A well-known ripoff artist/plumber in my area failed to pay a bill last December, in spite of several notices.

He texted me to do another job for him this morning. Not happening.
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BTW, "someone else" would be several hours away, by car.
Well he got what he had coming then. Can't stand when people don't pay their bills and then act like they did nothing wrong 🙄
Whoa! I guess I needed to shrink that.

From what I heard, I got off relatively easy from my dealings with him. He installs septic systems, among other things, and really screwed some people over badly, including installing the tank backwards (they don't work backwards, eventually resulting in a poo-nami in the living quarters) and leaving customers in assorted shitty situations, in every sense of the word.

He rented a home from an elderly farm couple once and stripped it of all piping, wiring and valuable wood, then skipped town. They told me there was NO FLOOR when they went to investigate, just floor joists.
Whoa! I guess I needed to shrink that.

From what I heard, I got off relatively easy from my dealings with him. He installs septic systems, among other things, and really screwed some people over badly, including installing the tank backwards (they don't work backwards, eventually resulting in a poo-nami in the living quarters) and leaving customers in assorted shitty situations, in every sense of the word.

He rented a home from an elderly farm couple once and stripped it of all piping, wiring and valuable wood, then skipped town. They told me there was NO FLOOR when they went to investigate, just floor joists.
Some people are just really messed up and leave nothing but destruction in their wake, but seem oblivious because their ride is smooth!
Laying low, had another tooth pulled and feeling a bit off. $4,000.00 for 1 post I need at least 2, sigh and that's with paying $300/month health/dental insurance. Whacked a deer, even with full coverage to get another car cost us another $5,000.00..WTF where's all this money supposed to come from?...fkin June was a bad month for me, July ain't getting any better. A batch of hermied plants adds to the woo's. They'll be done in another week then I can see how badly they've been seeded, I've pinched a few exposed seeds off, its not looking good.........depression is supposed to be a winter thing around here, its seems to be lingering through summer now.
Recently, piece of my back left tooth broke off, I won't be able to see a dentist for.....


Shredding my tongue up.
Don't act like Trump doesn't dance around questions with borderline incoherent ramblings...

Politics in America has become a joke. Each side says the other is lying and their base just eats it up. Well who's lying? I'm pretty sure they're all lying to us. Hence the dancing around questions.

It shouldn't be this polarizing but we've gotten to a point where we all live in our own little echo chambers and only believe what our "team" is telling us. Everything else is a lie and you're an idiot for believing anything "the other team" says. It's pretty sad and sickening.

I'm not saying you're an idiot MDK. Your opinions are valid. I just don't understand how we can constantly get fed such conflicting information. Oh wait... I get it. Cooperate news isn't news. It's entertainment sold to the highest bidder.
It's all bullshit.

Trump can still run for president with 30+ convicted felonies



Shit is a joke, there is no democracy just oligarchies, monopolies and corporations/profit over fucking everything.
Short term gains fuck the long term ones.

Pentagon don't give a fuck who's president, Pentagon gonna Pentagon, companies gonna company and make profit over above all else, and on and on.

Humans are fucked if shit doesn't change for the better.
corporations/profit over fucking everything.
Short term gains fuck the long term ones.
This is it right here. Everyone blames the government for inflation but nobody is talking about the billions in PPP loans given out as "covid relief" that only went into the pockets of the already filthy fucking rich. If profits don't increase year after year, shareholders are unhappy. It's the basis of all these shitty subscription services and constant increases in prices of goods and services, yet there's no increase to the wages being paid out to the ones who truly bring in the money. The workers.

The government has done it's job of keeping the masses poor and uneducated so that when workers take issue, they're fired and replaced with an endless supply of hungry fuckin' slaves. People act like a bump in minimum wage is gonna raise the cost of goods while the CEOs and higher-ups continue to pad their and their shareholders pockets with unending profits.

We're in the process of nearing late stage capitalism and, if history is any kind of indicator, should scare the shit out of everyone.

I say all this as a midwesterner who's making enough money for my wife to stay at home with our toddler. I'm lucky to have been given the opportunity to join our local union whereas before I was making less than $30/hr as a Master fucking Electrician who could never leave the company that had me by the balls without being snuffed out by my former boss by undercutting every bid I would ever put in for the sake of his own profits.

