What subscription service carries it? Prolly just torrent download it but maybe I already have a subscription

it's apple tv but yea i did the torrent thing.
Morning PAL.

All ready for your next grow? Which seeds did you select?
I’m ready! I have give myself another week until I have to decide. Two reasons, will be a few more days until the next lunar planting cycle and I ordered some Permanent Marker seeds from @B2ACG that I for sure want in the next grow.
I know off the top that Redbeards Oregon Grapes will be in the grow. Third time in a row if that tells you anything about that cultivar! Pretty sure I will throw in some more Bubba Fett too. Smoked some of it with the Hubby the other night. He came out on the porch with a cup of coffee. Took a drink and laughed, cuz he had put no sugar in it. He’s part hummingbird.. a lot of sugar in his Joe, first thing he adds to the cup! Sooooo, since he was going in the house I asked him to bring me the phone from upstairs as it had a full charge. He brought me the remote! Lmao! So yup, it’s getting a second grow. Now, only three left to agonize over.
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I’m ready! I have give myself another week until I have to decide. Two reasons, will be a few more days until the next lunar planting cycle and I ordered some Permanent Marker seeds from @B2ACG that I for sure want in the next grow.
I know off the top that Redbeards Oregon Grapes will be in the grow. Third time in a row if that tells you anything about that cultivar! Pretty sure I will throw in some more Bubba Fett too. Smoked some of it with the Hubby the other night. He came out on the porch with a cup of coffee. Took a drink and laughed, cuz he had put no sugar in it. He’s part hummingbird.. a lot of sugar in his Joe, first thing he adds to the cup! Sooooo, since he was going in the house I asked him to bring me the phone from upstairs as it had a full charge. He brought me the remote! Lmao! So yup, it’s getting a second grow. Now, only three left to agonize over.

Now THATS a recommendation! 🤣
Now THATS a recommendation! 🤣
I was on the phone with a GF and it had started beeping at me, warning the charge was low. It was pretty dark on the porch. I reached down grabbed the “phone”..and lost it. Ummmmm, babe..when did we buy THIS kind of phone and WHY when I put a number in the television changes channels in the house??? Lots of laughter..good chit, Maynard..
I’m ready! I have give myself another week until I have to decide. Two reasons, will be a few more days until the next lunar planting cycle and I ordered some Permanent Marker seeds from @B2ACG that I for sure want in the next grow.
I know off the top that Redbeards Oregon Grapes will be in the grow. Third time in a row if that tells you anything about that cultivar! Pretty sure I will throw in some more Bubba Fett too. Smoked some of it with the Hubby the other night. He came out on the porch with a cup of coffee. Took a drink and laughed, cuz he had put no sugar in it. He’s part hummingbird.. a lot of sugar in his Joe, first thing he adds to the cup! Sooooo, since he was going in the house I asked him to bring me the phone from upstairs as it had a full charge. He brought me the remote! Lmao! So yup, it’s getting a second grow. Now, only three left to agonize over.
Hahahah I laughed too hard at that....good times good smoke! 🤣
Just got home from traveling across the country for some work stuff. It was a busy week, but I got to chat about growing cannabis with one of the guys I get to work with out there. After he headed home, he sent me a text asking for my address. Said he has some seeds for me: Grandaddy Black, White Widow, White Rhino, Alaskan Thunder F_ck and Purple Cush. I have a bunch of house and vehicle stuff to catch up on, but it's hard not to imagine growing indoors over the Winter. I guess good things can happen at work :D
Morning Granny~!
Rained overnight here and almost 80 already.
Hoping it clears up sooner than later.
Got plans today?
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Good day Granny, hows your garden growing? I just killed 1 seedling trying to pop the cap off...I know I know....it was #13 I only want 12 anyways but all the rest have wings out and flying but this stubborn cap wouldn't come off. I tried a drop of water yesterday to soften it but it was 2 days behind and I went for it.....lol...nope popped that sucker right off the top and pulled out the tap root.....lol....I only wanted 12 I said to my self
Morning Granny~!
Rained overnight here and almost 80 already.
Hoping it clears up sooner than later.
Got plans today?
Mornin Steam!
Weirdly nice and cool here this morning. Front porch sitting is really nice! Always got some kind of plans, but imma be a bit lazy today cause I’m tired.
Good day Granny, hows your garden growing? I just killed 1 seedling trying to pop the cap off...I know I know....it was #13 I only want 12 anyways but all the rest have wings out and flying but this stubborn cap wouldn't come off. I tried a drop of water yesterday to soften it but it was 2 days behind and I went for it.....lol...nope popped that sucker right off the top and pulled out the tap root.....lol....I only wanted 12 I said to my self
Hey Pipe! I’m in veg prepping to head to flower. I’ve spent the last few days tearing down, cleaning and bringing back up my veg and flower rooms.
Good attitude about plant 13! What ya growing this round?
Just got home from traveling across the country for some work stuff. It was a busy week, but I got to chat about growing cannabis with one of the guys I get to work with out there. After he headed home, he sent me a text asking for my address. Said he has some seeds for me: Grandaddy Black, White Widow, White Rhino, Alaskan Thunder F_ck and Purple Cush. I have a bunch of house and vehicle stuff to catch up on, but it's hard not to imagine growing indoors over the Winter. I guess good things can happen at work :D

I love the ATF! Here’s a pic of my last grow of it.IMG_0819.jpeg
Hey Pipe! I’m in veg prepping to head to flower. I’ve spent the last few days tearing down, cleaning and bringing back up my veg and flower rooms.
Good attitude about plant 13! What ya growing this round?
modified blackberry moonshine/ cherry pie regs from DFG. I only have 12 spaces to use in my autopots and I knew 1 had to go but its not the way I wanted 1 to be culled. My first time running regs in a while, and all the same strain too. 12 up with wings, they're so cute at this age...lol
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