Nesta’s DWC Attempt

Alright crew. Just finished week two post flip. Stretch should just about be finished and I switched to bloom nute ratio. Everything looks really good. I have some unexpected travel for work coming up over the next month and need to solve the auto top off issue quickly. As far as I can tell, I need a control reservoir with a pump that will feed water to my DWC bucket, and then return line back to the control res. Then I would have a top off res above the control reservoir, fed by gravity and a float valve control.

If I have that right, what size should my supply line be from the control res to the DWC bucket, and what should the return line be? What size pump should I run? My DWC bucket is 8gal and holds 5gals of solution.

I appreciate your insight!!!
Alright crew. Just finished week two post flip. Stretch should just about be finished and I switched to bloom nute ratio. Everything looks really good. I have some unexpected travel for work coming up over the next month and need to solve the auto top off issue quickly. As far as I can tell, I need a control reservoir with a pump that will feed water to my DWC bucket, and then return line back to the control res. Then I would have a top off res above the control reservoir, fed by gravity and a float valve control.

If I have that right, what size should my supply line be from the control res to the DWC bucket, and what should the return line be? What size pump should I run? My DWC bucket is 8gal and holds 5gals of solution.

I appreciate your insight!!!
You don’t need much for that. Turnover of about 10x per hour is great so only a 50gph pump is needed.

1/4-1/2” is plenty big enough.

Can you explain ir draw how you envision this?
Also can you get an idea of ppm change when you top up?

Measure how much water is being taken up.

Measure ppm before topping up.

Then too up with distilled water and measure ppm after.

This will give you the amount of ppm being taken up.

Then you can make your too off res the ideal ppm for top ups keeping your ppm stable instead of just adding water back that will dilute your nutrients
Also can you get an idea of ppm change when you top up?

Measure how much water is being taken up.

Measure ppm before topping up.

Then too up with distilled water and measure ppm after.

This will give you the amount of ppm being taken up.

Then you can make your too off res the ideal ppm for top ups keeping your ppm stable instead of just adding water back that will dilute your nutrients
This makes sense. Will do Aqua. Thank you!
Yup simple enough. Having the res outside will help with temps also. You want the lowest wattage pump you can get to reduce the heat transfer to water. Trust me on that its very important. Do you have a pump already?
I have a 100gph pump I was going to use. if temps were an issue, I was planning on running it outside of the res.
I was planning on running it outside of the res.
This is what I do. I have my pump plumbed in for several things and the pump for the chiller is already taking up real-estate.

My pump can pull from the control res for the waterfalls at the plant sites, pull from the top-off res to to fill the lower resevoirs, or pull from either site to drain. It's pretty handy.
Ok. What GPH do you recommend?
I'm way overpowered with mine but I wanted a fast transfer after I mixed nutes. My original pump was a little over 1000 gph and my new one coming is over 2000 gph. I barely had a trickle coming out of my lines with the 1k. I'm hoping the 2k can push out with more pressure for better surface agitation. The pumps I used/ordered are Orlushy brand DC pumps that have a digital speed control.
I'm way overpowered with mine but I wanted a fast transfer after I mixed nutes. My original pump was a little over 1000 gph and my new one coming is over 2000 gph. I barely had a trickle coming out of my lines with the 1k. I'm hoping the 2k can push out with more pressure for better surface agitation. The pumps I used/ordered are Orlushy brand DC pumps that have a digital speed control.
Thanks Grump. This is a small single bucket grow, so I shouldn’t need a ton of GPH. After this run, I do plan to upgrade to a four site RDWC.
100gph should be fine. If you can run it inline would be best.

If you go inline make the ntake at the bottom of the res. That will result in the weight of the water pushing into the pump. Inlet to pump as big as the pump allows. The output to the site make small like 1/4”-3/8” this reduces the back pressure cause by water weight.

