When boy birds sing, they're usually saying one of two things:

Ladies! Check out my plumage! Do me, and I'll share my territory with you!
Dudes! This is my territory! I'll kill ya for looking at me funny!

So their lives are pretty much like the typical bar scene in just about any movie.
Gday all, Cat story time....after 2 J's in the morning with Qnight in my shop I come back up for coffee and I have to bribe my cat Coal out of my seat. It started about a year ago he was coiled up and I put a drop of butter on my finger he licked it up and the second piece I held at arms length so he had to move if he wanted more...he did and now its a habit...lol....5-6 days a week its the same routine.

Our little guy Dusk is all in with that and gets a small lick too, when ever Coal gets it so does he now. One day I switched to creamed cheese & that lit them up with more more funny as fk, little Dusky was drooling for more Coal pawing at my leg, give me more more.......they don't get more than a fingernails worth, little chunks at a time once per day and google says alls good and so do my cats...
Gday all, Cat story time....after 2 J's in the morning with Qnight in my shop I come back up for coffee and I have to bribe my cat Coal out of my seat. It started about a year ago he was coiled up and I put a drop of butter on my finger he licked it up and the second piece I held at arms length so he had to move if he wanted more...he did and now its a habit...lol....5-6 days a week its the same routine.

Our little guy Dusk is all in with that and gets a small lick too, when ever Coal gets it so does he now. One day I switched to creamed cheese & that lit them up with more more funny as fk, little Dusky was drooling for more Coal pawing at my leg, give me more more.......they don't get more than a fingernails worth, little chunks at a time once per day and google says alls good and so do my cats...
I’ve got one thats nuts about butter! He managed to slink his way past myself and the Hubby to get in the house. I came in to find him on the counter sucking up the butter from my butter dish. Freaked me out as I can’t stand a cat 🐈 on my counter or in my kitchen much less eating from my butter dish. He would absolutely do tricks to get more. So, every once in awhile I oblige him. Nothing else, just butter for him!
Hows the harvest coming along? I’m pretty close here myself. This round everything that could go wrong did. Both human and mechanical errors. One night after a warm day of doing a fresh air exchange I failed to close the window, it dropped to 52* in my grow overnight. Within two weeks my AC went out ( had to wait two weeks for the parts to come in prior to repair) and my room saw highs of 94-96*. I have major purpling on every single plant. Amazingly the whole crop is sticky as syrup.
I have stuff that should be on the edge of ripe showing no signs of slowing down nor ripening and I have stuff that should not even be close to ripening milking up. My whole house reeks.
If this turns out to be half as wicked as it smells and as sticky as it is, I may never baby another crop!
I’ve got one thats nuts about butter! He managed to slink his way past myself and the Hubby to get in the house. I came in to find him on the counter sucking up the butter from my butter dish. Freaked me out as I can’t stand a cat 🐈 on my counter or in my kitchen much less eating from my butter dish. He would absolutely do tricks to get more. So, every once in awhile I oblige him. Nothing else, just butter for him!
Hows the harvest coming along? I’m pretty close here myself. This round everything that could go wrong did. Both human and mechanical errors. One night after a warm day of doing a fresh air exchange I failed to close the window, it dropped to 52* in my grow overnight. Within two weeks my AC went out ( had to wait two weeks for the parts to come in prior to repair) and my room saw highs of 94-96*. I have major purpling on every single plant. Amazingly the whole crop is sticky as syrup.
I have stuff that should be on the edge of ripe showing no signs of slowing down nor ripening and I have stuff that should not even be close to ripening milking up. My whole house reeks.
If this turns out to be half as wicked as it smells and as sticky as it is, I may never baby another crop!
My best grows still were outside and with heat/drought stress daily. If 100 degree weather bakes off terpenes some of the plants I grew in that shit must've been some elite ladies I should have cloned 🫣
I’ve got one thats nuts about butter! He managed to slink his way past myself and the Hubby to get in the house. I came in to find him on the counter sucking up the butter from my butter dish. Freaked me out as I can’t stand a cat 🐈 on my counter or in my kitchen much less eating from my butter dish. He would absolutely do tricks to get more. So, every once in awhile I oblige him. Nothing else, just butter for him!
Hows the harvest coming along? I’m pretty close here myself. This round everything that could go wrong did. Both human and mechanical errors. One night after a warm day of doing a fresh air exchange I failed to close the window, it dropped to 52* in my grow overnight. Within two weeks my AC went out ( had to wait two weeks for the parts to come in prior to repair) and my room saw highs of 94-96*. I have major purpling on every single plant. Amazingly the whole crop is sticky as syrup.
I have stuff that should be on the edge of ripe showing no signs of slowing down nor ripening and I have stuff that should not even be close to ripening milking up. My whole house reeks.
If this turns out to be half as wicked as it smells and as sticky as it is, I may never baby another crop!
Hey, harvest is all done they are in drying now, 10 weeks is all I could wait, done or not done they're done..lol. Today is transplant day for as many as I can get done. I still have some work to do cleaning lines and my chiller.

