CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Good Mornoon.

Been up since 6. Watched local weather while sipping coffee. Then, got busy working on honeydews for 2025 grow (outdoor).

Autoflower seedlings look good and are ready to be transplanted into their forever homes. I prepped the Super Soil and moved it to a warm (radiant floor heat) room.

I stored it in bins in the cold Lung Room, over Winter. I'm confident it was kinda dormant. So, I added some fresh worm castings, rice hulls, perlite, Bokashi Bran, organic molasses powder and mixed thoroughly.

I then placed it in 5 gallon fabric pots. They are sitting directly in trays without elevation, so the heated floor will bring the soil up to temperature. I then watered with a mixture of EM-1, Bokashi Juice, and well water. Floor temperature is 90F, as Winter is over and shutting down the heated floor for Summer. Once the soil reaches the desired temperature of 70F, I'll place the pots on elevators, to prevent overheating. This is my first time doing Looks good on paper.

They will sit overnight or until they reach a temperature of 70F. Once the soil is ready, I will transplant them. I'll dust the roots with Great White Mycorrhizae top them off with a little EM-1 water and keep them out of direct Sunlight for the first day.

I do the soil prepping in a way that I hope will jump start my microbiological life in the soil. Although it is not Living Soil, it is somewhat alive. I am counting on the soil having microbes and organic nutrients available to the plants. After three weeks, I will top dress with DTE 4-8-4 and worm castings. That should take them to the end. Watering will be dependent on rainfall and managed in a way to take advantage of my EM-1, Bokashi Juice, and just plain rainwater.

These Autoflowers will sit on my patio with me as I enjoy life and watch them grow. I will also be transplanting Photoperiods, but they will go directly in the ground, so completely different and the first time for me. I will incorporate some leaf mold, tree bark etc. for mulching and ground cover. Not sure about pots though...maybe just some straw or semi thick layer of rice hulls. Just want to keep microbes

Okay, its 1:30, so now it's time to get lit, sip some tea and watch golf on TV while napping on and off and on again. I love life.

Hope all is well with you and hope you have a great day!
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Good Mornoon.

Been up since 6. Watched local weather while sipping coffee. Then, got busy working on honeydews for 2025 grow (outdoor).

Autoflower seedlings look good and are ready to be transplanted into their forever homes. I prepped the Super Soil and moved it to a warm (radiant floor heat) room.

I stored it in bins in the cold Lung Room, over Winter. I'm confident it was kinda dormant. So, I added some fresh worm castings, rice hulls, perlite, Bokashi Bran, organic molasses powder and mixed thoroughly.

I then placed it in 5 gallon fabric pots. They are sitting directly in trays without elevation, so the heated floor will bring the soil up to temperature. I then watered with a mixture of EM-1, Bokashi Juice, and well water. Floor temperature is 90F, as Winter is over and shutting down the heated floor for Summer. Once the soil reaches the desired temperature of 70F, I'll place the pots on elevators, to prevent overheating. This is my first time doing Looks good on paper.

They will sit overnight or until they reach a temperature of 70F. Once the soil is ready, I will transplant them. I'll dust the roots with Great White Mycorrhizae top them off with a little EM-1 water and keep them out of direct Sunlight for the first day.

I do the soil prepping in a way that I hope will jump start my microbiological life in the soil. Although it is not Living Soil, it is somewhat alive. I am counting on the soil having microbes and organic nutrients available to the plants. After three weeks, I will top dress with DTE 4-8-4 and worm castings. That should take them to the end. Watering will be dependent on rainfall and managed in a way to take advantage of my EM-1, Bokashi Juice, and just plain rainwater.

These Autoflowers will sit on my patio with me as I enjoy life and watch them grow. I will also be transplanting Photoperiods, but they will go directly in the ground, so completely different and the first time for me. I will incorporate some leaf mold, tree bark etc. for mulching and ground cover. Not sure about pots though...maybe just some straw or semi thick layer of rice hulls. Just want to keep microbes

Okay, its 1:30, so now it's time to get lit, sip some tea and watch golf on TV while napping on and off and on again. I love life.

Hope all is well with you and hooe youhave a great day!

Enjoy your nap! I’m off to have a bowl of soup and then to the loading room.
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