Wow trump got convicted.
But by whom? I keep hearing about how the DOJ. Biden, Democrats, etc. did this to further their political aspirations. I'm going to agree to that to a degree but....

12 people in a jury box convicted him. Just like any other citizen that had done the same thing. The short deliberation should tell you everything you need to know about whether he did what he did with the intent they are accusing him of. This is his first felony conviction. No jail time for him. He'll be fined a pittance that his donors will end up paying and maybe get some home confinement. The only thing that would actually affect him would be if he had to do community service. That would be embarrassing but certainly not out of the ordinary for someone not getting any jail time.

This whole circus has just solidified my view that justice is not the aim of the justice system. Obedience is what they are after. The phrase "No one is above the law" is propaganda the rich want everyone to believe so that they forget that money buys freedom from accountability.
I see us on a run away train with wide eyed cartoon psychopaths in the engine room and were all in the caboose. Someone has to fight there way up front and derail this bitch. Superman where are you now?
I think that is a 100% correct analogy!
This whole circus has just solidified my view that justice is not the aim of the justice system. Obedience is what they are after. The phrase "No one is above the law" is propaganda the rich want everyone to believe so that they forget that money buys freedom from accountability.
100% right on!👍
It's not your fault if you won't defend one of those bafoons.
You can sit at the kids table with me.
I haven't voted for the poor choices we get since Perot either.
America loves being the victim and losing..
That's why we chose losers and con artist.

I’ve only voted against the dip shits going after our firearms. (Because we all know legal gun owners are to blame. 🤦)

So maybe the last two or three elections. None of them keep promises that don’t bolster votes for the next election.

Mayor, Provincial Leader, or Prime Minister. Doesn’t matter. All self serving in the end.
I see us on a run away train with wide eyed cartoon psychopaths in the engine room and were all in the caboose. Someone has to fight there way up front and derail this bitch. Superman where are you now?
Not gonna happen. The bootlickers in Congress will continue to support a felon along with his lies as long as he can continue convincing his base that he is being persecuted unfairly which goes against all sane convention. He's been civilly convicted of being a sexual predator and defamation of his victim. Twice. By a jury. He's been civilly convicted of fraud. Now he's been criminally convicted, by a jury, of falsifying business records with the suggestion that it was in furtherance of his 2016 campaign. Essentially, fraud. Again. And the jury, again, convicted him. Starting to see a pattern here?

His complaint about his civil fraud case was that it was unfair because he was not allowed a jury. Now he's had a jury. Same outcome. My take in the civil fraud case is, Engoron, after reviewing the evidence both parties were presenting, pre trial, saw how obvious the outcome of this case was and decided to go straight to sentencing. Happens every day to people that aren't named Trump. It was the NY AG Leticia James office that told Engoron that they wanted to give Trump the opportunity to at least have his day in court and be able to present his argument, however weak or strong it was. This is what right wing media leaves out whenever they point fingers at the "enemy" and how unfairly Trump is being treated.

The little time I spend tuning into opinion news is mostly based on the business model they use. Money drives the business. Viewership drives the money. Anger and frustration drive viewership. Wanna guess what the programming plan is for media to get you to tune in?
You really expected anything less? Not me. Biased judge that contributes to the Biden regime. His Daughter works raising money for the communist, yet he refuses to recuse himself. Charges never stated, refuses to allow the defendants witnesses. Star witnesses is an old has been ho that owes Trump a half a million, other star witness a convicted and jailed perjurer that admitted he stole money from the defendant. Defendant is silenced and not allowed a rebuttal at the end of trial. I expected nothing less.
This country has gone to shit, while everyone stands back and watches it happen. Families struggling to eat and going without medication and medical care, so they can take our money to support house and feed terrorists as potential voters for a weak demented man. Beautiful progressive cities laying in ruins, streets covered in shit puke and bloody addicts rotting away from a drug induced zombie virus. Criminals, both murderers and rapist of children turned loose to face no prosecution for their crimes.
Not the country I know, love and grew up in. Fuck Joe Biden.
Couldn’t have said it any better.
It’s the greatest country on Earth, have you been to any others?
I have been around the world literally 3 times. Been to countless countries and yes we are the greatest of them all. But we are on a self destructive glide path with a constant bearing and decreasing range into an oncoming freight train of implosion. Yesterday was not only a bad day for the country but also the entire world. We are no longer that pillar of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It was some 3rd world news for sure. This is exactly how the cabal has ruined lesser people's lives as well. Relentless persecution. We're gonna make sure you are guilty of something. Then the mouth piece media does the rest of the defamation.

