CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Looks done anyway, id just cut it down lol
I've never seen a plant finished so low to the ground. It struck me as funny and he's not asking for help on if its ready but on the health of its leaves.......I think he needed help long before today.....These autos are a scourge, new growers are flocking to them and few are having much luck........are they a government plot...frustrate new growers into buying from them
I've never seen a plant finished so low to the ground. It struck me as funny and he's not asking for help on if its ready but on the health of its leaves.......I think he needed help long before today.....These autos are a scourge, new growers are flocking to them and few are having much luck........are they a government plot...frustrate new growers into buying from them
I hated the autos I grew and I pretty well hate any of them I see others growing (raises flame shield). I started with them indoor growing and had I never grown photoperiods outside prior I may have quit altogether....if I grew them another round or two i would have definitely been selling my grow tech
I was just slumming over on redit and came across a guy who need help with the leaves on his auto......any suggestions.....????...lolView attachment 60725

I've seen so many tragic grow ops on reddit I lost count. There's no hope there. Just an abyss of mangled and sad plants beyond any help.
Like that there....How in the world does it even get to that? Like you gotta really be trying to fuck it all up or going off some really bad ideas or suggestions about how to grow a plant to make that happen.

Last thing I remember after dinner was the wife and son picked us up some treats.

We smoked the joints with diamonds and flower. I ate all my chocolate. Enjoyed the sours. And woke up at 2:30am. 😳

Where’d everyone go? 🦗🦗🦗
My town is jam packed like it was mid season.
I drove by the track to get my hairs cut cause I like to see it and the people but wholly smokes it is crowded out of control.
I saw signs in front yards for parking [ they do this all season when the track is open] charging $60 just to park~!
50,000 indoor seats sold out on day 1they announced the Belmont would be here and to quote ' who knows how many other passes~!'
It is a mad house in Saratoga near the track today.
It will spill over to the town and our bars this evening for sure.🥳
Yesterday, my lady and I got all fancied up and went into town! :)

We went to Modesto, which is about 60 miles east of where we live (half the time anyway).
On the way home in the evening, there was a moving, tan colored carpet moving north across highway 120.

It is billions of tan grasshopper nymphs. Too small to have wings and fly, but hopping in unison.
It looked biblical! If this thing grows up, we‘re going to have a locust invasion by mid summer. Perhaps they will continue migrating and someone else gets to deal with it, but this is a really phucked up event in the early stages.

The entire highway road surface was moving. Even as millions are being smashed by passing traffic, there are billions more to replace them.
Yesterday, my lady and I got all fancied up and went into town! :)

We went to Modesto, which is about 60 miles east of where we live (half the time anyway).
On the way home in the evening, there was a moving, tan colored carpet moving north across highway 120.

It is billions of tan grasshopper nymphs. Too small to have wings and fly, but hopping in unison.
It looked biblical! If this thing grows up, we‘re going to have a locust invasion by mid summer. Perhaps they will continue migrating and someone else gets to deal with it, but this is a really phucked up event in the early stages.

The entire highway road surface was moving. Even as millions are being smashed by passing traffic, there are billions more to replace them.
Sorry, 60 miles west, not east!

oops, someone has been into the stash early! :)
Yesterday, my lady and I got all fancied up and went into town! :)

We went to Modesto, which is about 60 miles east of where we live (half the time anyway).
On the way home in the evening, there was a moving, tan colored carpet moving north across highway 120.

It is billions of tan grasshopper nymphs. Too small to have wings and fly, but hopping in unison.
It looked biblical! If this thing grows up, we‘re going to have a locust invasion by mid summer. Perhaps they will continue migrating and someone else gets to deal with it, but this is a really phucked up event in the early stages.

The entire highway road surface was moving. Even as millions are being smashed by passing traffic, there are billions more to replace them.

I saw monarch butterfly caterpillars do that in the 80’s on 33(?) north of Bala in Muskoka, and earwigs do it in the 90’s on a smaller back yard size demolition project. Both gross in different ways. Driving over the caterpillars in the Jeep with 33” tires was scary as it made the tires slip and slide. Both were smaller than 100’ though. Caterpillars just seemed much longer.
I saw monarch butterfly caterpillars do that in the 80’s on 33(?) north of Bala in Muskoka, and earwigs do it in the 90’s on a smaller back yard size demolition project. Both gross in different ways. Driving over the caterpillars in the Jeep with 33” tires was scary as it made the tires slip and slide. Both were smaller than 100’ though. Caterpillars just seemed much longer.
This was literally many miles of moving carpet. It was like the opening frames of a horror movie.

I don’t know if this is a seasonal thing like what happens with the cicadas or if it’s because of two good winter/spring seasons in back to back years or ???

I guess I’d also have to think, if this happens regularly, there should be a predator in fairly significant numbers somewhere. Around here, I’d guess praying mantis, we should try radiating them and see if we get a gargantuan bug that will eat anything that fits in the mouth! :)

Zed, we got a bug!
I think most are seasonal for things that flourish like you noted.

I’d never seen a wild praying mantis before I was in my 40’s. And the first was on the subway clinging to the advertisement over the door. Big guy. Then that same week I saw two more, one in our yard. Haven’t seen one since.

I know it happens with deer because the ministry will give out more tags to hunt if they think the deer population has outgrown the food supply to make it through winter. And the same for coyotes.
This was literally many miles of moving carpet. It was like the opening frames of a horror movie.

I don’t know if this is a seasonal thing like what happens with the cicadas or if it’s because of two good winter/spring seasons in back to back years or ???

I guess I’d also have to think, if this happens regularly, there should be a predator in fairly significant numbers somewhere. Around here, I’d guess praying mantis, we should try radiating them and see if we get a gargantuan bug that will eat anything that fits in the mouth! :)

Zed, we got a bug!
Im officially grossed out.
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