

Staff member
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Apr 15, 2023
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I need help people.
All my clones leaves keep turning brown and rotting....
I thought too much moisture but Idfk why anymore, ive completely removed the dome and its still happening. Ill grab some pics in a sec, cloner is sitting in ambient light, on top of my pellet stove to stay warm so being too cold isnt an option. 20240118_070304.jpg20240118_070309.jpg
Oh shit so apparently they don't just grow? They're everywhere up here and take over entire ponds and small lakes about August so I figured they kinda just grew wherever lol

oh if i had them around me like that i'd snag em for sure. to buy them at the store already started they cost like $50... f'k dat!

No it’s a whole process to get them started.

you got that right... delicate little things!!!
I ordered 100 nozzles when I got my bucket and bandit sent me another 100ct bag. idk how many are still in it but it looks close to 100 anyways so thats 1 thing I'm not terribly worried about.
I have plenty of wire too so no issues there either lol

EzClone sells a product called Clear Rez which is pretty much an internal cleaner for the machine.
After a run you dump the cloning solution then fill the machine with plain water and add in the clear rez. Run it for a day or two and it will clean the inside of the manifold and sprayers.
After, dump the water and turn everything upside down to drain and dry then it's ready to stow away.

OK missed that. Mine is sealed unless I leave collars out on top.
Here's what I'm talking about with the vent on an EzClone.
In the upper left corner is that dugout where the cord runs thru to the inside but it's way larger than just a hole for a cord and you can see the shelf and lip design and how the lid sits on top but there's no seal. It would take a lot of work to make this thing air tight....


I am curious about what machine you're using now.
I sent G$ my Ezclone because I needed a larger machine and for it to also be a low rider.
I went with a TurboClone and it's still in the box for now but I cannot tell if it's sealed or not. The hole for the cord looks to be sized just for the cord so no extra venting there. Doesn't look like there's a gasket or anything that locks the lid down but weight of the lid may be all that's needed to create a seal. If this is the case I'll likely fall back to the idea of putting hard plastic or stainless steel drinking straws in a few collars to let it vent.


But yeah I'm curious if yours is a TurboKlone, another brand, or DIY?

Thank you for pointing that out. I was going for 5 gallons glad I didn’t buy the bin yet!

I've built a lot of bucket and tote cloners over the years and when it comes to water capacity even for a small machine, more is better.

However when going with a small bucket it is possible but there's some tricks to it.
You would cut holes to fit a 2" net cup rather than a neoprene collar. Remove some of the ribs of the netcup and instead of going bare root, you would use a 2" rockwool plug.
This will allow you to put the pump on a timer, 15 on, 30-60 off, and it will not overheat the water but still keep the stem moist.
The result would look something like this


On that machine I cut out every rib on the netcup except for about six. Just enough to support the rockwool plug but wide open enough so the roots would not get tangled in the ribs.
Using 2" netcups this type of cloner can comfortably fit 6 sites but it's possible to pack up to 8 in there.

I'm curious though...What's your budget for this project and how many sites will you need on your machine?
Going the DIY route with a bucket and needing a pump, manifold, collars, and sprayers it's probably gonna be around a $30-$50 build.

Viagrow makes a decent machine priced slightly above that. I've used this machine in the past and it's good machine that gets results however the top plastic is on the thin side of life and not as sturdy as a bucket lid or what EzClone and TurboKlone offers

The other option which is where I bought G$'s machine originally is buying used off Ebay.
Used is a good option because really you're wanting the plastic and manifold so used or new doesn't really matter much there as long as there's no cracks and it's cleaned up well before using.
The pump can always be swapped out for a new and less expensive one which is also what I did with G$'s machine.
If this machine is within your budget, I'd highly consider making this guy an offer of $100 and see where it goes from there just for the quality upgrade over a bucket cloner, Viagrow, or knockoff machine.
Another tip I recommend with aerocloners is to have a spare pump on hand. I've had my fair share of pumps fail, even the original EZclone pump went tits up on me so having a spare at the ready can prevent losing a whole batch of clones if a pump fails

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EzClone sells a product called Clear Rez which is pretty much an internal cleaner for the machine.
After a run you dump the cloning solution then fill the machine with plain water and add in the clear rez. Run it for a day or two and it will clean the inside of the manifold and sprayers.
After, dump the water and turn everything upside down to drain and dry then it's ready to stow away.

Here's what I'm talking about with the vent on an EzClone.
In the upper left corner is that dugout where the cord runs thru to the inside but it's way larger than just a hole for a cord and you can see the shelf and lip design and how the lid sits on top but there's no seal. It would take a lot of work to make this thing air tight....

