Stoney's Luv Shack

That DipNStx is one sexy lady wearing all her diamonds to the party!!!🤩

I'm into some of my Str8jacket this week and have found a few seeds in it. 3 to be exact so far in about 1/2oz of flower. TBH, I'm hoping to find a few more.
IDK if it was a hermie or maybe residual pollen in the room since it's so few. Kinda like how that Trop Cherry had a few well developed tiger striped beauties and not trashy pale white hermie shit seeds by the thousands.
I'm considering these beans to be like bag seeds in sensi back in the day. Seeds were hard to get back then and not like it is today and I'd get excited when I found them because it meant I could start a grow op. So yeah, for my next grow will have at least 8 bagseeds in the lot and more home bred stuffs.

Whatcha got next up in the que when those veggers move out?
That DipNStx is one sexy lady wearing all her diamonds to the party!!!🤩

I'm into some of my Str8jacket this week and have found a few seeds in it. 3 to be exact so far in about 1/2oz of flower. TBH, I'm hoping to find a few more.
IDK if it was a hermie or maybe residual pollen in the room since it's so few. Kinda like how that Trop Cherry had a few well developed tiger striped beauties and not trashy pale white hermie shit seeds by the thousands.
I'm considering these beans to be like bag seeds in sensi back in the day. Seeds were hard to get back then and not like it is today and I'd get excited when I found them because it meant I could start a grow op. So yeah, for my next grow will have at least 8 bagseeds in the lot and more home bred stuffs.

Whatcha got next up in the que when those veggers move out?

ya know man i keep forgetting about the trop cherry having seeds!!! i gave some of that away a few times now and forgot to mention it. i even sent some to Steamroller. he said he was gonna let it cure a little, i told him you said it smelled like gym socks so i'm sure he's in no hurry to bust it open!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

still have no idea where the seeds came from, i still have the plant hanging and there is no sign of nanners anywhere. but where ever it came from i had zero male pollen in my garden so it should be fems!!!

so the next lineup will most likely be Purple Blizzard, Grape Jelly, platinum ice, los angeles, ice cream punch, and ??? one more i haven't picked yet. maybe platinum frosting, maybe banana punch.

i read this today.....

Four hours into the final Indianapolis 500 practice before qualifying, Larson turned the fastest lap (234.271 mph) of 34 drivers with a 232.902-mph lap around the 2.5-mile oval at exactly 4 p.m. ET.


looking awesome Stoney! How are the terps on the Oreoz and Dipnstix? I have packs of both.

Thanks Nesta!!! the dipnstix has an oily fuel smell to her, i was kinda hoping for that powder candy smell or a sweeter smell but so far almost kero. not off putting just not what i expected from the name.
the oreoz smells awesome, getting a citrus cookie almost... more like a lemon wafer cookie smell. kinda smells complex and deep, can't wait to smoke it!
I'm into some of my Str8jacket this week and have found a few seeds in it.
Fwiw, I ran 2 SJ last run and they were the ONLY plants out of 9 that didn't herm on me. So maybe residual pollen like you said, or a different plant hermed slightly and you didnt notice?
They're hard to spot especially in a canopy like you run man lol.
I kept all the seeds I found and plan to run them in the next couple runs 2 or 3 at a time lol.
Fwiw, I ran 2 SJ last run and they were the ONLY plants out of 9 that didn't herm on me. So maybe residual pollen like you said, or a different plant hermed slightly and you didnt notice?
They're hard to spot especially in a canopy like you run man lol.
I kept all the seeds I found and plan to run them in the next couple runs 2 or 3 at a time lol.

i'm gonna keep looking man... these are buds from the last harvest and i haven't cleaned the buds from branches yet, my lazy ass still has them sitting in the draying cabinet!!!! hahaha that thing is sealed like a big jar so no hurry!! well i got to get it done before this new harvest anyway!!! haha

Hey nice job a full house of beauties looking good....... I'm your first like and subscriber. watching for do you do the fly over...steady hand? drone?

