I’m at ground zero for the solar eclipse in April. Who else is? Dark line is the indicator.View attachment 42441
I'm right at that little tip right above that dark line on the right edge of Missouri....I'm at like 95-98% range myself. I always miss remembering these things

Hanging out waiting for my old man to get out of surgery, hate these places especially during the cold season
So let me give y’all a little story to make you who are down their luck feel a little better 😂🤗

Last Thursday I went to my usual volleyball league night to play my last game for awhile. Between children and a BIG kitchen renovation coming in the beginning of March (I was taking the month of March off work) and a family trip to Aruba. I needed to take a break.

In the first game I played hard as usual and noticed the terrible chest cramping (duh idiot you shouldn’t have gotten that burger King before the game) so I played through like all is good like tough dumb men due.

Come home to shower and notice a lump in the mirror huh.

Can’t sleep, can’t breath. Go to work and get an early doctors appointment. “You need an Urgent CT scan” buuuutttttt we can’t get you in till Sunday, so lay low until then great, super, just Fantastic. Pain all weekend. Think extremely intense Ab Exercise pain that won’t go away ever. CT scan Sunday

Nurse- “you can got home but you need to see your doctor”
Me- “can you give me more information”
Nurse- “no”
Me- “why”
Nurse- “cause you’ll ask questions and I’m not a doctor but you’ll be fine”

Monday call doctor “you have an upper abdominal hernia, you need surgery we’ll let surgeon know”


Surgeon (yesterday) “you need this fixed asap”
Me- “kids spring break starts February 17th, we’re taking them to Aruba”
Surgeon- “……”
Me- “like it’s non refundable”
Surgeon- “well professionally I have to say get it fix, off the record though try and go on your trip but you need to be on my table within 48hrs of return”

Estimated recovery 6 week no more than 8lbs lifting

So now I’m searching for a climate controlled storage until to store the $60,000 worth of kitchen materials I have purchased up to date for another year or so. I’m being a baby so I (knock on wood) don’t make it worse before my trip or surgery. There goes my project, ice fishing, throwing the lax ball with my son picking up my daughter WTF!!!!

Oh and I got three girls in my tent that desperately need my attention and I may have to just let die🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂
So let me give y’all a little story to make you who are down their luck feel a little better 😂🤗

Last Thursday I went to my usual volleyball league night to play my last game for awhile. Between children and a BIG kitchen renovation coming in the beginning of March (I was taking the month of March off work) and a family trip to Aruba. I needed to take a break.

In the first game I played hard as usual and noticed the terrible chest cramping (duh idiot you shouldn’t have gotten that burger King before the game) so I played through like all is good like tough dumb men due.

Come home to shower and notice a lump in the mirror huh.

Can’t sleep, can’t breath. Go to work and get an early doctors appointment. “You need an Urgent CT scan” buuuutttttt we can’t get you in till Sunday, so lay low until then great, super, just Fantastic. Pain all weekend. Think extremely intense Ab Exercise pain that won’t go away ever. CT scan Sunday

Nurse- “you can got home but you need to see your doctor”
Me- “can you give me more information”
Nurse- “no”
Me- “why”
Nurse- “cause you’ll ask questions and I’m not a doctor but you’ll be fine”

Monday call doctor “you have an upper abdominal hernia, you need surgery we’ll let surgeon know”


Surgeon (yesterday) “you need this fixed asap”
Me- “kids spring break starts February 17th, we’re taking them to Aruba”
Surgeon- “……”
Me- “like it’s non refundable”
Surgeon- “well professionally I have to say get it fix, off the record though try and go on your trip but you need to be on my table within 48hrs of return”

Estimated recovery 6 week no more than 8lbs lifting

So now I’m searching for a climate controlled storage until to store the $60,000 worth of kitchen materials I have purchased up to date for another year or so. I’m being a baby so I (knock on wood) don’t make it worse before my trip or surgery. There goes my project, ice fishing, throwing the lax ball with my son picking up my daughter WTF!!!!

