

Staff member
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 15, 2023
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I need help people.
All my clones leaves keep turning brown and rotting....
I thought too much moisture but Idfk why anymore, ive completely removed the dome and its still happening. Ill grab some pics in a sec, cloner is sitting in ambient light, on top of my pellet stove to stay warm so being too cold isnt an option. 20240118_070304.jpg20240118_070309.jpg
I wouldn't have known anything about it if it weren't for you mentioning/sending it to me.
I was curious of it's make up but couldn't really find much online about it.

I tried clonex and to be honest I liked the cinnamon powder method better, even if it is bro science lol, it worked better than clonex did for me😅
This will be my first set of aero roots but my other clones never really rooted up like crazy they just did what they wanted lol.

you got the power of Muddy Waters in your corner now!!!!!

if you buy anything from K4L make sure you sign up for their email. it's kinda like GPS, never pay full price!

i have bought almost everything they sell over the years.
Hey gs don’t forget to change that water out. The one major drawback to most cloners is heat rising from the pump and low o2 sats. It’s a baby hydro system so lower water temp and high o2 will be best case scenario

Or drop a tiny airstone in if you got one handy. Maybe it already has one?
Hey gs don’t forget to change that water out. The one major drawback to most cloners is heat rising from the pump and low o2 sats. It’s a baby hydro system so lower water temp and high o2 will be best case scenario

Or drop a tiny airstone in if you got one handy. Maybe it already has one?
No air stone in it.

Bandit was saying he's run this on his porch in 90-100 degree weather and set roots in 6 or 7 days so idk 🤷🏻
I guess we will see what happens lol
The aeroponics provides all the needed air. No need for an air stone in an Ez Clone machine

Hmmm. So how does the o2 get in there to replace what the plants use if the root zone is sealed? And you are sealing in co2 which can throw off ph via carbonic acid. Or am I missing something? Reference : have one too.
Hmmm. So how does the o2 get in there to replace what the plants use if the root zone is sealed? And you are sealing in co2 which can throw off ph via carbonic acid. Or am I missing something? Reference : have one too.

i always assumed that because the water was always splashing around and mixing with air constantly that thats what created the O2. i always looked at areocloners like a fountain in a fish pond and they create a ton of O2 in a pond.
Hmmm. So how does the o2 get in there to replace what the plants use if the root zone is sealed? And you are sealing in co2 which can throw off ph via carbonic acid. Or am I missing something? Reference : have one too.

The action is fluming. Similar to how a pond is aerated


The same thing happens in an aerocloner.
The 8 gallons of water is what keeps the pump from heating the water too much. That's where bucket cloners often fail is due to too low of a water volume. Ideally, those should be made from 7 gallon buckets and not 5 or 3.

There's no need to change the water but only top it off when needed and even then that's not really needed since the whole process is usually complete inside of 10 days. The water may drop an inch if that in that time
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No air stone in it.

Bandit was saying he's run this on his porch in 90-100 degree weather and set roots in 6 or 7 days so idk 🤷🏻
I guess we will see what happens lol

One of the clones from that Summer.:cool:


The cutting was taken from a commercial landscape and rooted in that machine out on my deck, set in the shade where temps exceeded 90+. It's about 5 years later and the plant is doing very well.
Warmth is an ally in aerocloning. I liked running that machine in the low to mid 80s since that always gave me best results and microbial cloning does not like cold water. Too cool and the process stalls out and clones rot and die.
I kept the cloner running for about a month that Summer, topping it off and adding more plants as it went along.
The action is fluming. Similar to how a pond is aerated

View attachment 61967

The same thing happens in an aerocloner.
The 8 gallons of water is what keeps the pump from heating the water too much. That's where bucket cloners often fail is due to too low of a water volume. Ideally, those should be made from 7 gallon buckets and not 5 or 3.

There's no need to change the water but only top it off when needed and even then that's not really needed since the whole process is usually complete inside of 10 days. The water may drop an inch if that in that time

not saying you should, but i've had the same water in my cloner for over six months already just topping off when needed. when i was perpetual cloning i didn't have opportunity to dump and refill.


my ONLY beef with areocloners are you mist keep the water filtered of debri. when roots fall off and go through the pump they gunk up those sprayers... i used to keep a short piece of wire handy and just poke them out once a week.

my favorite cloner does not use those sprayer heads thus being the reason it's my favorite!!!!! :)
not saying you should, but i've had the same water in my cloner for over six months already just topping off when needed. when i was perpetual cloning i didn't have opportunity to dump and refill.


my ONLY beef with areocloners are you mist keep the water filtered of debri. when roots fall off and go through the pump they gunk up those sprayers... i used to keep a short piece of wire handy and just poke them out once a week.

my favorite cloner does not use those sprayer heads thus being the reason it's my favorite!!!!! :)

I remember doing some real wacky shit with that machine. Just leaving xtra clones in it to veg and go as long as they want then getting a root ball so big it didn't fit thru the hole so I had to cut it off. I don't think I ever had an experiment fail and a plant die. They just kept growing.
Once they get going it's like a stew and you can keep that thing on simmer and just keep adding stuff to make more stew every day.