Thanks Man!!!! i just held the camera in my hand, i stayed tight to the canopy and made it look drone like when going over the buds. the tough part was switching hands to get around the moving fan!!! haha

i must of shot the video six or seven times that night. i kept trying to get it under 60 seconds so i could upload it at imgur but i had a tough time going that fast and still letting the camera focus.. it's just a cheap point n shoot camera so i dont expect much. i got one video down to 50 seconds and the upload still failed like four times so i baled on it and just uploaded the very first one i shot to youtube.

that video in reality took like an hour!!!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
ya know man i keep forgetting about the trop cherry having seeds!!! i gave some of that away a few times now and forgot to mention it. i even sent some to Steamroller. he said he was gonna let it cure a little, i told him you said it smelled like gym socks so i'm sure he's in no hurry to bust it open!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

still have no idea where the seeds came from, i still have the plant hanging and there is no sign of nanners anywhere. but where ever it came from i had zero male pollen in my garden so it should be fems!!!
I wasn't going to cure it but let it moisten up a little to the 62%.
Reading this I was in a smoke and search for seeds mode yesterday~!
3 joints and no seeds but stoned to the bone~!🥴
And the color of this bud~! Wholly dark purple.
So up and back at it this a.m. [ true dedication in action] and I have one seed~!:love:
There may be others as I still have a couple buds left but I found 1 lone seed on the outer edge of the bud.
I got to believe it is a herm seed not from pollen.
Good ole days say the seed is 99% female..
This will go in the next or following grow.
Psyched~! :cool:
I wasn't going to cure it but let it moisten up a little to the 62%.
Reading this I was in a smoke and search for seeds mode yesterday~!
3 joints and no seeds but stoned to the bone~!🥴
And the color of this bud~! Wholly dark purple.
So up and back at it this a.m. [ true dedication in action] and I have one seed~!:love:
There may be others as I still have a couple buds left but I found 1 lone seed on the outer edge of the bud.
I got to believe it is a herm seed not from pollen.
Good ole days say the seed is 99% female..
This will go in the next or following grow.
Psyched~! :cool:

Sweet!!!!!!!!!! so happy you found a bean!!! hope ya find more!!

that color once its broken up is different and cool looking ain't it?

the flavor seemed unique to me, i could taste it over the plant material and paper.

Might have to mount some outboard motors to the cars for this all star race!

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oh man that don't look good!!! i haven't turned a tv on yet today but will soon.. it rained here most of the day/night here too... wasn't called for but we got it anyway!!!!

the sun is out today though and dried everything off... i hope it's drying up down there too!!!!!


got those plants to my buddies house yesterday and put them in the ground,,, his soil sucks bad, i had no idea it looked that bad. we picked some great spots though and they should do great where he put them.

the roots were pretty coiled though...


i think i'm going to try to go back to airpots this next round and just learn how to water them properly. maybe block off the holes in the top two rows. maybe even just go back to my SIP setup with the airpots, that might be the better and safer option at this time.. i had almost no problems when i was using a semi automated watering with them so i might go back.

i have some time to think about it... not long though because as soon as the VG is done with serrano pepper plants i'm loading it up with the next round. i really need to try to work on the garden because i screwed off all day yesterday and didn't get any chores done at all... and on top of that my chicken Ganja is sick and not doing well so that's been on my mind today. so hopefully i can get out there in a bit and lay down some cardboard and get the party started!!!
Does anybody cut the roots when they are like that?
I remember everybody I thought scored roots on the outside when up potting.
I am hit or miss doing it but have .
Hope Ganja is alright man.
Does anybody cut the roots when they are like that?
I remember everybody I thought scored roots on the outside when up potting.
I am hit or miss doing it but have .
Hope Ganja is alright man.

Thanks man, she didn't go upstairs last night to her roosting stick, she just slept on the floor. there's not much i can do at this point she had her medicine.

so yeah i should have known better and cut them, that was the worst one of the twelve though. i massaged them a bit just to loosen them up as i put them in place. we were rushing a bit and probably could have done a better job but for the most part we did a great job and gave them the love they deserved. two got put in a questionable spot... i said everybody that comes here is going to see these two... he said yep! and set the plant in the hole!!! hahaha all twelve are in spots where they get full sun.. maybe an hour of shade in the morning but then full sun till sunset!!
So.....We're all Wrecky Roadhouse Jr fans today right? :ROFLMAO:

FAFO KFB!!!!!!!😆


Seriously though...Has The Hemp Smoker ever won a Fight???😆
And it figure's I'd have Dongle Nozzle in the Coke 600 this week.
But I'll give him credit because "I don't give a fuck, I suck just as bad as you! Let's go!" is gonna go down as a classic KB quote:ROFLMAO:

Sweet!!!!!!!!!! so happy you found a bean!!! hope ya find more!!

that color once its broken up is different and cool looking ain't it?

the flavor seemed unique to me, i could taste it over the plant material and paper.

oh man that don't look good!!! i haven't turned a tv on yet today but will soon.. it rained here most of the day/night here too... wasn't called for but we got it anyway!!!!

the sun is out today though and dried everything off... i hope it's drying up down there too!!!!!


got those plants to my buddies house yesterday and put them in the ground,,, his soil sucks bad, i had no idea it looked that bad. we picked some great spots though and they should do great where he put them.

the roots were pretty coiled though...

