability issues without EWC being part of the equation or getting microbes from compost etc.

From now on I am sticking to the 25% base EWC in my soil mix, and then I will be top dressing 1-2 cups of EWC every time I do the 4 week GG blocks.

@budsofmadison macros every 4 weeks (NPK) micros every 2 weeks 🤙
do you have any EWC or other microbial life in these pots?
Yes. These have 20% EWC. When I mixed the soil, I wasn't sure how much to use, so I followed the directions on the bag. I was going to use mycorrhizae when I transplanted to the final pots, but forgot to add it. I'll do better next time.

From now on I am sticking to the 25% base EWC in my soil mix, and then I will be top dressing 1-2 cups of EWC every time I do the 4 week GG blocks.
I like that idea. I mix the nutrients and supplements with soil for the top dressing. I could easily include some EWC.
Yes. These have 20% EWC. When I mixed the soil, I wasn't sure how much to use, so I followed the directions on the bag. I was going to use mycorrhizae when I transplanted to the final pots, but forgot to add it. I'll do better next time.

I like that idea. I mix the nutrients and supplements with soil for the top dressing. I could easily include some EWC.

What size are these pots? Not sure if that was posted but I missed it

"It has been four weeks since the last nutrients were top dressed (1 tbsp/gal of Gaia Green All Purpose)"

Just an FYI but 3 tbspn per gallon is what I recommend in my guide :) so you may very well be seeing a def creeping in.
What size are these pots? Not sure if that was posted but I missed it
5 gallon

"It has been four weeks since the last nutrients were top dressed (1 tbsp/gal of Gaia Green All Purpose)"

Just an FYI but 3 tbspn per gallon is what I recommend in my guide :) so you may very well be seeing a def creeping in.
I know. I decided to increase the nutrients gradually because the soil wasn't well prepared from the beginning and the plants weren't healthy. They're getting the full dose now and looking good.
Just so you guys know keep an eye out for your plants 4 weeks is an average . My first dry feed grow i either underfed or the plants needed more nutrients and I needed to feed at week 3 but let it go til week 4 and got a minor deficiency.
Just so you guys know keep an eye out for your plants 4 weeks is an average . My first dry feed grow i either underfed or the plants needed more nutrients and I needed to feed at week 3 but let it go til week 4 and got a minor deficiency.
I'm feeding them 1 week before the flip and 3 weeks afterward, with supplements in between.

The leaves still have white tips. I lowered the light intensity slightly about a week ago and am thinking about lowering it a bit more.
Those white tips are there to stay, they won't go away.
I've been watching the new growth. The tips have been looking better since the last feeding when they got more potassium. I'll post more pics in my grow diary in a few days.

My last grow i diagnosed it all as potassium problems, probably caused by an imbalance npk imo
Potassium deficiency seems to be a frequent problem. I know I've had my share of opportunities to learn how to diagnose it.
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