

Staff member
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Apr 15, 2023
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I need help people.
All my clones leaves keep turning brown and rotting....
I thought too much moisture but Idfk why anymore, ive completely removed the dome and its still happening. Ill grab some pics in a sec, cloner is sitting in ambient light, on top of my pellet stove to stay warm so being too cold isnt an option. 20240118_070304.jpg20240118_070309.jpg
Ime colder temps aren't ideal for cloning, I love my diy aero cloner.
But in winter I need a small heater to get use from it.

For successful cloning in cold weather I use a tub, bucket or box just something that you can get some heat built up.
Im using this atm, it's not fancy but it works, it gets enough heat from the t5s above them. prop is busy atm keeping seedlings warmed or I'd be using that, a hight top propagator would be ideal for your purpose goodshit.


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The room they're in is humid as hell already and I don't know if you need a dome with an aero cloner.

I think they get all they need from below.
would make sense, i think as long as the stems dont get dry, / timer is right, theyll have water to keep em up, id think, unless super dry

Trying this again.
Had some help from @Bandit420

He sent me his old cloner last fall, and some Kelp4Less cloning powder.

7 gallons of purified water,
1¾ tsp Cloning powder and off we go.

So far so good. View attachment 61581

And that's all there is to it! Now ya just wait. You got this Buddy!!

Correct in that no dome is needed and it's to run 24/7.
Good to see that machine in good hands and getting some use. That thing has treated me very well over the years and I know it will for you as well
And that's all there is to it! Now ya just wait. You got this Buddy!!

Correct in that no dome is needed and it's to run 24/7.
Good to see that machine in good hands and getting some use. That thing has treated me very well over the years and I know it will for you as well
I'm glad you sent it, for real. Thank you!
That bucket I had is nothing compared to what this is!
I'm 2 days in and everything is perky and praying at the light. No nasty brown goo like before, just happy happy cuts.
I'm glad you sent it, for real. Thank you!
That bucket I had is nothing compared to what this is!
I'm 2 days in and everything is perky and praying at the light. No nasty brown goo like before, just happy happy cuts.

Haha yeah I know what you mean. I've built several bucket cloners...even made one inside a R2D2 store display cooler and they will "work" but there's just something about an EzClone machine and the way they run. And purified water with that K4L stuff is like playing poker and holding all the aces.

Sounds like your batch there is well on it's way to 100% success in 7-10 days. Maybe start checking at day 5 for bumps.
Haha yeah I know what you mean. I've built several bucket cloners...even made one inside a R2D2 store display cooler and they will "work" but there's just something about an EzClone machine and the way they run. And purified water with that K4L stuff is like playing poker and holding all the aces.

Sounds like your batch there is well on it's way to 100% success in 7-10 days. Maybe start checking at day 5 for bumps.
Hell yeah! I took a peak at the stems this morning for shits and gigs and they all look really good. Nothing is changing colors or looking rough so I'm thinking this is gonna go well!
There are definitely cuts in there I do not want to lose. Like the Grape Gas specifically lol. So this needs to work lol 😆
Hell yeah! I took a peak at the stems this morning for shits and gigs and they all look really good. Nothing is changing colors or looking rough so I'm thinking this is gonna go well!
There are definitely cuts in there I do not want to lose. Like the Grape Gas specifically lol. So this needs to work lol 😆

just before roots pop you'll notice small white bumps forming on the stems, roots normally follow in a day or two of that. 🙃
One of my clones has 3 tiny little white dots on it 🙏🏼
They all look wicked healthy too!

That's cool Man!
I woke up a bit ago and one of the first things to come to mind was wondering how your clones were doing 'cuz you might be starting to see some action today so I logged on to ask.
So happy to see this working for you. Nothing like getting that cloning mojo back!

That's cool Man!
I woke up a bit ago and one of the first things to come to mind was wondering how your clones were doing 'cuz you might be starting to see some action today so I logged on to ask.
So happy to see this working for you. Nothing like getting that cloning mojo back!

I'm super happy it's working so well, I would've never known about this K4L stuff without your help and it just seems sooo easy.
I now think for sure that my water has been the culprit the entire time. The water here just has too much chlorine for un rooted plants.
I'm super happy it's working so well, I would've never known about this K4L stuff without your help and it just seems sooo easy.
I now think for sure that my water has been the culprit the entire time. The water here just has too much chlorine for un rooted plants.

Most cloning agents are a concoction of nitrates, vitamin B, and or hormones.
There's often a gel dip or powder involved, pHing and a basic balance of water chemistry to get them to perform.

K4L is a microbial agent similar to a mychorrizae inoculate and is pretty much cloning with living water so that's why water purity is necessary.
This type of cloning flies under the radar for most as it's usually not a common option available in hydroshops or from nute companies.
The other part to it is the aero method. For whatever reason, microbes love to go shooting thru sprayer heads. Even out in landscaping and farming when microbials are introduced for some reason hose end sprayer applications work best of all other applications.

So when you use this stuff in an aerocloner, you're basically making them extremely happy and vigorous and when that happens, they do wonders for plant roots. It's really an amazing science both in performance and simplicity.

I'd encourage anybody to try this out and even take the Pepsi challenge with it and put it up against Clonex, Olivias, willow water,and even H&G Root Excellerator. In my tests, it wiped the floor with all those spendy options and grew roots like Bob Marley's dreadlocks!
And it lasts a long time. My first bag lasted 5 years!

clone 3.jpg
Most cloning agents are a concoction of nitrates, vitamin B, and or hormones.
There's often a gel dip or powder involved, pHing and a basic balance of water chemistry to get them to perform.

K4L is a microbial agent similar to a mychorrizae inoculate and is pretty much cloning with living water so that's why water purity is necessary.
This type of cloning flies under the radar for most as it's usually not a common option available in hydroshops or from nute companies.
The other part to it is the aero method. For whatever reason, microbes love to go shooting thru sprayer heads. Even out in landscaping and farming when microbials are introduced for some reason hose end sprayer applications work best of all other applications.

So when you use this stuff in an aerocloner, you're basically making them extremely happy and vigorous and when that happens, they do wonders for plant roots. It's really an amazing science both in performance and simplicity.

I'd encourage anybody to try this out and even take the Pepsi challenge with it and put it up against Clonex, Olivias, willow water,and even H&G Root Excellerator. In my tests, it wiped the floor with all those spendy options and grew roots like Bob Marley's dreadlocks!
And it lasts a long time. My first bag lasted 5 years!

View attachment 61930
I wouldn't have known anything about it if it weren't for you mentioning/sending it to me.
I was curious of it's make up but couldn't really find much online about it.

I tried clonex and to be honest I liked the cinnamon powder method better, even if it is bro science lol, it worked better than clonex did for me😅
This will be my first set of aero roots but my other clones never really rooted up like crazy they just did what they wanted lol.
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