View attachment 62056

I am curious about what machine you're using now.
I sent G$ my Ezclone because I needed a larger machine and for it to also be a low rider.
I went with a TurboClone and it's still in the box for now but I cannot tell if it's sealed or not. The hole for the cord looks to be sized just for the cord so no extra venting there. Doesn't look like there's a gasket or anything that locks the lid down but weight of the lid may be all that's needed to create a seal. If this is the case I'll likely fall back to the idea of putting hard plastic or stainless steel drinking straws in a few collars to let it vent.

View attachment 62062

But yeah I'm curious if yours is a TurboKlone, another brand, or DIY?

I've built a lot of bucket and tote cloners over the years and when it comes to water capacity even for a small machine, more is better.

However when going with a small bucket it is possible but there's some tricks to it.
You would cut holes to fit a 2" net cup rather than a neoprene collar. Remove some of the ribs of the netcup and instead of going bare root, you would use a 2" rockwool plug.
This will allow you to put the pump on a timer, 15 on, 30-60 off, and it will not overheat the water but still keep the stem moist.
The result would look something like this

View attachment 62061

On that machine I cut out every rib on the netcup except for about six. Just enough to support the rockwool plug but wide open enough so the roots would not get tangled in the ribs.
Using 2" netcups this type of cloner can comfortably fit 6 sites but it's possible to pack up to 8 in there.

I'm curious though...What's your budget for this project and how many sites will you need on your machine?
Going the DIY route with a bucket and needing a pump, manifold, collars, and sprayers it's probably gonna be around a $30-$50 build.

Viagrow makes a decent machine priced slightly above that. I've used this machine in the past and it's good machine that gets results however the top plastic is on the thin side of life and not as sturdy as a bucket lid or what EzClone and TurboKlone offers

The other option which is where I bought G$'s machine originally is buying used off Ebay.
Used is a good option because really you're wanting the plastic and manifold so used or new doesn't really matter much there as long as there's no cracks and it's cleaned up well before using.
The pump can always be swapped out for a new and less expensive one which is also what I did with G$'s machine.
If this machine is within your budget, I'd highly consider making this guy an offer of $100 and see where it goes from there just for the quality upgrade over a bucket cloner, Viagrow, or knockoff machine.
Another tip I recommend with aerocloners is to have a spare pump on hand. I've had my fair share of pumps fail, even the original EZclone pump went tits up on me so having a spare at the ready can prevent losing a whole batch of clones if a pump fails


I’ve got most of everything laying around. Pump, 2 inch net pots, PVC and 360 sprayers. I really only need a larger bin and the neoprene collars and to build the manifold. Was wanting to do 12-14 sites. With only needing 20 dollars or less of materials, I’m gonna give it a go. Then if that fails I’ll go the manufactured route.

I need smaller but $250 is nuts to me. A 9 hole would be perfect I think. Small compact square. Leave in the tent shelf or move as needed.

I couldn’t even find the neoprene pucks local to put in my red coffee can cloner. Foam doesn’t quite grab the stems. But it does work. G$ used one to keep them alive until the new cloner got there.

I’ll keep any eye open for used smaller ones.

I know these things aren’t needed. But man do they make life easier. My “I would like” list keeps growing watching these threads. 🤣🤦
View attachment 62063

I need smaller but $250 is nuts to me. A 9 hole would be perfect I think. Small compact square. Leave in the tent shelf or move as needed.

I couldn’t even find the neoprene pucks local to put in my red coffee can cloner. Foam doesn’t quite grab the stems. But it does work. G$ used one to keep them alive until the new cloner got there.

I’ll keep any eye open for used smaller ones.

I know these things aren’t needed. But man do they make life easier. My “I would like” list keeps growing watching these threads. 🤣🤦

They definitely get the Because it's for growing pot mark up on pricing.
Given that, if I was legal this is the field I'd be in. Selling clones.
I paid $250 for my 96 site machine but imagine using it to sell clones at $10-$25 a pop? Pretty much like owning a gold mine. + no hassles of testing, selling, or processing flower.
Be a force like Burpee or something. Multi million dollar biz selling tomato starter plants & seeds but doesn't sell a single tomato
They definitely get the Because it's for growing pot mark up on pricing.
Given that, if I was legal this is the field I'd be in. Selling clones.
I paid $250 for my 96 site machine but imagine using it to sell clones at $10-$25 a pop? Pretty much like owning a gold mine. + no hassles of testing, selling, or processing flower.
Be a force like Burpee or something. Multi million dollar biz selling tomato starter plants & seeds but doesn't sell a single tomato
Tempting but we have enough trouble with the city. Besides I give all my extra clones and seeds away. I just like seeing new growers get started and sharing my hobby.