View attachment 58364

i think i'm going to try to go back to airpots this next round and just learn how to water them properly. maybe block off the holes in the top two rows. maybe even just go back to my SIP setup with the airpots, that might be the better and safer option at this time.. i had almost no problems when i was using a semi automated watering with them so i might go back.

i have some time to think about it... not long though because as soon as the VG is done with serrano pepper plants i'm loading it up with the next round. i really need to try to work on the garden because i screwed off all day yesterday and didn't get any chores done at all... and on top of that my chicken Ganja is sick and not doing well so that's been on my mind today. so hopefully i can get out there in a bit and lay down some cardboard and get the party started!!!

That right there is like nails scratching a chalkboard for me.
I've seen much worse but yeah the things I've seen from rootbound plants is never positive. Poor feeding mostly as the roots are all bound on top of each other and jammed up against plastic. It just kills the uptake which in turn kills yield potentials and also increases stress in the root zone. Plants are less tolerant to drought and heat as a result. There's just nothing good in it and should be avoided at all costs IMO.

I let all my peppers get rootbound and I haven't taken pics of the garden because they look like shit and are struggling from the few weeks of being rootbound. But they're peppers and are what like maybe 5 cents/seed so no big deal to just scrap them and start over which I may do. Felt bad because I just got tied up with work and couldn't get them started the way they should. I didn't even try with cukes or anything else because of that too

But weed? Nah. Way too valuable of a plant to let something like coiled and bound roots hamstring it's life so yeah they get the airpot treatment. I wont start plants in anything else.

Few tips w/ airpots I may do that you may not might help but I remember yours having just the one row of nipples closed off while mine has two closed off. The two closed off does help as I have a few of those one row type too. Maybe just globs of hot glue can fix that.

I pack soil extremely hard in these things. Fill it up, hold it by the bottom so I don't punch the screen out then use my fist to really give it the business and pack it down. This will help with any erosion out of the holes.

Early on I use a 20oz plastic cup to water. This is where I also like having them up on a table for comfort and accuracy.
I empty the cup by doing a lap around the young start pouring the water slowly as I make the lap. After a week or so if a drain channel has opened and water is coming out a side hole I'll scratch around the surface of the soil and pack it a little more to close up that channel.

Later, I change up to this watering can

The size and angle of it's spout seems made for watering airpots.

If I'm vegging it for several weeks then I'm using the watering can but also doing a feeding dunk once or twice a week. This is the point where it's impossible to over water and I'm watering about every day or at least every other day. At this point there may be some yellowing leaves at the bottom, baby growth has died off, and I'm just trying to keep the plant happy but it's time to get out of the airpot and into solid walls to support that extremely well branched root system

Does anybody cut the roots when they are like that?
I remember everybody I thought scored roots on the outside when up potting.
I am hit or miss doing it but have .
Hope Ganja is alright man.

I have to do that with everything I buy from nurseries and stores. I don;t think I've bought a tree or plant that wasn't root bound but yeah score them and tickle them loose to unwind. If people don't do that then they're just killing their yield and quality potential.

The last straw for me with rootbound cannabis was around 2010. Didn't know any better and was vegging in square 1 gallon pots.
Upcanned as usual but the plants never took off like they had in the past. These were clones too so something was up as the mother had done very well in a previous grow.
At harvest, I pulled the rootball and it was still shaped in a square and had barely spread out in the new container after upcan.
I was pissed and vowed that it was 100% grower error and it would never happen again.
That's when the search for an alternative took me into airpots. Might've been the first pot farmer online to make this move and demoed them on After that, they exploded into the cannabis farming communities and then came the knockoffs and wonky alternatives.
Main thing I learned in all that was never use a square container for cannabis and only use authentic airpots ;)
So.....We're all Wrecky Roadhouse Jr fans today right? :ROFLMAO:

FAFO KFB!!!!!!!😆

View attachment 58432

Seriously though...Has The Hemp Smoker ever won a Fight???😆
And it figure's I'd have Dongle Nozzle in the Coke 600 this week.
But I'll give him credit because "I don't give a fuck, I suck just as bad as you! Let's go!" is gonna go down as a classic KB quote:ROFLMAO:

That right there is like nails scratching a chalkboard for me.
I've seen much worse but yeah the things I've seen from rootbound plants is never positive. Poor feeding mostly as the roots are all bound on top of each other and jammed up against plastic. It just kills the uptake which in turn kills yield potentials and also increases stress in the root zone. Plants are less tolerant to drought and heat as a result. There's just nothing good in it and should be avoided at all costs IMO.