It's a sad world we live in and I'm sure some folks would like to tell you to just "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." Motherfucker my bootstraps fell off years ago when I wore them fuckers out tugging on them at every given opportunity. Something's gotta give.


And I didn't even touch on the ad revenue that's driving most corporate agendas. News is about clicks because clicks are proof of viewership which is really all that matters. What can I say to get the most engagement, regardless of morals. Rage bait has been proven to drive engagement. Engagement means ad revenue. They're intentionally pissing us off and driving us further and further apart in the name of views and profits.

Fuck now I gotta smoke.
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I see some of you guy's get "The Big Picture", look ahead to our past history for clues. I wake a bake all day to keep my agitation to a low level. Rabie's shot for Zorro at 9:00 am, Cheers growmies!
I don’t know what the big picture is. I do know my hour glass doesn’t have much sand left. And for that I am grateful. The majority of my life was lived when America was actually America. I don’t believe that to be the case any longer and it will never come back. I don’t like the trajectory we as a country and the rest of the world are heading and I don’t want no part of it. I think as time moves on toward the omega historians if any are left will look back at us and wonder what the fuck we as a civilization were thinking.

Time to go outside for another puff……..
Happy Fryday all!

The relentless heat of July has left the coastal regions of kalifornia, inland should get a bit of a cool down throughout the next week or two. I’m also hearing a lot of buzz around an early fall.
The times, they are a changin.

I hope everyone has a phantastic day!
Micro opinion on just one small piece of how we got where we are as a country: Labor won huge gains in the 50s through early 80s. Strong, bargained wages saw many families having one wage earner with one parent taking care of the home and rising the kids. Then we got sold on BS trickle down theories and gov't began a continuous squeeze on worker rights. For the last 40yrs the wage gap has skyrocketed, nearly every family now needs two wage earners (often working multiple jobs) to make ends meet, Insurance premiums have increase while the benefit level has decreased... I don't see things improving unless people take the power back. We were built to self-govern, but don't.

Things could get interesting for the trades, soon. We're not seeing many young people interested in becoming welders, pipefitters, millwrights, carpenters, etc. It looks like electricians and instrumentation may be proving to be slightly more attractive careers, but there's still more demand than there are qualified journeymen. Some places that abandoned apprenticeships in the 90s are bringing them back because they can't hire enough journeymen off of the street. I think the trades will see some gains in wages and benefits as employers try to attract young people into these fields. Labor has some leverage, now. If Congress would ever pass the PRO Act and empower workers to bargain better working conditions, we might slow down that wage gap.

On a lighter note, here's some of my youngest daughter's whacky art. I love it when she rips faces off of teddy bears and gives them a new look, lol:

I'm sure some folks would like to tell you to just "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." Motherfucker my bootstraps fell off years ago when I wore them fuckers out tugging on them at every given opportunity. Something's gotta give.
my fuckin boomer ass fuckin dad said this shit to me i bout lost my fuckin shit

and 0 understanding of mental issues.
Whew you fellows are fired up this morning! I’m just happy we have a place where we can openly and freely communicate. We don’t have to agree, we just have to be respectful to one another. Makes me just that much more determined to allow open and honest discussion. Carry on..
yea but ur a cool one =) <3

sorry gran.
No prob 🙂 I just hate to see certain age groups written off as ignorant etc.
Could be I’m aging, the hard rock music gets on my nerves. My hip hugger jeans won’t stay up. My mini skirts now go to my knees. The summers of love have turned into the summers of hell. The trails we blazed for the weed smokers have overgrown and it’s now lab produced. Our big rumbling hot rods turned to buzzing little electric cars. Marlboro reds are too expensive. Boones Farm is too expensive and they are putting Old Spice on transgenders.
Give us a fuckin break!
All truth but said in jest. I love you Bub ❤️
Probably gotta get rid of these soon. but for now.

Been growing without watering till run off, fuck that mess.

Just wanted to see how they grow in clear cups this algae exploded since last night

Doesn't really seem to be an "issue"

I can rinse some of it out and let it dry


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