But a few years down the road I might charge for consultations and give away free clones. 🤔🤣
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I don't use this much anymore, because of the issues I mentioned. I use a fog cloner for the most part now. It gets really bad if you try to use all 36 sites.

This one is definitely sealed, and has a much smaller water volume. My guess is yours works well because of the size, water volume, and some air exchange.

If anyone out there is looking at this thread and has some setup similar to mine, a tiny airstone will make it work fine. Just pushes atmospheric into the res to allow for the aeration Bandit mentioned earlier with the pond spray system.
Success!! So just all ambient light, temp and rh? Just set it and forget it?
Just the K4L cloning powder at 1/4tsp per gallon and let it run.
I don't even know the room parameters, I know it's warm and humid in there. I leave the light on over them all day and turn it off at 1am when I go to bed and back on at 5 or 6am when I get up
Yeah but I have to cut all new ones. Getting the same browning on a couple cuts.
Not sure if it's the water again or what, I was at the store today and realized I got spring water not purified water 🤷🏻

Spring water will work too. Main thing is not have all that chlorine in it.
You get the temps back up or still trying to do this in the 60s? Cold is a clone killer
Spring water will work too. Main thing is not have all that chlorine in it.
You get the temps back up or still trying to do this in the 60s? Cold is a clone killer
It's the only room I don't have a hygrometer in, but the rest of my house is 72-76 so I'd imagine it's in that range or warmer being the laundry room.
It's only the less rooted ones doing it too so idk, it's just weird lol
It's the only room I don't have a hygrometer in, but the rest of my house is 72-76 so I'd imagine it's in that range or warmer being the laundry room.
It's only the less rooted ones doing it too so idk, it's just weird lol

That machine is very forgiving but it needs it's basic needs met to be successful.
RH really does not matter too much since it's aero. As long as you're not in in a dry desert climate roots will set anywhere from 40%-80% RH.

Temps do matter though. A lot. It needs to be warm. If room temp is in the low 70s then the water is probably colder than that. This all needs to be up in the low to mid 80s

Clones do require light. Not a lot but at least something like a 20 watt CFL or in a veg space off to the side where it can get light but not the full intensity of a main vegging light.

Here's pics from the last time I used that machine. September 2023 and I had just pulled it out of storage without any prechecks and ran it. After the fact I found the machine had all but one sprayers clogged and still set roots....

Here I had it in my veg space but set on the floor away from direct light and almost under a table of vegging plants. Temps were in the high 80s


As the project moved along, the machine was in the way in that spot so I moved it next to my water tank where it would stay for the next week or so


And voila! 10 days in, only one nozzle working, temps are warm, RH unchecked, no pH check or adjustment, and it works!


The main thing there was just keeping it warm and consistent with no temp swings and a steady indirect light cycle of 18 on 6 off. The more you can make the environment consistent and in line with propagating plants the better and faster it will work
This all needs to be up in the low to mid 80s
Not gonna happen inside then, that's just too hot for a house and no room in my tent.
Clones do require light.
I leave the light on in the room, seems to be enough.

Just gonna chop all new ones and forget saving everything or sending anyone clones cause I can't figure this shit out apparently.
So I'm over it.
Tired of beating my head against the wall 🧱 🤷🏻
Not gonna happen inside then, that's just too hot for a house and no room in my tent.

I leave the light on in the room, seems to be enough.

Just gonna chop all new ones and forget saving everything or sending anyone clones cause I can't figure this shit out apparently.
So I'm over it.
Tired of beating my head against the wall 🧱 🤷🏻
I do clones with just a "Root Riot" plug in a Super Sprouter, w/dome for 5-6 days, then as I gradually open dome for a day I will remove dome. Roots form soon, and I transplant to 3-5 gal material bags, I cut the clone, then an X on the bottom, sides are razed with scapel also., into Clonex gel dip and into root riot, get it?
I do clones with just a "Root Riot" plug in a Super Sprouter, w/dome for 5-6 days, then as I gradually open dome for a day I will remove dome. Roots form soon, and I transplant to 3-5 gal material bags, I cut the clone, then an X on the bottom, sides are razed with scapel also., into Clonex gel dip and into root riot, get it?
That's how this thread started out lol.
I just hate clones
I pulled them all out and tossed them.
They were all going to end up like this, yet the fk again. Already tossed 4 over the last 5 days. And 3 more got it this morning so I tossed them all.
Cut fresh i guess. Idfk. 20240626_090822.jpg
Nothing was slimey either, all healthy white fishbone looking roots so idfk what the hell is going on but I'm really just ready to start throwing shit, this is really pissing me off lol.
I've changed soooo much and nothing but the same issue ever and iver and over again regardless of the method...

So what virus or pathogen causes this shit? No way it's the methods used cause they all work for people.
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