Let's see your outdoor grow 2023

This years Black Dog Kush is coming along nicely. Starting to turn purple with the colder nights up here. Smelling super grape terps. Greenhouse grown. I’m trying to let this thing go amber and lock me to the couch! It’s got a few weeks.


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My friend got nervous and cut early 🤪 but unconvinced him to leave the lowers and see how long we can go


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Got a couple little ones still rockin moonglow not gonna finish outdoors up here ! 😢


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Same. Cut 1 down in july from massive amounts of moldew, 2 down in august from rot, and a 4th one went down 3 or 4 weeks ago from rot. Fuck outdoor growing up here.
Defiantly not easy ! Plus we just don’t get the sun ☀️ might be a place for autos ? I might try a few next year
Autos were always what i did but got tired of running 20+ every year. Makes a lot of work so i went to photos thinking itd be easier. YEAH RIGHT!!
Nothing is easy....below are 2 gifted 'genuine Thai' plants and the Japanese cucumber started from seed. I know enuf to keep them off the ground hence the trellis....


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Time to take down the garden. Tomatoes and peppers are still growing but the rest have halted. Cold and damp are taking a toll.
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Time to take down the garden. Tomatoes and peppers are still growing but the rest have halted. Cold and damp are taking a toll.
"I turned my collar to the cold and damp." But the peppers and maters don't have any clothes, let alone collar. Weed plant outdoor very impressive.
I have seen so many people have to toss plants from mold. I think a simple hoop house with good fans would solve that problem. You can build one for not too much $$$
I have seen so many people have to toss plants from mold. I think a simple hoop house with good fans would solve that problem. You can build one for not too much $$$
New York is not an outdoor growers friend. We basically live in a rain forest, but its not even nice😂😂

Ive tried photos outdoor 2 years now and have yet to harvest anything worth while. This year was a 100% bust, last year i got 4 ozs from 3 plants...
When i ran autos i did wayyyy better so im thinking about going back
New York is not an outdoor growers friend. We basically live in a rain forest, but its not even nice😂😂

Ive tried photos outdoor 2 years now and have yet to harvest anything worth while. This year was a 100% bust, last year i got 4 ozs from 3 plants...
When i ran autos i did wayyyy better so im thinking about going back
Wow that sucks. I’m in Oregon so it’s not bad. I guess early autos are the way where you live.
New York is not an outdoor growers friend. We basically live in a rain forest, but its not even nice😂😂

Ive tried photos outdoor 2 years now and have yet to harvest anything worth while. This year was a 100% bust, last year i got 4 ozs from 3 plants...
When i ran autos i did wayyyy better so im thinking about going back
A frikking cold ass rain forest
First outdoor in ten years it’s workin got a late start so small plants


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Anybody still got outdoor plants goin? We are hangin in there with one last finisher - honestly never thought it would finish up here in southern mich! Indoors she runs at least 12 weeks 14 is better


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Anybody still got outdoor plants goin? We are hangin in there with one last finisher - honestly never thought it would finish up here in southern mich! Indoors she runs at least 12 weeks 14 is better
damn. don't y'all have snow coming in the next couple days? she's clinging on!
All ....

I'm pretty much centrally located in the lower 1/3 of the mitten state. Wild weather swings are well known for Michigan. After attempting photoperiod plants outdoors for several years and dealing with the fall rot/mold/mildew issues, I switched to auto-flowering plants for this summer's run. I was able to get 2 complete runs through my greenhouse. Better yet, I cut the very last plant down the Saturday before Labor Day. I had almost zero rot ... and no WPM this year. I started my first run in late March indoors and my second in mid may indoors. First run was 12 plants. The second was 11 (the 12th seed failed to germinate). Other than you do need to put some thought in what auto-flower strains you grow (some are pretty low in THC), auto-flowers are absolutely the way to rock out a couple of harvests in a northern summer.

Peace and happy growing friends ....
After tonite supposed to get warm again so let that one go ! 1 more week baby 🙏 the others got hacked up - can’t wait to get back inside !!!!!!


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Anybody still got outdoor plants goin? We are hangin in there with one last finisher - honestly never thought it would finish up here in southern mich! Indoors she runs at least 12 weeks 14 is better
Just finished chopping and washing. Glad to see another cross the line. Been a tough year.
1 plant doing OK, but still being eaten by bugs, despite spraying procrop1 and some neem/glycerine/Dr. Bronner peppermint. Thinking about moving shorty into full sun. Think 2 much not do Enuff (note to self), but that fence holds the plants in place during real windstormz come in. Love this time of the year here.


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