Fog prep

Be aware that they sell the same Fulvic under both names; Mr. Fulvic and Mr. Humic. Something about labeling requirements in different states. I ordered Mr. Fulvic and received a bottle of Mr. Humic. I was pretty bummed until moe reassured me that it's the same stuff.
Good call. Yes some states do not allow fulvic to be sold.
  • Light intensity: The amount of light that is available to the plant.
  • Light quality: The wavelength of light that is available to the plant.
  • Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD): The measure of the amount of light energy that is available to plants for photosynthesis.
  • Temperature: The measure of how hot or cold something is.
  • Relative humidity (RH): The amount of water vapor in the air relative to the amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature.
  • CO2: Carbon dioxide is a gas that is essential for photosynthesis.
  • Dissolved oxygen (DO): The amount of oxygen that is dissolved in a liquid.
  • pH: A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
  • Nutrients: The substances that plants need to grow and thrive.
  • Water: The amount of water that is available to the plant.
  • Soil type: The type of soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Soil pH: The pH of the soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Soil moisture: The amount of water in the soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Wind: The movement of air.
  • Leaf surface temperature (LST): The temperature of the leaves of a plant.
  • Vapor pressure deficit (VPD): The difference between the vapor pressure of water in the air and the vapor pressure of water at the leaf surface.
heres 16 controllable Variables

but the 16 that you are controlling via the SwitchBox Above, Curious.
Yes, that is 16 important things, but it takes more than switches to control them.

For this box, I'm controlling things like fog on, pump on, O2 flow, empty pump on 4 fog sites. 4 outputs on 4 sites = 16.

I'll explain better with pictures in the near future.
You asking for a new title? Observer of Quantum Yield!
Haha, actually sounds kinda cool.

I was just curious if you or anyone else has heard that term, I just heard about it the other night from bugbee, I made a bugbee thread and posted videos.
Looks like I have some reading to do. I need more hours in the day. Just talked with Aqua over text, he is working 7 days now too, life just gets in the way of the fun stuff sometimes.

We will eventually get caught up!
Looks like I have some reading to do. I need more hours in the day. Just talked with Aqua over text, he is working 7 days now too, life just gets in the way of the fun stuff sometimes.

We will eventually get caught up!
So that's where he's been.
Yes, that is 16 important things, but it takes more than switches to control them.

For this box, I'm controlling things like fog on, pump on, O2 flow, empty pump on 4 fog sites. 4 outputs on 4 sites = 16.

I'll explain better with pictures in the near future.
Of course, I was just pointing out possible controllable/monitorable variables

Makes sense, I didn't think about controls for multiple sites, ie same few variables to on/off.

Appreciate you're work Moe.
Curious if a SpO2 meter would pick up anything if tested on plant?
Any idea
""This is because water is polar since it has partially positive hydrogen atoms which can interact with anions and partially negative oxygen atoms which can interact with cations.""

What/how would this play along with plant interaction?

Btw how is franksta anyone heard from him
Just been really busy with getting the cabin up and running PXL_20230827_031625563.jpg


So yeah 👍 for sure water is pumping hydrogen ions oxygen ions and carbon ions into making THC molecule. The source is the most interesting thing IMO

It's like the whole preparation for ripening phase in a nutshell. Teeing up the plants for ripening with NPK Calcium, sulfur and magnesium... Plus micros...

Think roots... EC and ratios... pH Or nitrification process with mycorrhizae. Light... Humidity Ventilation are all physical bottleneck/barrier to growth rate

On the invisible side..All things being properly dialed it's really comes down to surface area, temperature humidity light spectrum/intensity
and the interaction between the CO2 above and the oxygen/💦 below...

THC is 80.16% carbon, 9.63% hydrogen and 10.17% oxygen by mass. Or thirty hydrogen.. 21 carbon and 2 oxygen....​

All made from exclusively... You guess it... Water... Oxygen and CO2. So it's getting hydrogen from water. Carbon from the CO2 and oxygen from..... Moe's high tech foggers
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Just been really busy with getting the cabin up and running View attachment 19005

View attachment 19004

So yeah 👍 for sure water is pumping hydrogen ions oxygen ions and carbon ions into making THC molecule. The source is the most interesting thing IMO

It's like the whole preparation for ripening phase in a nutshell. Teeing up the plants for ripening with NPK Calcium, sulfur and magnesium... Plus micros...

Think roots... EC and ratios... pH Or nitrification process with mycorrhizae. Light... Humidity Ventilation are all physical bottleneck/barrier to growth rate

On the invisible side..All things being properly dialed it's really comes down to surface area, temperature humidity light spectrum/intensity
and the interaction between the CO2 above and the oxygen/💦 below...

THC is 80.16% carbon, 9.63% hydrogen and 10.17% oxygen by mass. Or thirty hydrogen.. 21 carbon and 2 oxygen....​

All made from exclusively... You guess it... Water... Oxygen and CO2. So it's getting hydrogen from water. Carbon from the CO2 and oxygen from..... Moe's high tech foggers
any knowledge on MFs? and MField interaction with water and plants/rootzone etc

ive found some papers im digging through, lots of reading to do, i threw up a thread on MagnetoTropism.
The fog is surface area and the extra oxygen acts like a biological catalyst
Indeed, know anything about H3O2?, google wants to say it doesnt exist, some "scientific literature" says otherwise

The fog is surface area and the extra oxygen acts like a biological catalyst

imagine combining all of these advanced possible methods.

magnetically charged hydroponic media
  • Improved plant growth: Some studies have shown that plants grown in magnetically charged water or media have higher yields and better quality than plants grown in regular water or media.
  • Increased nutrient uptake: Magnetically charged water and media may help plants to uptake nutrients more effectively.
  • Reduced stress: Magnetically charged water and media may help plants to cope with stress, such as heat or drought.
  • Enhanced flavor: Some people believe that fruits and vegetables grown in magnetically charged water or media have better flavo
Indeed, know anything about H3O2?, google wants to say it doesnt exist, some "scientific literature" says otherwise

There's like 18 species of water we know about but mostly these don't exist under Earth's 🌎 conditions maybe in space and other situations

I would steer clear of exotic species IMO but I don't know anything specific. Just that it's perhaps like messing with sorcery if you don't have your facts together

Magnetic 🧲 field is a really interesting idea 💡 and I'm down with trying to understand the physics better
There's like 18 species of water we know about but mostly these don't exist under Earth's 🌎 conditions maybe in space and other situations

I would steer clear of exotic species IMO but I don't know anything specific. Just that it's perhaps like messing with sorcery if you don't have your facts together

Magnetic 🧲 field is a really interesting idea 💡 and I'm down with trying to understand the physics better

heres a lot of sources

unfortunately some shit i need to buy or get it for free if i was with an institution...

taking a shit ton of "data" running it through LLMs (chatbots) to summarize them for me for quicker digestion.
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