Fog prep

For comparison sake, here's a picture of a plant from my veg room of what i consider a healthy sample.

If white roots wins the race (i think it does) there is really no comparisonView attachment 287
Are you telling me those are from a 3.5 week old plant?........Miracle Moe and his wonder juice...I see jet planes and topless attendants in your future....
Those roots are so white it’s almost racist! Lol

I’m jokin all but they do look great ! I use the bottles in dirt so I’m used to seeing shit like this ! 🫢
Those roots are so white it’s almost racist! Lol

I’m jokin all but they do look great ! I use the bottles in dirt so I’m used to seeing shit like this ! 🫢
Plastic pots eh? Ya don't get that in fabric.....Maybe those air pots are the best of both worlds. Plastic pots for me don't dry out as fast as fabric but I like how the roots grow through the soil in fabric pots. The air pots just seem expensive but I just spent $100 on a small light....maybe a few to try out would be a good idea. The Bandit has been promoting them here recently and I seem to go with the flow on shit like that....
The very first thing I am doing is growing out 12 fem seeds from Jeff at @dragonsflamegenetics. I'll cull 4, and grow 8 in the initial fog run. I'll just be using this to shake out the system, test the software, and find the proper setpoints for this group of phenos. Based on what Mad Max was doing, it looks there there are a few phenos of Mac Dragon x BX.

I'll grab live clones and tissue culture of each of the 8. One of these 8 plants will hopefully be a mom for future testing. I'll have her genetics on ice long after harvest when I can check yields and cannabinoid content. Once I nail down the best female of the 8 looking at all factors including the smoke report, I'll make a proper mom out of the clone on ice, and keep her going in veg. This will now be my standard plant for testing. Hopefully.

I chose this plant because of what I saw in SLG's run of this plant. Really vascular and wide stance with tight node spacing and big branches. I can work with that!

Then the first experiment with 8 clones will be the role of beneficials vs sterile vs nothing.

The next will be using the best method from test one in all 4 systems, and testing the growth rate of different levels of O2 in the root zone. I expect this test to result in some of the fastest recorded growth rates for cannabis. Essentially providing the perfect environment.

Then we get into spectrum. And nutes. You see where this is going.
You loose me in the dust but I got the O2 in the root zones part. I've started with auto pots and I added the air domes, I can't say one way or the other how they're effecting my grow seeing as its the first time with both but they're growing great, I'd say spectacular for me and it's either the new pots or the air stones or a combination but I'm impressed with the growth so far. It'll be interesting to see the root mass afterwards. If it wrapped the domes or not and what kind of root growth I get over all will be interesting.....I'm so far sold on these pots I see 2 more in my future.
Nice build and so clean!

Is that a buck converter on the top left? Great idea.

I have built the ghetto version using an ESP01 and four relays on a single board. You can get these integrated boards really cheap. But it's only a four channel. And mine was shoved into an ikea plastic container :D

I assume your case was not printed on an ender? :)

Found an 8 channel with integrated ESP8266 - damn:
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Nice build and so clean!

Is that a buck converter on the top left? Great idea.

I have built the ghetto version using an ESP01 and four relays on a single board. You can get these integrated boards really cheap. But it's only a four channel. And mine was shoved into an ikea plastic container :D

I assume your case was not printed on an ender? :)

Found an 8 channel with integrated ESP8266 - damn:
View attachment 17563
Printed on Prusa.

This is an ESP32. Basically I’m using parts I had laying around. If I was to do this for real I would do everything on a single board. I still may the applications for something like this are pretty wide and this does not exist today.

And yeah buck but too big for the job. Same with the block there it’s just what I had for parts.
I have no idea WTF that is, but it look 😎!
It is a group of 8 ac outlets that can be turned on and off via program or command via Wi-Fi.

This allows me to turn things on and off like fog, O2, pump etc on whatever timing I find most efficient.

Take CO2 for example. With the raspberry pi I measure atmospheric carbon dioxide. If I want more I can send a signal to the outlet that the tank is connected to to add CO2 as needed. In this way I have control over all parameters
It is a group of 8 ac outlets that can be turned on and off via program or command via Wi-Fi.

This allows me to turn things on and off like fog, O2, pump etc on whatever timing I find most efficient.

Take CO2 for example. With the raspberry pi I measure atmospheric carbon dioxide. If I want more I can send a signal to the outlet that the tank is connected to to add CO2 as needed. In this way I have control over all parameters
Which software are you running? Homeassistant? That is what I use, in combination with Node Red when convenient.

Do you have experience with PCB design? To me that seems like the final boss of nerd-dom that I have not conquered :D

My intuition might be way off because I have an ender so the print bed should be sufficient to print a proper case for my contraption...
Which software are you running? Homeassistant? That is what I use, in combination with Node Red when convenient.

Do you have experience with PCB design? To me that seems like the final boss of nerd-dom that I have not conquered :D

My intuition might be way off because I have an ender so the print bed should be sufficient to print a proper case for my contraption...
All the software I am running is custom. Both me and my kid are programmers, so we just did our own thing. Basement is playtime for us.

Yes, I make circuit boards. My first degree was in Electrical Engineering. I use Eagle CAD and Osh Park for short run stuff. I use Fusion 360 for all the design CAD/CAM stuff, Eagle I have been running for decades, now it is all owned by the same company. Makes it really easy.

