CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

No damnnnn way! 😂
It takes a stupid tough breed to make it up here, can you imagine going out Lobster fishing in these conditions. You should see the hands on some of those guys, its like they have form fit leather gloves on. Usually skinny tough old guys with a smoke hanging out of their mouths, some of the roughest, toughest guys I've ever met....Not me.....I'm a west coast pansy compared to these folks with soft hands and a belly.
It takes a stupid tough breed to make it up here, can you imagine going out Lobster fishing in these conditions. You should see the hands on some of those guys, its like they have form fit leather gloves on. Usually skinny tough old guys with a smoke hanging out of their mouths, some of the roughest, toughest guys I've ever met....Not me.....I'm a west coast pansy compared to these folks with soft hands and a belly.
I have to agree PC. I could do it if forced..otherwise.. Well I like spring time!
My pear trees are in full bloom, spring flowers popping up. Like the world is coming back to life around me!
This will for sure be a screaming summer. For the first time in over 220 years both the seventeen year cicadas and the thirteen year cicadas will hatch at the same time. Thank goodness they shut up at night!
Well, I’m back to the courthouse Thursday morning for another jury duty. Most people serve once a year if that, this lovely state has placed me on reserve for a period of a year. Meaning I will be called for every single jury trial. Two big murder trials coming up, one I will for sure be excused from. In Dec. of this past year there was a robbery and the victim was shot dead in his driveway. He was my x husband. They caught the guys that did it, but I’m for sure not unbiased on that one. I don’t even want to know the details.
Anyways, weed work to do today…sun is shining…will make the most of it!
Agree with most of your statement but I see million and billionaires as only taking advantage of the system they bought and paid for. The legislators, judges and SCOTUS that helped pass McConnel vs. FEC, McCutcheon vs. FEC and Citizens United vs FEC are the ones to blame for the crisis we are in in regard to politics. Money in politics is the root of all those problems. We used to severely restrict money to only donations from the general public along with a set amount of funding provided to the final candidates by the Feds for that very reason. No shadow groups propped up by even shadowier billionaires or countries interfering in our elections hiding behind layers of shell groups to hide their identity. Why would you need to hide who you're giving money to if your intentions are honorable, or you truly feel it's for the good of the country? Because it all comes back to the core. Greed, Power and Money. When SCOTUS decided that money is a form of free speech we hammered in the last nail in the coffin for this country. This essentially opened the doors to legalized corruption. Not that our country isn't already corrupt but at least there was a thin veil keeping the majority of it under some control but that is all but gone now.

Democrats keep yelling about how Donald Trump being elected into the White House again will be the end of Democracy but that already happened in 2010 when plutocracy took over after those rulings. The only difference is Donald Trump has no shame in doing it out in the open and his supporters don't care if he does emboldening him even further.
Yeah agree with what is said here. I would add maybe that people are generally corrupt and we all make excuses or exceptions for our behavior and situations

It's the legal framework that's breaking down and it's not going to get any easier. No doubt in my mind that these AI arms race is being used to undermine the American public

For autocratic government in places like China, Russia, Iran and n. Korea it's money and resources well spent
Got the pit started at 9:10 and shut it down at 10:45, I figured an hour and a halfish at 520° was good to burn all the oils off when the book says 30-45 minutes above 350.
It worked awesome and smelled delicious, can not wait to cook something on it.
Gonna make venison steaks for lunch, and I'll grab a nice pork loin or butt and smoke that this weekend 😋
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