Oh and I got three girls in my tent that desperately need my attention and I may have to just let die🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂
Ouch, careful man, will health insurance cover you in Aruba should you need it? pre existing condition can void a claim.....Travelling days are very stressful, consider letting the family go and swallowing your ticket cost....You can keep in touch and relax at home, no kids/wife....boring as fk yes but gee's man they're saying surgery asap?...what are the consequences of it rupturing? in a foreign country?
So let me give y’all a little story to make you who are down their luck feel a little better 😂🤗

Last Thursday I went to my usual volleyball league night to play my last game for awhile. Between children and a BIG kitchen renovation coming in the beginning of March (I was taking the month of March off work) and a family trip to Aruba. I needed to take a break.

In the first game I played hard as usual and noticed the terrible chest cramping (duh idiot you shouldn’t have gotten that burger King before the game) so I played through like all is good like tough dumb men due.

Come home to shower and notice a lump in the mirror huh.

Can’t sleep, can’t breath. Go to work and get an early doctors appointment. “You need an Urgent CT scan” buuuutttttt we can’t get you in till Sunday, so lay low until then great, super, just Fantastic. Pain all weekend. Think extremely intense Ab Exercise pain that won’t go away ever. CT scan Sunday

Nurse- “you can got home but you need to see your doctor”
Me- “can you give me more information”
Nurse- “no”
Me- “why”
Nurse- “cause you’ll ask questions and I’m not a doctor but you’ll be fine”

Monday call doctor “you have an upper abdominal hernia, you need surgery we’ll let surgeon know”


Surgeon (yesterday) “you need this fixed asap”
Me- “kids spring break starts February 17th, we’re taking them to Aruba”
Surgeon- “……”
Me- “like it’s non refundable”
Surgeon- “well professionally I have to say get it fix, off the record though try and go on your trip but you need to be on my table within 48hrs of return”

Estimated recovery 6 week no more than 8lbs lifting

So now I’m searching for a climate controlled storage until to store the $60,000 worth of kitchen materials I have purchased up to date for another year or so. I’m being a baby so I (knock on wood) don’t make it worse before my trip or surgery. There goes my project, ice fishing, throwing the lax ball with my son picking up my daughter WTF!!!!

Oh and I got three girls in my tent that desperately need my attention and I may have to just let die🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂
Dude... hernias are no joke. Mine was inguinal(?) but recovery was a bitch. Good luck with all that man. I feel for you.

Climate controlled storage was a good move. Terrible timing for something like this.

If you're waiting out the surgery, pay real close attention to that lump.
Hey, my question today is if you're over 70 & have 3 cats, would wanting 4 be a sign of mental illness? is it a tell tale sign you're losing it and medical help is required?.....my wife wants to know.....lol
I have three dogs and get nephews dog when he goes out of town so 4 sometimes. They all get along and listen well if they were not well behaved i think it could l cause mental illness !!!!
Dude... hernias are no joke. Mine was inguinal(?) but recovery was a bitch. Good luck with all that man. I feel for you.

Climate controlled storage was a good move. Terrible timing for something like this.

If you're waiting out the surgery, pay real close attention to that lump.
I have two hernias right now. Been like 6 - 9 months. They don’t bother me so I have been ignoring them. I have a 6 month health check in March. I’ll try and remember to mention them to the doc then.
Ouch, careful man, will health insurance cover you in Aruba should you need it? pre existing condition can void a claim.....Travelling days are very stressful, consider letting the family go and swallowing your ticket cost....You can keep in touch and relax at home, no kids/wife....boring as fk yes but gee's man they're saying surgery asap?...what are the consequences of it rupturing? in a foreign country?
right now (knock on wood) my intestines are intacted and it’s fat that’s come through the stomach wall, it’s “incarcerated” meaning the hole it passed through is to small to let it go back the other way which is what’s causing the pain every time I breath in its pulling on that fat (that’s why they would push for a quick surgery).
As long as it stays like this the fat could possibly die but antibiotics could fix that it will be painful but….it shouldn’t really rupture per say like an appendix just more stuff could pass through.
There will be a serious talk with the wife about me staying home but neither are ready to approach that yet.
No I’ll be out of network in Aruba
Dude... hernias are no joke. Mine was inguinal(?) but recovery was a bitch. Good luck with all that man. I feel for you.