I let all my peppers get rootbound and I haven't taken pics of the garden because they look like shit and are struggling from the few weeks of being rootbound. But they're peppers and are what like maybe 5 cents/seed so no big deal to just scrap them and start over which I may do. Felt bad because I just got tied up with work and couldn't get them started the way they should. I didn't even try with cukes or anything else because of that too

But weed? Nah. Way too valuable of a plant to let something like coiled and bound roots hamstring it's life so yeah they get the airpot treatment. I wont start plants in anything else.

Few tips w/ airpots I may do that you may not might help but I remember yours having just the one row of nipples closed off while mine has two closed off. The two closed off does help as I have a few of those one row type too. Maybe just globs of hot glue can fix that.

I pack soil extremely hard in these things. Fill it up, hold it by the bottom so I don't punch the screen out then use my fist to really give it the business and pack it down. This will help with any erosion out of the holes.

Early on I use a 20oz plastic cup to water. This is where I also like having them up on a table for comfort and accuracy.
I empty the cup by doing a lap around the young start pouring the water slowly as I make the lap. After a week or so if a drain channel has opened and water is coming out a side hole I'll scratch around the surface of the soil and pack it a little more to close up that channel.

Later, I change up to this watering can

The size and angle of it's spout seems made for watering airpots.

If I'm vegging it for several weeks then I'm using the watering can but also doing a feeding dunk once or twice a week. This is the point where it's impossible to over water and I'm watering about every day or at least every other day. At this point there may be some yellowing leaves at the bottom, baby growth has died off, and I'm just trying to keep the plant happy but it's time to get out of the airpot and into solid walls to support that extremely well branched root system

I have to do that with everything I buy from nurseries and stores. I don;t think I've bought a tree or plant that wasn't root bound but yeah score them and tickle them loose to unwind. If people don't do that then they're just killing their yield and quality potential.

The last straw for me with rootbound cannabis was around 2010. Didn't know any better and was vegging in square 1 gallon pots.
Upcanned as usual but the plants never took off like they had in the past. These were clones too so something was up as the mother had done very well in a previous grow.
At harvest, I pulled the rootball and it was still shaped in a square and had barely spread out in the new container after upcan.
I was pissed and vowed that it was 100% grower error and it would never happen again.
That's when the search for an alternative took me into airpots. Might've been the first pot farmer online to make this move and demoed them on After that, they exploded into the cannabis farming communities and then came the knockoffs and wonky alternatives.
Main thing I learned in all that was never use a square container for cannabis and only use authentic airpots ;)

hell yeah we're all ricky fans!!! just when i was saying poor ricky, he gets no luv, now he's a hero!!!! hahaha heard im say he's gonna get even this week!! can't wait and see!!!

thanks for all those tips on the airpots!!! a couple things i was probably doing wrong that i could improve on. i'll get into it more in a few days. i haven't gotten anything ready yet or started at all. things got all crazy here this past week and i'm now just getting online from a couple days outage. we had a bad storm a few days ago and took the power out for a day and a half and other areas around here were even longer. the internet hub was without power for three days so that sucked! but we're up and running again and just logged on here to get caught up and go through a couple pages of new posts!! i got a couple hours to screw off so that should give me enough time.. or unless i hungry first.. mmm lunch time!!!!!!!!!!!


got six new pullets today!!!!!!! i have them separated from two older hens.. sadly Ganja didn't make it. r.i.p.

i found out my flock had(has) coccidiosis, some chicken bacteria that can be fixed with medicine so i have them started on it and takes a week or two for it to work but i'm pretty relieved i found out why though because i wasn't sure what it was and seemed to be getting worse. hopefully these meds are the trick.

no names yet....


mmm maybe i'll have chicken for lunch!!!! 😆
Man they look great~!:p
I finished the Tropicana Cherry and it was fire all the way~!
I got 2 seeds and think I smoked 2~! they were hard to find.
The second one had to jump out of the joint when I was rolling it~!
Really looking forward to popping them~!

