Chemistry's shade dwellers.

Good afternoon to all you tokers and growers, late update as over time was called for yesterday, so we'll just have to update today instead, Sunday afternoon and I've just finally got the time to write this update, its going to be a long week. 😏 Its all more dosh to keep my family fed, and more importantly, my grow lights burning, or there will be trouble. 😁 Where we are at the moment is, from this morning its water only for the plants until finish. The OG Kush still has some muff on it, while the Buddzilla, Chem OG, are two thirds cinnamon, with a third ambers, so still a bit to go with the OG Kush, the OG Kush is still green, while the other two have leaf shrivel, so next time I grow the OG Kush it will have to partner a couple of other big eating long stayers like its self, you live and learn. 😁 There goes week ten, hello week eleven, should be done for week twelve, if the OG Kush fades. 😁 Pic time. πŸ‘

OG Kush.
OG Kush F10a

OG Kush F10b

OG Kush F10c

Buddzilla F10a

Buddzilla F10b

Buddzilla F10c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F10a

Chem OG F10b

Chem OG F10c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F10 2

Group Shot F10 3

And there ends this Sunday afternoons update, not long until chop, wouldn't be surprised if one plant, the Chem OG wasn't chopped by next week, it will be the first, as its the most advanced in flower. πŸ‘ So will it be up, will it be down, pop back next week to find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning to all you tokers and growers, hope your all fine this dull grey Saturday morning. πŸ™‚ Well, what a difference a week makes, thought it would be next week before I would be chopping down, but the OG Kush got its act together and took on a cinnamon glow through this last week. 😁 The Buddzilla and the Chem OG were close enough last week, but I held off so I could chop the three plants together, just to save some time, and messing about. πŸ‘ Hanger wise, I got two off the OG Kush, as it seems to be a tip budder rather than producing donkey's, three from the Buddzilla, and two from the Chem OG, looks very productive swinging in the fans slight breeze, shame there will only be a third left next week when it dry's. 🀣 I'll gloat over my newly gained treasure, at least for a couple of days before it shrinks. 😁 Don't know what we're growing next, or by what method, we will decide that after the clean down, going white walls again, got some spare white emulsion to use up. 😁

OG Kush, final week.
OG Kush F11

OG Kush, two hangers on the left. πŸ‘
Chop F11 7

Buddzilla, three hangers from the right to left.
Chop F11 8

Chem OG, the last two hangers on the right.
Chop F11 9

Group Shot.
Chop F11 3

So next week we'll see how much dry bud we have, black plastic buckets with clip on lids are at the ready, always a bit sad chopping your plants, all that effort keeping them alive, all the time I've spent lovingly tending them, and now I've murdered them. 🀣 But I'm sure I'll get over it when I toke the first pipe full. 😁 So if you want to see if I get over it next week, pop back and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks.
Good evening tokers and growers, another late update, work again. How are you all doing this sunny Saturday evening. 😎 All three strains are in there black plastic buckets, and will remain there until they mature a little. Don't know how fast I'll get back into action, as I've a lot on at the minute, so may take a couple of weeks to get going again, unless it rains heavy, in which case I'll have time to strip and paint my grow space. πŸ‘ Strain wise, I may splash out on some new stock, or even have a go at a few auto's for a change, will have to give it some thought this week. 😁 Pics of back bucket time. πŸ‘

Jarred F12 1

OG Kush.
Jarred F12 2

Chem OG.
Jarred F12 3

Left a bit more leaf on this trim, due to the frost on these plants extended well out from the bud, its all tinder in the end. 😁 So that's a wrap on this trio, thank you tokers and growers for your contributions, and your input, we'll be back, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny Saturday morning, hope your all well. πŸ™‚ I finally found the time to paint and clean out my grow space for another run, and chose the seeds to pop, so here we go again. 😁 Decided to plant the three Auto's I have kicking around, to make room to buy more seeds. 😁 The seeds are, Blue Auto, Moby Dick, and my last Gorilla Glue, all will be run the same way I've grown every thing else. Does any one remember these Blue Auto seeds I bought from Amazon, just to see if they were the real deal, well I planted one this morning, don't know if they're the real deal or not, in the feed back on the seller, one buyer said his had popped and were doing well, so we bought a packet, so will it pop? We'll find out in a few days, if it doesn't, then some thing else will be planted in its place. πŸ‘ The Moby Dick is well known in the Auto Underworld, and hailed by auto nerds world wide, so this is a plus, should be stable and do well. πŸ‘ The Gorilla Glue should be fine, grown one of these seeds outdoors before, and it grew well, its in the first pages of my personal grow diary if you want to have a look, if it grows the same as that, then I'll be very happy, as it was a nice hit last time I grew this strain. πŸ™‚ Pics time.