I am assuming the pump is under 10 watts maybe like 6-8w. So you can run it in the water but ideally run it external
I'm way overpowered with mine but I wanted a fast transfer after I mixed nutes. My original pump was a little over 1000 gph and my new one coming is over 2000 gph. I barely had a trickle coming out of my lines with the 1k. I'm hoping the 2k can push out with more pressure for better surface agitation. The pumps I used/ordered are Orlushy brand DC pumps that have a digital speed control.
How many sites and how do you have it oriented?

What is you inlet and outlet sizes?
How many sites and how do you have it oriented?

What is you inlet and outlet sizes?
So before, with my single bucket system, I ran a 20w 1050gph pump. 3/4 intake and 3/4 discharge lines. The discharge line got capped and had holes drilled to create a sort of sprayer.

New plumbing For the 4 site system was 1/2". 2 outfalls in each site. Maxed out with the old pump barely put out a trickle. It's even less now with my spare pump (old pump shit the bed).

New pump will be a 60w 2377gph and will plumb back into the 3/4 suction side and the 1/2" discharge line. I'm hoping for an uptick in flow with the new pump set to it's minimum setting, only using the 2377gph for transfers and emptying.
So before, with my single bucket system, I ran a 20w 1050gph pump. 3/4 intake and 3/4 discharge lines. The discharge line got capped and had holes drilled to create a sort of sprayer.

New plumbing For the 4 site system was 1/2". 2 outfalls in each site. Maxed out with the old pump barely put out a trickle. It's even less now with my spare pump (old pump shit the bed).

New pump will be a 60w 2377gph and will plumb back into the 3/4 suction side and the 1/2" discharge line. I'm hoping for an uptick in flow with the new pump set to it's minimum setting, only using the 2377gph for transfers and emptying.
Was the intake at the bottom of the rez?

1/2 output means it has to push more water against gravity. If you reduce the size you should get a better flow and pressure
Was the intake at the bottom of the rez?
Yeah it's got a pipe the runs to the bottom of the rez. I did that so I could dump the plant sites when/if necessary.

1/2 output means it has to push more water against gravity. If you reduce the size you should get a better flow and pressure
Word. I don't think I'll re-plumb it so the bigger pump should do the trick. It'll be here Thursday. I have a couple/few days before the seedlings need to go into the system.

Edit: writing this up allowed me to envision a sweet little upgrade. I'm gonna loop together the two outlets in each plant site and drill holes in the loop. Bing-bang-boom got my jets back.
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Sorry Nesta.

Pretty much what Aqua said above. 10 turnovers an hour. If you're roughly at 15 gallons, 150gph pump would suit you.
Thats correct but go by the volume of water not container size.

When i said 50gph its because the total site volume is what we use for calculations. The res is considered a separate volume
Day 28 today. I finally got around to making this a one plant RDWC. Not sure I like the caterpillar tubing to exit the text. I think when I expand to 4 sites, I will elevate the buckets and have a straight shot out of the tent. Im surprised how low I need to keep the water in the control reservoir.

In any event, the Gary Payton had a big haircut last week and I only left maybe the top 8 or so sites. Shes looking good as far as I can tell. Keeping 400ppms/.8ec/5.8ph.

Any ideas on how I can increase the water level in my control res without raising the level in the plant bucket?

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Any ideas on how I can increase the water level in my control res without raising the level in the plant bucket?
I've done my runs keeping the water level around an inch or 2 below the netpot. Is there a reason you don't want to raise the level in the plant site?

If this were my setup, I would at least raise it up to where the entire return line is submerged.

Plants are looking good regardless.

Edit: I also had no issues cutting my own hole in the tent. Fixed any light leaks with duct tape. I'm a bit reckless
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I like to keep the waterline about 1” below the net pot.

Is there a reason you want it lower?

Some say it makes roots grow to look for water but in actuality it can cause air pruning and damage that can lead to infection
Sorry, I wasn’t very clear. The water level in the plant bucket is up to the bottom of the net pot. The control res is very low. It barely covers the top of the 3” return line. When I increase the water level in the control res the water level in the plant site goes too high. I can get a better video tonight.
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