Ender works great for these kinds of projects, print on bro.
That's really cool. What is your tech / stack on the arduino? I guess I'd go with python. I did that initially then I realised I get things to work faster using Homeassistant and esphome.
All the software I am running is custom. Both me and my kid are programmers, so we just did our own thing. Basement is playtime for us.

Yes, I make circuit boards. My first degree was in Electrical Engineering. I use Eagle CAD and Osh Park for short run stuff. I use Fusion 360 for all the design CAD/CAM stuff, Eagle I have been running for decades, now it is all owned by the same company. Makes it really easy.

Ender works great for these kinds of projects, print on bro.
I used to make custom circuit boards using a laser printer, copper board, a steam iron and Muriatic Acid

I'm seriously thinking of getting back into RDWC now that I have the best at my disposal. I hope you don't mind me asking a million questions.
I used to make custom circuit boards using a laser printer, copper board, a steam iron and Muriatic Acid

I'm seriously thinking of getting back into RDWC now that I have the best at my disposal. I hope you don't mind me asking a million questions.
He got me off to a great start! I'm so glad I went this route. Get your buffering figured out and the rest just seems to happen on it's own. My top-off method is a bit different but everything else has been Moe-approved. With your experience, I'm sure you'll be asking all the right questions before you even begin. I know I like to have at least a basic understanding before diving into something.

I couldn't imagine mixing nutes, watering, testing runoff and fighting dirtbugs EVERY day MULTIPLE times a day.
I used to make custom circuit boards using a laser printer, copper board, a steam iron and Muriatic Acid

I'm seriously thinking of getting back into RDWC now that I have the best at my disposal. I hope you don't mind me asking a million questions.
Single sided boards are better than nothing but the real power comes with multi layer stuff.

Now is a great time to start building and RDWC with winter not far off.
  • Light intensity: The amount of light that is available to the plant.
  • Light quality: The wavelength of light that is available to the plant.
  • Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD): The measure of the amount of light energy that is available to plants for photosynthesis.
  • Temperature: The measure of how hot or cold something is.
  • Relative humidity (RH): The amount of water vapor in the air relative to the amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature.
  • CO2: Carbon dioxide is a gas that is essential for photosynthesis.
  • Dissolved oxygen (DO): The amount of oxygen that is dissolved in a liquid.
  • pH: A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
  • Nutrients: The substances that plants need to grow and thrive.
  • Water: The amount of water that is available to the plant.
  • Soil type: The type of soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Soil pH: The pH of the soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Soil moisture: The amount of water in the soil that the plant is grown in.
  • Wind: The movement of air.
  • Leaf surface temperature (LST): The temperature of the leaves of a plant.
  • Vapor pressure deficit (VPD): The difference between the vapor pressure of water in the air and the vapor pressure of water at the leaf surface.
heres 16 controllable Variables

but the 16 that you are controlling via the SwitchBox Above, Curious.
First off funny that is the water police here in Cali, or was. department of Fish and Game. Humic is not needed in Hydro. Molasses is to feed the microbes in the system and will create a spike in population what will die off once the molasses has been consumed by the microbes. Best to just use a folvic product with hydro.
I use great white in my DTW with GH, what kind of fulvic product do you recommend? Have been using Diamond nectar thinking it was humic and it was helpful in hydro. Both things I guess are humic in diamond nectar and its fulvic not humic I want lol. Good to know this!!

*looked up Diamond nectar and even though the label doesn't list humic acids, I found some ad copy for Diamond nectar saying "Diamond Nectar is extracted from naturally mined Leonardite with a high profile of low molecular weight Humic acids."
Oo found another variable.

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP)

measures the ability of a lake or river to cleanse itself or break down waste products, such as contaminants and dead plants and animals.

When the ORP value is high, there is lots of oxygen present in the water.
I use great white in my DTW with GH, what kind of fulvic product do you recommend? Have been using Diamond nectar thinking it was humic and it was helpful in hydro. Both things I guess are humic in diamond nectar and its fulvic not humic I want lol. Good to know this!!

*looked up Diamond nectar and even though the label doesn't list humic acids, I found some ad copy for Diamond nectar saying "Diamond Nectar is extracted from naturally mined Leonardite with a high profile of low molecular weight Humic acids."
Fulvic acid is available thru Mr. Fulvic and I think the cost includes shipping. I tried that and it works well but I have also used Ferti Organics which is more cost effective. Ferti is dry powder and the stuff is hard to mix. If you had one of those bottles from the health food store with the metal cage in the bottle it would probably work better. Bill Farthing who is on several forums stated the liquid products are better because the drying process removed amino acids.
I try to avoid the hydroponic store tax for nutrients as much as possible, it is not as easy as buying the premixed bottles. There are things in those bottle that are not required to be on the label. All the manufacturer has to state is the NPK minimum value and that is it.
Fulvic acid is available thru Mr. Fulvic and I think the cost includes shipping.
Be aware that they sell the same Fulvic under both names; Mr. Fulvic and Mr. Humic. Something about labeling requirements in different states. I ordered Mr. Fulvic and received a bottle of Mr. Humic. I was pretty bummed until moe reassured me that it's the same stuff.
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