ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

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Used to sit on the floor in my bedroom.
Until my 3 year old found one of my small model screw drivers and stiffed it in one of the sockets....
He no joke shit himself and tripped the breaker for the back half of my house....
For real do whatever you need to do to get them up out of her reach cause you're gonna be buying a wig soon just so you can pull hair out🤣
Haha a wig
So what's the proper way? Risk-free ish?

Seperate outlets?

I've yet the need to dive ino electrical education, as I'm not really doing any "big boy stuff" yet

suppose it's not too far behind now to start learning a thing or two about.

Run two power strips

One for timer and lights and then another for whatever the fuck else?

Is a timer plugged into wall and a power strip ran off that timer with lights into the power strip safe?

So, ideally you'd want to run the loads on different circuits. So, ventilation on one, lights on another, pumps/water things on another (preferably GFCI protected). That's in an ideal world.

Some of the resident sparkies can speak more intelligently about this than I can.

What i would do is see about getting a hold some of those surge strips that have super long cords. You want at least 12 AWG just to be sure the load doesn't burn up the extension cord itself. Then, you can run one off a timer for your lights. Run your other equipment off the other one, but have that second one on a different circuit. So, like, your lights are on the living room circuit (outlet behind a couch or whatever) and the other is ran from a bathroom outlet. That'll distribute the load more even across your panel and reduce risk of overloading an outlet or breaker quite a bit.

Hanging the cords will be another challenge in of itself, and you'll have to get creative in whatever ways you can. It's also a great opportunity to start teaching her about the dangers of certain things. So, like with our kids, we'd point at a dangerous object and say "OWWWW no touch." So like, stoves, pans, knives, electrical things (lights, plugs, heaters), etc all got the "OWWWW no touch" treatment. It helped avoid a lot of the more potentially serious injuries, but they'll still get curious at some point about some things.
Gonna strip the left tote a little tonight and should be good to go for a few.


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Used to sit on the floor in my bedroom.
Until my 3 year old found one of my small model screw drivers and stiffed it in one of the sockets....
He no joke shit himself and tripped the breaker for the back half of my house....
For real do whatever you need to do to get them up out of her reach cause you're gonna be buying a wig soon just so you can pull hair out🤣
Yeah.... that's a fuckin fire hazard if i've ever seen one lol luckily those are all low amperage wall warts but goddamn i wish they'd outlaw those two wire expansion blocks. You pull enough current through those and they'll get hot enough to melt the insulator to your flesh. Don't ask how I know
So, ideally you'd want to run the loads on different circuits. So, ventilation on one, lights on another, pumps/water things on another (preferably GFCI protected). That's in an ideal world.

Some of the resident sparkies can speak more intelligently about this than I can.

What i would do is see about getting a hold some of those surge strips that have super long cords. You want at least 12 AWG just to be sure the load doesn't burn up the extension cord itself. Then, you can run one off a timer for your lights. Run your other equipment off the other one, but have that second one on a different circuit. So, like, your lights are on the living room circuit (outlet behind a couch or whatever) and the other is ran from a bathroom outlet. That'll distribute the load more even across your panel and reduce risk of overloading an outlet or breaker quite a bit.

Hanging the cords will be another challenge in of itself, and you'll have to get creative in whatever ways you can. It's also a great opportunity to start teaching her about the dangers of certain things. So, like with our kids, we'd point at a dangerous object and say "OWWWW no touch." So like, stoves, pans, knives, electrical things (lights, plugs, heaters), etc all got the "OWWWW no touch" treatment. It helped avoid a lot of the more potentially serious injuries, but they'll still get curious at some point about some things.
Ok thanks man, that's about all I knew, - the GFCI and seperate circuit bits.

And good idea I started to do some similar behaviors with things, like with the knifes. And she grabs my trimmers.
Ok thanks man, that's about all I knew, - the GFCI and seperate circuit bits.

And good idea I started to do some similar behaviors with things, like with the knifes. And she grabs my trimmers.
sounds like you got some help! put her in trim jail, she'll never touch your trimmers again after about three minutes :ROFLMAO:
Yeah.... that's a fuckin fire hazard if i've ever seen one lol luckily those are all low amperage wall warts but goddamn i wish they'd outlaw those two wire expansion blocks. You pull enough current through those and they'll get hot enough to melt the insulator to your flesh. Don't ask how I know
Yeah no shit I actually had just a phone charger in one kft hose shitry brown extension cords with the dumb little double sided box outlet on end lol.

Started to overheat and smell in last apartment, trashed that t shit.
sounds like you got some help! put her in trim jail, she'll never touch your trimmers again after about three minutes :ROFLMAO:
Haha she gonna be the little plant elf.

I'll sit Infront of tent and shell come sit in my lap and stare at em with me
Yeah.... that's a fuckin fire hazard if i've ever seen one lol luckily those are all low amperage wall warts but goddamn i wish they'd outlaw those two wire expansion blocks. You pull enough current through those and they'll get hot enough to melt the insulator to your flesh. Don't ask how I know
Agree 100% man.
I dont have any of them anymore. Its now a 6 outlet power strip mounted on the wall and the unused outlets have the safety plugs in them.

Everywhere else i used one now has been rewired to have physical outlets.
That was only temporary but he made me fix it sooner than planned lmao.
Agree 100% man.
I dont have any of them anymore. Its now a 6 outlet power strip mounted on the wall and the unused outlets have the safety plugs in them.

