I’ve got one thats nuts about butter! He managed to slink his way past myself and the Hubby to get in the house. I came in to find him on the counter sucking up the butter from my butter dish. Freaked me out as I can’t stand a cat

on my counter or in my kitchen much less eating from my butter dish. He would absolutely do tricks to get more. So, every once in awhile I oblige him. Nothing else, just butter for him!
Hows the harvest coming along? I’m pretty close here myself. This round everything that could go wrong did. Both human and mechanical errors. One night after a warm day of doing a fresh air exchange I failed to close the window, it dropped to 52* in my grow overnight. Within two weeks my AC went out ( had to wait two weeks for the parts to come in prior to repair) and my room saw highs of 94-96*. I have major purpling on every single plant. Amazingly the whole crop is sticky as syrup.
I have stuff that should be on the edge of ripe showing no signs of slowing down nor ripening and I have stuff that should not even be close to ripening milking up. My whole house reeks.
If this turns out to be half as wicked as it smells and as sticky as it is, I may never baby another crop!