Nice!! You've been talking about wanting to do it for a while now, take the help while it's offered lol 😆

Still have plans too…

She managed to overload a drawer on the island so I had to fix that and put more screws in the other drawers rails.

Then I fixed and finished cleaning the dishwasher before reassembling it. It’s good again.

And finally we got a lot of the lawns and gardens cleaned up.

Maybe the garage today… Buddy heads home tomorrow so maybe just wake and bake. 🤔🤣
Morning all.

Was up at 2:30am. To many lights…
View attachment 58195
Haven’t found out the issue yet but I smelled smoke, like from a building fire. Fire trucks are in the distance. Cops are blocking the street up front.

So of course I couldn’t fall back to sleep. Now, at 8:30am, I’m getting tired. 🤦

We have plans to clean up and go through the garage today. Argh. 😴

We found out, and later saw a very brief news report, that it was the auto body shop a block away. Arson. All taped off and cops the last few days going over the seen.

I think it’s related to the tow truck wars going on. One or two others set on fire that night in the area. 🤦
Morninnnn Garfield! 😄
Finally warming up north, I know you are ready! It hit 92 here yesterday which is not a super good sign. Means one hot azz summer on the way! I see a lot of pool days in my near future.
Whats new with ya?
Morninnnn Garfield! 😄
Finally warming up north, I know you are ready! It hit 92 here yesterday which is not a super good sign. Means one hot azz summer on the way! I see a lot of pool days in my near future.
Whats new with ya?
They're calling for 91 on Wednesday! I'm so not ready for it at all, it was only 78 yesterday and I felt like a fat kid I was leaking everywhere 😂🤣
Headed to home depot once my wife is done with her doctor appointment to get a new air conditioner cause my grow tent peaked at 99 yesterday and I've got a lot of plants screaming heat stress today so it's gotta be done.
Mornin @MDK !
Imma be in your neck of the woods Friday. The Sierra Cup Nationals run Sat and Sunday. I’m excited this year as there are five women that will be competing. I’m the only fem in my division, but will be nice to have others on board.
They're calling for 91 on Wednesday! I'm so not ready for it at all, it was only 78 yesterday and I felt like a fat kid I was leaking everywhere 😂🤣
Headed to home depot once my wife is done with her doctor appointment to get a new air conditioner cause my grow tent peaked at 99 yesterday and I've got a lot of plants screaming heat stress today so it's gotta be done.
Yeah I got pretty distressed when my tents were hitting 96* while my air was out. That was with windows open and fans pulling air through.
Already, I am working gardens early in the morning to beat the heat.
One fantastic thing about here, as soon as the sun drops the temps fall.
Mornin @MDK !
Imma be in your neck of the woods Friday. The Sierra Cup Nationals run Sat and Sunday. I’m excited this year as there are five women that will be competing. I’m the only fem in my division, but will be nice to have others on board.
Morning morning. Stepsons 8th grade graduation tonight. He has a bad grade in science so I asked him if they'll let him actually graduate lol 😅. Take away all the distractions, computer, Xbox, and the kid still don't give a rats ass about school. I didn't either but I can't tell him that.

I've actually been taking my son over to my mom's on Fridays to spend the afternoon with grandma and give me a break. Let me check with her that she is still on for Friday and maybe we could link up? I still owe ya some fatties!

Oh oh and I got this mandarin cookies from sshz I been saving for ya too!
So I made a small batch of qwiso dabs and need a new approach...the coffee filters took too long to drain the alcohol from the plant material and separate them. So I am going to order a sieve and redo the process using that, hoping it'll drain quicker.

Anyway does anyone have any recommendations on micron size for the sieve? I want plant material obviously to stay out of the final product. So what micron size is best for this? I've seen mixed answers when searching. 🙏🏻 Thanks.

@freezeland any recommendations?

Or anyone else thank you
They're calling for 91 on Wednesday! I'm so not ready for it at all, it was only 78 yesterday and I felt like a fat kid I was leaking everywhere 😂🤣
Headed to home depot once my wife is done with her doctor appointment to get a new air conditioner cause my grow tent peaked at 99 yesterday and I've got a lot of plants screaming heat stress today so it's gotta be done.
I got a new 5800btu LG unit for my lung room, gotta grow to medicate. Cheers Granny
So I made a small batch of qwiso dabs and need a new approach...the coffee filters took too long to drain the alcohol from the plant material and separate them. So I am going to order a sieve and redo the process using that, hoping it'll drain quicker.

Anyway does anyone have any recommendations on micron size for the sieve? I want plant material obviously to stay out of the final product. So what micron size is best for this? I've seen mixed answers when searching. 🙏🏻 Thanks.

@freezeland any recommendations?

Or anyone else thank you
I strain through a few layers of cheesecloth first before going to a coffee filter.
I only buy 8,000 btu or larger window units, anything smaller is pointless for me unfortunately. So i just spent almost 400 on an AC. Ouch 🫣
5800 runs on110 or most do. Anything bigger usually takes 220. That’s not a problem if you already have a 220 outlet.
5800 runs on110 or most do. Anything bigger usually takes 220. That’s not a problem if you already have a 220 outlet.
Ive actually never seen a window unit that requires 220, I know the 18k btu units needs 220 but that's all I know of.
All of my window units run on 110, and they are either 8 or 10k btu units.
My parents have a 14k btu and that's 110 too.
Ive actually never seen a window unit that requires 220, I know the 18k btu units needs 220 but that's all I know of.
All of my window units run on 110, and they are either 8 or 10k btu units.
My parents have a 14k btu and that's 110 too.
I bought a window unit two years ago and when I was shopping it everything bigger was 220. I would have went bigger but the one I got does the job. Drops room to 60 when drying and 75 when I’m growing. But anyway goes to show I don’t know a lot about window ac’s except what I got works for me. Lol
Ive actually never seen a window unit that requires 220, I know the 18k btu units needs 220 but that's all I know of.
All of my window units run on 110, and they are either 8 or 10k btu units.
My parents have a 14k btu and that's 110 too.

i got a 220 window unit in my living room. it's made for a window but i didn't want to block the window so i cut a hole in the wall... its now a permanent window unit!!! but yeah 220...
i got a 220 window unit in my living room. it's made for a window but i didn't want to block the window so i cut a hole in the wall... its now a permanent window unit!!! but yeah 220...
My house actually had one installed before my wife bought it.
It is now a stained glass window only visible from outside. Inside it is in the fish tank hood.
It is lit every night and looks pretty cool.
My house actually had one installed before my wife bought it.
It is now a stained glass window only visible from outside. Inside it is in the fish tank hood.
It is lit every night and looks pretty cool.
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Very cool! You get time you should do a nighttime pic!
Okay yiz Menz..I was Cinderella today. Tonight I’m on the porch still tired and barefoot. Damn lieing fairy tales!
Isnt it fun, lol
I'm on the couch with my wife, we are about to rewatch the second Jurassic Park and smoke.
Got my AC in today, bar lights reinstalled, again, and a 6 inch intake put in too.. With the intake on its keeping this about 77-79 which is far batter than 99, so I'm happy!
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