Climate controlled storage was a good move. Terrible timing for something like this.

If you're waiting out the surgery, pay real close attention to that lump.
90% of all hernia are inguinal then there are umbilical (bet you can guess where those are) then there are these in the upper abdomen where your abs come together is a weak spot (apparently)
I’ve got a hernia belt on now with a pressure pad to hopefully act like a cork when I move.
I have two hernias right now. Been like 6 - 9 months. They don’t bother me so I have been ignoring them. I have a 6 month health check in March. I’ll try and remember to mention them to the doc then.
You must have the kind that can pass back and forth freely (non incarcerated) that’s crazy though! 2 at the same time dang! My understanding is if they’re non restricted you can live like that for a long time but eventually they will need to be fixed
Dude... hernias are no joke. Mine was inguinal(?) but recovery was a bitch. Good luck with all that man. I feel for you.

Climate controlled storage was a good move. Terrible timing for something like this.

If you're waiting out the surgery, pay real close attention to that lump.
With hernias you have watch whatever part broke threw your muscle does not get squeezed tight causing strangulation cutting off blood flow. If this happens you may get parts that was strangulated have to be removed also intestine,bowel etc.
You must have the kind that can pass back and forth freely (non incarcerated) that’s crazy though! 2 at the same time dang! My understanding is if they’re non restricted you can live like that for a long time but eventually they will need to be fixed
One on each side. Yes they pass freely. I know to correct them requires surgery. They are both about ping pong ball size.
When i was 55 my appendicts burst they did laposcopic surgery on me. This kind of surgery they blow you up with gas to get at your insides and this is how i ened up with a hernia. Had a lump on my side but the give away was what ever let go went into my scrotum.
With hernias you have watch whatever part broke threw your muscle does not get squeezed tight causing strangulation cutting off blood flow. If this happens you may get parts that was strangulated have to be removed also intestine,bowel etc.
Exactly, right now it’s just fat getting strangulated and they said I would definitely know when that happens cause “it’s very painful” so as long as my skin dosent change color or I start fevering we’re ok
When i was 55 my appendicts burst they did laposcopic surgery on me. This kind of surgery they blow you up with gas to get at your insides and this is how i ened up with a hernia. Had a lump on my side but the give away was what ever let go went into my scrotum.
I had my appendix out in 22 they didn’t tell my anything about blowing me up with air, came out of surgery and thought I was having a heart attack the pressure in my shoulders was so bad, took days to get that air out
i had that laposcopic for a ruptured intestine in my 30's. shortly after that i had a hernia. i always thought it was because i pushed it a little to hard when i got out of the hospital. don't really know. but i had the mesh put in back then and luckily have not had any problems since.

my hernia was a big ol lump sticking out of the side of my stomach... made for some good jokes!! never had pain from it so it was easy to make fun.
Getting old sucks.
I'll be getting my hernia operated on if I ever go to a Dr.
It will be soon for me.
I put it off for several years and the choice is almost out of my hands at this point.
Hernia repair for me was same day surgery wake up get your pants on go home. No pain doc told me sit in lazyboy for first two days just get up to use washroom than 6 weeks no lifting followed instructions and to this day hasnt bothered me. Funny part was nurse asked if i needed help getting dressed i said lady if i cant dress myself you should not be kicking me out.
Hernia repair for me was same day surgery wake up get your pants on go home. No pain doc told me sit in lazyboy for first two days just get up to use washroom than 6 weeks no lifting followed instructions and to this day hasnt bothered me. Funny part was nurse asked if i needed help getting dressed i said lady if i cant dress myself you should not be kicking me out.

same with me, outpatient same day... told me to come back in a couple weeks and get a camera shoved up my @$$!!!!
same with me, outpatient same day... told me to come back in a couple weeks and get a camera shoved up my @$$!!!!
Yep same day. Had to have a driver.

They put the mash and me in my 20's and it's been uncomfortable sense. Not really painful but there's a numbness that hurts if that makes sense.

They did not shove a camera up muh butt 🤣
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