Very well, very well!!
No worries!!
Awww men, that means i shouldn't use sphagnum moss lol. Roger that
I'll try to remove some of that upper perlite layer, and im already at collecting RO water. Tomorrow i should find a pharmacy to get some peroxide, until my order comes.
You know what folks, you are the best!!!<<<<<
I already learned so much stuff with you.
So many things are making sense now.
So many mistakes.. i must say i totally misunderstood hydroponics. But its fine. Imagine, this is my best try yet..
I running a very busy work schedule, so on my previous tries i just haven't had any time to join a community. All failed lol
But darn'it!!! I want to know how to hydro!!!
I'll see what I can do now.
Would you spray some 3% peroxide on those roots or on the crown rot?
Your time is super appreciated

Kind regards