Sorry to hear about Ganja but glad you got a handle on what is going on.

Sorry to read about Ganja man. That just sucks but like Steam said good you gotta handle on it.
Are the meds something they'll just require in their health routine? We kinda do something like that with our cats since cats are prone to UTI especially with low quality cat food so we give them a specialty food that keeps from needing vet treatments. They prefer junk food of course but they only get a small bit of that and have to eat more of the health food.

Damn that crop is looking fine brother! No fried or dying leaves, just all happy and sparkly!!

Man they look great~!:p
I finished the Tropicana Cherry and it was fire all the way~!
I got 2 seeds and think I smoked 2~! they were hard to find.
The second one had to jump out of the joint when I was rolling it~!
Really looking forward to popping them~!

Sorry to hear about Ganja but glad you got a handle on what is going on.

Once I found one bean I was like a truffle sniffing hog and went thru it all to find more. I think I have 5 and fuck yeah they're getting popped next round!
Sorry to hear about Ganja but glad you got a handle on what is going on.

Sorry to read about Ganja man. That just sucks but like Steam said good you gotta handle on it.
Are the meds something they'll just require in their health routine? We kinda do something like that with our cats since cats are prone to UTI especially with low quality cat food so we give them a specialty food that keeps from needing vet treatments. They prefer junk food of course but they only get a small bit of that and have to eat more of the health food.

Thanks fellas, it's never a good day when ya gotta bury pets. i was with her when she took her last breaths so not alone. and after having her tested hopefully it wasn't in vein and the diagnosis and meds work. i won't have to treat them all the time just for two or three weeks and if the symptoms seem to linger then i have to get more testing done. the price of the tests and meds were more than the six new birds!! :confused: but if i don't fix this now it will infect the new flock as well. so i put them all on the meds. it just mixes in their water so super easy to use. the new pullets have been on this same medicine most of their lives already so they shouldn't notice a difference. in the past i didn't really know anything about it now i feel pretty confident and looking forward to onwards and upwards!!!! first day and no fights!!!! it was almost like the older hens were afraid to meet the new chicks.. one new one tried to make friends and Blackberry made sure to let her know that wasn't happening yet!!! just a warning though no contact. and one of the other new ones was in Blueberries favorite sleeping spot and well that wasn't gonna fly.. contact might have been made there 😆 message was received, spots were switched and then i turned out the lights!!! they can duke it out tomorrow at sunrise!!!!

Man they look great~!:p
I finished the Tropicana Cherry and it was fire all the way~!
I got 2 seeds and think I smoked 2~! they were hard to find.
The second one had to jump out of the joint when I was rolling it~!
Really looking forward to popping them~!

Once I found one bean I was like a truffle sniffing hog and went thru it all to find more. I think I have 5 and fuck yeah they're getting popped next round!

so glad both of you found beans for sure!!!! i have one so far, i cut one in half with my grinder and smoked the other one... i still have more buds of it to go through!!

the plants have been a breeze to manage.. if i had a watering system in place they'd be on auto pilot.. i have plans for a watering system for the next round.. might still shoot for the 16 plants if i can get a watering trough and lines to pots ready for the next round. i constantly pure water and nutes on my buds when trying to water them through the net. it would probably be much easier if i just defoled a little and made a hole but i'm too lazy!! just pour it on, the fans will dry it off!!😆😆

still slowly getting my veggie garden together, got all my earthboxes loaded, leveled, and filled... i put peppers in two of them so far. tomatoes are next!!




got some california cherries in the local grocery store already.. they picked up right where they left off last year!! some of the best cherries in years imo!! got a good sweet watermelon too!!!!


Go #17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for the first part of the day anyway!!!! hehe)
Where's all the pot in that greenhouse? Isn't that why it's called a 'greenhouse? To house all the green!
I'd be blowing the roof off that thing here🤣

Haha i kid i kid. looks good man, should work out well for ya.
Where's all the pot in that greenhouse? Isn't that why it's called a 'greenhouse? To house all the green!
I'd be blowing the roof off that thing here🤣

Haha i kid i kid. looks good man, should work out well for ya.

i wish man, it's right next to my driveway for all to see... i'll sneak in a couple autos though, but nothing crazy.
still slowly getting my veggie garden together, got all my earthboxes loaded, leveled, and filled... i put peppers in two of them so far.

Sorry for your loss. The older I get the more it gets to me. More than once pets have gotten me through ruff times. Glad you got it identified and on the mend.