Only trouble I ever had was cloning roses. But just about every plant I stuck in there would pop roots and those that didn't I found out later were not ideal for cloning. Things like cactus and succulents but everything else popped roots
my ONLY beef with areocloners are you mist keep the water filtered of debri. when roots fall off and go through the pump they gunk up those sprayers... i used to keep a short piece of wire handy and just poke them out once a weweek.
I ordered 100 nozzles when I got my bucket and bandit sent me another 100ct bag. idk how many are still in it but it looks close to 100 anyways so thats 1 thing I'm not terribly worried about.
I have plenty of wire too so no issues there either lol
The action is fluming. Similar to how a pond is aerated

View attachment 61967

The same thing happens in an aerocloner.
The 8 gallons of water is what keeps the pump from heating the water too much. That's where bucket cloners often fail is due to too low of a water volume. Ideally, those should be made from 7 gallon buckets and not 5 or 3.

There's no need to change the water but only top it off when needed and even then that's not really needed since the whole process is usually complete inside of 10 days. The water may drop an inch if that in that time
Hey bud, not disputing the thing works. At all. Like I said, I run one too. I've only found one way better.

Fountain aerators work because of the exchange of atmospheric O2 both in the spray and by turning the surface.

In a closed box with roots actively pulling O2 from it, (this is really only an issue once roots form) you will deplete the O2. I've measured it.

I guess if you plan to take them out once roots form that depletion never happens. What starts out in the box both as DO and in the airspace is enough until that point. But to grow roots the size you showed a pic of, there is no way your DO is not well below 8.

If your are running biologics they eat O2 as well.

Roots still grow at 6. At 3 you are starving them and they will absolutely protest.

At least in my neck of the woods that's what I have found.
not saying you should, but i've had the same water in my cloner for over six months already just topping off when needed. when i was perpetual cloning i didn't have opportunity to dump and refill.


my ONLY beef with areocloners are you mist keep the water filtered of debri. when roots fall off and go through the pump they gunk up those sprayers... i used to keep a short piece of wire handy and just poke them out once a week.

my favorite cloner does not use those sprayer heads thus being the reason it's my favorite!!!!! :)
Is your box fully sealed or do you have air exchange? Like leave some collars out? Or is there a vent?
Hey bud, not disputing the thing works. At all. Like I said, I run one too. I've only found one way better.

Fountain aerators work because of the exchange of atmospheric O2 both in the spray and by turning the surface.

In a closed box with roots actively pulling O2 from it, (this is really only an issue once roots form) you will deplete the O2. I've measured it.

I guess if you plan to take them out once roots form that depletion never happens. What starts out in the box both as DO and in the airspace is enough until that point. But to grow roots the size you showed a pic of, there is no way your DO is not well below 8.

If your are running biologics they eat O2 as well.

Roots still grow at 6. At 3 you are starving them and they will absolutely protest.

At least in my neck of the woods that's what I have found.

I really don't get into all of that because it seems to complicate and over-think the process.
However the box is not sealed so air can pass in and out of it. Where you see the cord go in you'll also see water seeping into that gap then fall back into the rez. If water can get there then air can as well. These things are far from being an air tight sealed container.
I really don't get into all of that because it seems to complicate and over-think the process.
However the box is not sealed so air can pass in and out of it. Where you see the cord go in you'll also see water seeping into that gap then fall back into the rez. If water can get there then air can as well. These things are far from being a air tight sealed container.
OK missed that. Mine is sealed unless I leave collars out on top.
OK missed that. Mine is sealed unless I leave collars out on top.
G$ will have to take a pic but yeah there's no seal or gasket around the edges of the rez or the top. It's kind of a shelf and lip the top rests on and the lip prevents the water from leaking out of the machine. You'll see water seepage all along that edge and then more in the gap where the cord enters.
His machine is Gen2. What's out now is gen3 and I don't see seals on those either.

If lack of oxygen was any kind of concern then maybe a hard plastic straw in one of the collars would be all that's needed to unseal it then rely on the fluming for the aeration but I can tell Y'all from experience with that machine he's using, no airstone or injected air is needed with it
Is your box fully sealed or do you have air exchange? Like leave some collars out? Or is there a vent?

it's not even close to sealed... air holes are all over. and i've grown clones into full blown plants in the thing. two of my last two harvested plants were grown in it before i put them in soil.

but i also use a different nozzle than most i feel i get more O2 from mine.. and not just a one off.. i've used this thing for years!!
I was going to suggest leaving a foam piece out or running an air line through one if the unit was sealed.

If a collar is pulled out it will spray water out of the machine and go dry and make a good size mess. You could run an airline thru a collar hole but then you have a PITA hassle when lifting the lid having that line connecting the two like a tether
i'd wait and see what happens without it.... if you got the little white bumps on their tushies then it won't be long!!!!
Gonna have too anyway!
I forgot my cat knocked the pump to my fish tank down and the check valve failed so it filled with water. So my pump I got for my water is on the fish tank lol.
The action is fluming. Similar to how a pond is aerated

View attachment 61967

The same thing happens in an aerocloner.
The 8 gallons of water is what keeps the pump from heating the water too much. That's where bucket cloners often fail is due to too low of a water volume. Ideally, those should be made from 7 gallon buckets and not 5 or 3.

There's no need to change the water but only top it off when needed and even then that's not really needed since the whole process is usually complete inside of 10 days. The water may drop an inch if that in that time
Thank you for pointing that out. I was going for 5 gallons glad I didn’t buy the bin yet!
i struggle with growing water lily's man!! i'm like ohh for five i think... seriously..
Oh shit so apparently they don't just grow? They're everywhere up here and take over entire ponds and small lakes about August so I figured they kinda just grew wherever lol
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