Colombian and Colombian Crosses

All this hot weathers buggering you guys up abit over getting any relief in your area anytime soon bud
It's been over 100f every day for over a month now. 86 day and 80 night is the best I can do. October can't get here soon enough. These herms are genetic though. It's amazing that this one has no sign of mold even though it was right beside one that did.
They actually did what I expected, what a waste of time. That and the CSB, I'll have a decent batch edibles. Next its time to fill the jars. Blueberry. Blueberry MacRiddle, and Acid Head. I have high hopes for them.
Blueberry MacRiddle and Acid Head sound dank man.
Blueberry is usually solid too.
Man i cant believe everything hermed on you.
The CSB never hermed or molded. It's actually pretty decent smoke, but it takes entirely too long.
Yeah i dont like the long flowering strains.
Ive a strawberry cough from dutch passion that is 8.5 week into flower and looks like its only 4...
Debating cutting it down and just being done with it, seems wasteful to flower for 100 days and get 2 ounces.
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