I think I fked up this last grow with an 11/13 light screw up instead of 13/11.....I have my new Spiderfarmer Glow 40 red lights up and this grow I'll get it right....lol...I've been saying that for 30 years...the next one will be perfect....I have a plan.....lol

All 6 jr. plants are healthy but the Chocolate Mimosa is still slow and the rest are stunting in small pots. I was hoping to be done July 1st.....not going to be close now I'm hoping by the 30th
Ya remember that coon ya were so concerned about? Fear not! He has been spotted! He has been relocated to a rural area under the “witless“ protection program. He even has his own toys!
View attachment 58039
That raccoon just left the DEAs drug room.
Just havin the time of its life lol. 😅😂
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When boy birds sing, they're usually saying one of two things:

Ladies! Check out my plumage! Do me, and I'll share my territory with you!
Dudes! This is my territory! I'll kill ya for looking at me funny!

So their lives are pretty much like the typical bar scene in just about any movie.
This is a deep realization -- and don't go off half cocked with any fly by night theory -- have you been smoking wacky tobacco again?
Momma Groundhog, Woodchuck or Whistle Pig..and her two babies. View attachment 58109
Now I have to look up Whistle Pig🤣

Groundhogs on my dads farm hadn’t been managed in decades. Got as big as Corgis. 😳

Used to go out and catch them sunbathing on the mounds. If you whistled a lot of the time they would stand up and give you a shot.
good evening Granny. hope you're getting in some r&r time with a smoke!!

i got my new brix/gravity meter today, this thing is all kinds of slicky ricky!!! i can't wait to use it for some brandy mashes that i never used that fruit before. it will come in handy for sure!!!

so it turns out my wine is at 1.044 sg..


i tried one of these useless donkey dunk things but i hate these... i'l never have to use it again. i wish i was a wasteful person for once so i could smash it out of satisfaction. but sadly i washed it and put it away already. in fact the only thing i like about the dunker is you can drink the sample tube!!! hehe


don't worry, i'm drinking for science!!!! haha


so what does that sg mean? not like teaching me everything, but what are you looking for in that number? what does it mean to you?


after typing this post i confirmed once again i am a cheap date!!! feeling tipsy already!! i'm gonna give the rest to my girl, see if i can get her all liquored up before bed!!! hehe
Morning all.

Was up at 2:30am. To many lights…
Haven’t found out the issue yet but I smelled smoke, like from a building fire. Fire trucks are in the distance. Cops are blocking the street up front.

So of course I couldn’t fall back to sleep. Now, at 8:30am, I’m getting tired. 🤦

We have plans to clean up and go through the garage today. Argh. 😴
@CannaGranny how do the Durban poison genetics fair outside in Missouri? Didn't you throw one outside last year?

Got some test packs from old sog he seen me on IG growing his smoke and asked if I wanted some testers...I said why hell yea so now I got these. Don't want to put off testing for too long but my inside tent is sorta blown up at the moment. So thinking about a couple of each outside. Good idea bad idea? IMG_20240518_094642710_HDR.jpg
@CannaGranny how do the Durban poison genetics fair outside in Missouri? Didn't you throw one outside last year?

Got some test packs from old sog he seen me on IG growing his smoke and asked if I wanted some testers...I said why hell yea so now I got these. Don't want to put off testing for too long but my inside tent is sorta blown up at the moment. So thinking about a couple of each outside. Good idea bad idea? View attachment 58210
Hey Mister!
About your poison.. the strain I grew was an original landrace strain straight out of Africa. It of course did well in hot dry conditions as that’s its normal habitat. It’s also a very large plant. Most anything you get here was spun off of Rosenthals genetics. First thing he did when bringing it into the US, was crossbred. I’m assuming he did that to deal with the size or maybe he thought he could improve on it. I grew the landrace side by side with his cross. They were decidedly different. The smell, the size, the taste.
So knowing most anything here has been in my opinion defiled, I expect you to see shorter smaller plants. Its drought tolerance would wholly depend on what it’s been crossed with.
It almost pisses me off that they have carried this strain persistently calling it DP, when in actuality, it’s not. If you have ever had pure DP, you would know, nothing that’s sold in the US, even begins to compare with the unsullied original genetics. Not saying it’s not any good etc. just saying it’s not pure, and everything about it is different.
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