What can be expected though of a self serving entity (us govt) that has writ the rule, allowing themselves to extort money from the paychecks of all her people. They exempted themselves from the extortion by signing law to allow them to legally extort....but no one else can lol. I hate it, it's ornery
I have been around the world literally 3 times. Been to countless countries and yes we are the greatest of them all. But we are on a self destructive glide path with a constant bearing and decreasing range into an oncoming freight train of implosion. Yesterday was not only a bad day for the country but also the entire world. We are no longer that pillar of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
See the B.R.I.C.S. nations buying physical asset's has me worried, our currency is going down fast. Watch oil, assets,water. Yes, America needs a Superman for sure!
Planted one sweet pepper this morning. The other I crushed with the iPhone.🤦

Seems peppers are not as resilient as cannabis. I dropped the Purple Diesel on its head, from three feet up, and it bounced back in 24-48 hours.

This will conclude the seedling drop tests this season. I hope. 😝
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Coffee on the porch this morning. Kids are just starting to move around, they are fixing to come hit me up for biscuits and gravy. One of the things they all want when they come home. 🏠 Until they find me though…. 💨 💨 💨
See the B.R.I.C.S. nations buying physical asset's has me worried, our currency is going down fast. Watch oil, assets,water. Yes, America needs a Superman for sure!
I think they are out there but who in there right mind would want to enter that jungle from the safety of the own comfortable lives. The system seems designed to keep those that are in the inside in and those outside out. I think there are some strong smart leaders out there that are too smart to want to enter politics.....If I were King things would change around here boy, I tell you....wheres my crown, I gots me some king work to be done!
For the last few days our peonies perfume had been getting stronger. Ants going crazy at the bud sites.

When I planted the pepper the buds on the peonies hadn’t opened yet. This was about noon.


I like to pick one now and then for a rose bowl. Looks great and the aroma, although strong, is pleasant and fills the main floor. Makes the wife happy but I secretly enjoy it.

Just turn them upside down first and lightly shake. Ants are going to be all over and you won’t See them all. 🌺👍
I just saw an ad for this stuff,,,thoughts?.....$10 bucks a bag, free shipping ( Usa) feed and forget except to water...not for me and a 2 week veg? but gimmick? plausible?View attachment 59912
That time released stuff scares the heck outta me. But, if you try it…let us know!
Sitting up to my elbows in the Bud bin with a sharp pair of nippers. Life is good good in the woods hood!
Found out today that I’ll be attending a wedding soon. The youngest is getting married! Last one to “jump the broom”, thought she was gonna just never do it.
That time released stuff scares the heck outta me. But, if you try it…let us know!
Sitting up to my elbows in the Bud bin with a sharp pair of nippers. Life is good good in the woods hood!
Found out today that I’ll be attending a wedding soon. The youngest is getting married! Last one to “jump the broom”, thought she was gonna just never do it.
I agree. Maybe it's the control freak in me but I prefer controlling the amount of nutrient my plants get rather than hope that the time release is releasing enough.

Congratulations! Be careful you don't catch the bouquet! 😄

Anyone else clean their dogs teeth with one of these? I make a healthy toothpaste as well but don’t use it every cleaning.

Willow is smaller than my past dogs. She’s okay with this but getting the inside back teeth is difficult. Tooth brushes don’t work for us. The treat or chew type just seem to be either food or flavoured sandpaper. Considering doping her water…🤣

Anyone have another tool or trick that they use?

Nails are next…she must know…I can’t find her. 🐕
View attachment 60038

Anyone else clean their dogs teeth with one of these? I make a healthy toothpaste as well but don’t use it every cleaning.

Willow is smaller than my past dogs. She’s okay with this but getting the inside back teeth is difficult. Tooth brushes don’t work for us. The treat or chew type just seem to be either food or flavoured sandpaper. Considering doping her water…🤣

Anyone have another tool or trick that they use?

Nails are next…she must know…I can’t find her. 🐕
You are the first person I've know to brush their dogs teeth 🤷🏻
My last dog ate his shit, rabbits shit, cat shit, all kinds of shit. No fkn way I was sticking my fingers in his shit stained mouth. Nope. giphy.gif
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You are the first person I've know to brush their dogs teeth 🤷🏻
My last dog ate his shit, rabbiys shit, cat shit, all kinds of shit. No fkn way I was sticking my fingers in his shit stained mouth. Nope. View attachment 60040
Willow eats almost anything but not shit, thank goodness. My bouvier used to eat the horse shit at dads. Willow hasn’t been there. And we no longer have a cat.

I’ve cleaned all my dogs teeth. Cats not so much, but they don’t eat the same. Plus giving a cat a pill or shot is hard enough. 🤣
View attachment 60038

Anyone else clean their dogs teeth with one of these? I make a healthy toothpaste as well but don’t use it every cleaning.

Willow is smaller than my past dogs. She’s okay with this but getting the inside back teeth is difficult. Tooth brushes don’t work for us. The treat or chew type just seem to be either food or flavoured sandpaper. Considering doping her water…🤣

Anyone have another tool or trick that they use?

Nails are next…she must know…I can’t find her. 🐕
You get that thing in one of those gas station bathroom vending machines?
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