Everywhere else i used one now has been rewired to have physical outlets.
That was only temporary but he made me fix it sooner than planned lmao.
it's irritating but convenient how the little shits do that to us. like, "that was good enough until you touched it, you little shit!"
I never wanted kids but I'm so happy she's here now.

I wouldn't trade for space travel tech, well shit that's kinda a hard one.

I wouldn't trade for a Trillion, lol.


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and of course, they uncover ALL the crap you never considered to be a hazard before. like, oh you're gonna eat faux wood blinds because you're a fucking weirdo? ok. guess you get cloth curtains from now on. apparently built in closet shelves are scalable so the comet can't live where it lived for 25 fucking years of my life anymore. oh, and that random finishing nail that had lived under the base board since the apartment was built? yeah, give me that too.

whoever didn't force us to deal with this age group of children as teenagers failed, because you know what i would've done? been better about wearing a rain coat or getting that pull out game fail proof :ROFLMAO:
and of course, they uncover ALL the crap you never considered to be a hazard before. like, oh you're gonna eat faux wood blinds because you're a fucking weirdo? ok. guess you get cloth curtains from now on. apparently built in closet shelves are scalable so the comet can't live where it lived for 25 fucking years of my life anymore. oh, and that random finishing nail that had lived under the base board since the apartment was built? yeah, give me that too.

whoever didn't force us to deal with this age group of children as teenagers failed, because you know what i would've done? been better about wearing a rain coat or getting that pull out game fail proof :ROFLMAO:

We weren't prepared for this shit at all.

No one teaches you this shit

How to be a dad a husband or a parent.

I was living out of my car, doing fine dining serving, met someone on a fling and we here now lol.

Hotels cocaine liquor and weed.
I'm noticing fucking gnats here, hmm, fuckin coco.

I'm either gonna do rock wool and or dwc as my primaries next few runs perhaps

While I fuck around with an aeroponic and a fogponic system.

I've been wanting to do high pressure aero
Appreciate making me think more about it and possible hazards as she gets older
We weren't prepared for this shit at all.

No one teaches you this shit

How to be a dad a husband or a parent.

I was living out of my car, doing fine dining serving, met someone on a fling and we here now lol.

Hotels cocaine liquor and weed.
My shrink used to tell me parenting is harder than medical school, as if that was some sort of consolation. Even if the kid is unplanned (my daughter came pre-owned, tequila is responsible for my son), they do something to you man.

Drugs and booze are fun, but the love of a child is unparalleled. Just hope you and your lady can stay close through all the shit. Once a kid, or multiple, is involved maintaining a relationship tends to fall on the back burner.
No matter how hard you try to make things safe and focus on safety the little rug rats will make you scream. It is a funny race where your tires are flat your gas light is flashing and they keep moving the finish line. I wouldn't let my 16-year-old drive because of the numbers and I didn't trust him to not be stoned. This is also a good argument for living with grandma and grandpa around (unless they're also dope fiends) to keep the little ones on the straight and narrow. Lots of books on parenting, can read/underline or highlight things that make sense to you and ignore the rest. My girlfriend gave me some kind of ring and put it on my finger. But it was a size too small, whoops. My dad saw me trying to get the thing off and whisked me to the ER where they cut it off. The Dr said another 10 minutes of that and I would have been 4 fingered....Dads are important.
i think that's why miscreants like us end up with trophies for our "good" work. real men face the challenge and work to be better.

Get to be a kid again with her kinda, being home all the all the time with her

Get to be a kid again with her kinda, being home all the all the time with her
have you done the whole get on your knees and elbows and wander around at her level exercise yet? get her in on it with you. she'll lead you to trouble lol
have you done the whole get on your knees and elbows and wander around at her level exercise yet? get her in on it with you. she'll lead you to trouble lol
Not as much as I should be.

My knees are fucked from diving out of a car, but I ain't no bitch.

I'm trying to get shit situated and stable again and start spending more time with her.
I don't know where I was headed or where I'd be without my daughter and now I can't imagine life any other way. Once in a while I'd like to punt her out the window but when she figured out how to hug back, nothing else mattered 🥹
I don't know where I was headed or where I'd be without my daughter and now I can't imagine life any other way. Once in a while I'd like to punt her out the window but when she figured out how to hug back, nothing else mattered 🥹
Aww damn straight
Like that plant size for a half gallon..

If I my shit didn't get fucked it would be "more" probably.

All the issues at the other place, ac, electricity outages.

It appears I only need to give .1-.3ml of pH down to get to the sweet spot range of a full 3/-2-1gs batch


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you hit those damn near perfect for high fertigation man. in a week, so long you don't shit the bed, they'll be full again. i see you, and i respect the shit you're throwing down 💪
you hit those damn near perfect for high fertigation man. in a week, so long you don't shit the bed, they'll be full again. i see you, and i respect the shit you're throwing down 💪

appreciate that man trying to get some of that, ha.

Ran into so many issues this run with shit out of my control.

Getting them back on track, fuck that larf-bullshit is a complete waste of time.

Do you lower ec a little after stripping as there is less bio-mass?

Give slightly less PPMs?

appreciate that man trying to get some of that, ha.

Ran into so many issues this run with shit out of my control.

Getting them back on track, fuck that larf-bullshit is a complete waste of time.

Do you lower ec a little after stripping as there is less bio-mass?

Give slightly less PPMs?
Nope, but reduce lights for a few days. They stressed TF out now, so let em recover by reducing photosynthesis. Keep the feed up though because you no longer have indicator for problems so keep everything normal except reduce the light.
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