Stupid question but how do you evenly water/feed the plants covered like that?

Great setup. Work crew did a good job. 🤣
Stupid question but how do you evenly water/feed the plants covered like that?
They are called Earth Boxes.
That black little pipe is where you add water and then there is a screen in the bottom that keeps the soil and stuff above the water and the roots hang into it. I wanted to use them in my tent but i passed. EBdiagram.jpg
Sorry for your loss. The older I get the more it gets to me. More than once pets have gotten me through ruff times. Glad you got it identified and on the mend.

Thanks Zen, i really appreciate that man!

we had a very smooth morning here with the new flock. no fights, not even any bitching or cackling!!

Stupid question but how do you evenly water/feed the plants covered like that?

just like G$ said, ya fill the tube till water spits out the overflow every few days and that's it. if further nutes are needed i'll just lift the cover and scratch in a top feed of dry nutes.

the cover helps keep the moisture in, they're not needed but the soil i used is from the seeded grow beds so they're full of weeds, the covers also keep the weeds from growing!!

Great setup. Work crew did a good job. 🤣

they sure did!!!!!!!!!! sadly though it rained the following two days and the work crew went on strike!! :ROFLMAO: i tried my best to get them to walk down to the greenhouse but they wouldn't take one step even near the coop door... some of my chickens never minded the rain but these two divas don't want nothing to do with it!!

it only took me another 20 minutes or so to finish it all up anyway so i got off pretty ez!!

They are called Earth Boxes.
That black little pipe is where you add water and then there is a screen in the bottom that keeps the soil and stuff above the water and the roots hang into it. I wanted to use them in my tent but i passed. View attachment 59157

yes sir, you know it!!!!! self irrigated planter SIP. when i first came here to BudBuilders this is how i grew my ganj.. look at me now!!!!!


see what kind of influence you all have been!!!!!
they sure did!!!!!!!!!! sadly though it rained the following two days and the work crew went on strike!! :ROFLMAO: i tried my best to get them to walk down to the greenhouse but they wouldn't take one step even near the coop door... some of my chickens never minded the rain but these two divas don't want nothing to do with it!!
When you have beautiful days why bother being in the rain.
Maybe I am a Diva. Been called alot worse~!😁
Not working in the rain. Just say NO. It is that simple....

Good to see the power loss did not have any effect on you or your plants.
When you have beautiful days why bother being in the rain.
Maybe I am a Diva. Been called alot worse~!😁
Not working in the rain. Just say NO. It is that simple....

Good to see the power loss did not have any effect on you or your plants.

I won't go on my roof when it's raining either!!!!!!!!! never... ya know...


even when it was leaking i just put a bucket under it and went up there when it was dry!!!! and i got a super ez roof... fuck that!!!


it was hot AF here so i waited about two hours for the power and fired up the generator!! i didn't want anything in the fridge to go bad... plus i had a couple cars to clean so the plants didn't even know what happened... they're the real divas of the house!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I won't go on my roof when it's raining either!!!!!!!!! never... ya know...
I say to customers that it just does not seem right or fair that the guy responsible for keeping the world dry would go out in the rain.
Can't fix shit when it is wet, and a good roofer can find the leak even when it is not leaking. I'll catch you on a dry day.
I'll add NONE of my work has leaked for about 20 years now besides the rubber on my house~!:rolleyes:

Last leak I fixed [ not mine] was at FDRs presidential library in Hyde Park. I spread Karnack like a pro~!
It was easy to see inside where the water was doing most of the damage. On the roof no holes so all seams within 20 feet got the treatment and never heard about the leak again. It is not rocket science.
I say to customers that it just does not seem right or fair that the guy responsible for keeping the world dry would go out in the rain.
Can't fix shit when it is wet, and a good roofer can find the leak even when it is not leaking. I'll catch you on a dry day.
I'll add NONE of my work has leaked for about 20 years now besides the rubber on my house~!:rolleyes:

Last leak I fixed [ not mine] was at FDRs presidential library in Hyde Park. I spread Karnack like a pro~!
It was easy to see inside where the water was doing most of the damage. On the roof no holes so all seams within 20 feet got the treatment and never heard about the leak again. It is not rocket science.

somehow it doesn't surprise me that your own roof could use repair!!! :ROFLMAO:

but man those pics you show... there is no way you would ever get me up there even on a perfectly good dry day!!!!!!! if rooves were meant to be walked on they would call them floors!!! 😆
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