Seeds and packaging.
20230421 121132

20230421 121248

Seeds S1a

Same planting method as usual, bung the seeds into the soaked Root Riots and leave them to get on with it. πŸ‘
20230421 122141

Seeds under cloches.
Blue Kush S1a

Moby Dick S1a

Gorilla Glue S1a

Other things.
Used another of those bug bombs I bought last year. I cleaned out the grow space as normal, put all of the hardware, light fittings, fans, every thing except the medium, pots, and bulbs, every thing else was gas bombed, can't say for sure if the work or not, but I had no bugs or moulds this run, normally I'd be host to some creepy crawly or a puffball or two, but nothing this run, not even a lonely guard spider. lol So do they work? The thing that always bothered me was mites or other nasties could hide inside your fan housings, ducting, hard to clean, my ducking has had a bug bombing, and the thought of choking mites being gassed makes me feel kind of jolly. So we will see if an infestation comes to reside with me. πŸ™‚

20230415 125519

20230415 125540

20230417 151037

And there ends the first update of this run. Will all of the seeds pop, did I buy a packet of dud Blue Auto's? Find out next Saturday and have a mosey back, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Well good afternoon to all you tokers and growers, a cloudy Sunday afternoon, hope your all well, late update this week, due to work commitments. πŸ™‚ Well last week we popped some seeds, two popped with in three days, the other after a dig around was a dud, so yes, maybe the seed was suspect, should I complain to Amazon. 😁 So no Blue Auto, but swiftly grubbed out and replaced with a The Church seed, a freebee from a seed order I think, nice packaging. πŸ‘ The Moby Dick and the Gorilla Glue both popped well, producing some nice fat stalks, a Yen says they will still need a crutch or two. πŸ™‚ Pictures paint a thousand words. πŸ‘

The Church by Green House Seeds. (photo) The replacement for the Blue Auto that bombed out.
The Church S1a

Planted in the usual way. πŸ™‚
The Church S2a

Just popping. πŸ‘
The Church S2b

Moby Dick. (auto)
Moby Dick S2a

Mobby Dick S2c

Gorilla Glue. (auto)
Gorilla Glue S2a 2

Gorilla Glue S2c

And there's a couple of minutes of your free time gone forever. 😁 So if you find you've two minutes spare next week, your more than welcome to pop back waste it here, until next week Farmers, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning to all you tokers and growers, how are you on this glorious sunny Saturday morning, hope your all doing well. 😎 All three seedlings are doing fine, the Moby Dick and the Gorilla Glue are starting to look like plants and less like seedlings, the Church has hatched a bit narly but looks like it will grow out of it in a couple of weeks, another old seed. πŸ™‚ Not started feeding yet, as the young plants don't seem to need feeding, so until they do there's no point as it only torches them. πŸ˜‰ Pic time. πŸ‘

The Church. A bit narly.
The Church V1a

The Church V1b

The Church V1c

Moby Dick.
Moby Dick V1a

Moby Dick V1b

Gorilla Glue.
Gorilla Glue V1a

Gorilla Glue V1b

And there we have it, plant growth is gathering pace, no problems, no bugs (yet). Seedlings should double in size by next week, so if you want to know how much, then pop back next week and find out, I'll even clean the lense on my camera, 😁 until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny bank holiday Monday, hope your all well. πŸ‘ Both the auto's are doing well, so is the photo. The Moby Dick is starting to look like a shrub, has the necessary branch structure to do well, looks to have a good trunk on it to support some good growth later on. πŸ‘ The Gorilla Glue auto is about the same size canopy wise, but looks, at this point, to be a more stubby plant rather than tall like the Moby Dick. The Church is pulling out of its narlyness and should take off really well, would be nice if it was a smallish compact plant, then it won't dwarf the two auto's and rob them of light, we'll see. Still no bugs or any deffs or moulds, this is no bad thing. πŸ™‚ All three plants are on a very light feed of 300ppm with the usual 6.2ph and currently on an 18/6 light cycle, MH bulb creating that Spring blue you only get from that old tech, love it. 😎 Pictures paint a thousand words. πŸ‘

The Church (photo).
The Church V2b

The Church V2a

Moby Dick (auto).
Moby Dick V2a

Moby Dick V2b

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V2a

Every things going well, just need The Church to speed up a bit and that will see us a little nearer to flowering out these three babes. If you want to know how the plants fare over the rest of this week, then pop back next Saturday and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘

Gorilla Glue V2b

And there you have it, keep tokin folks. (y)
Good afternoon tokers and growers, hope your all well. 🀘 Here we are just finishing week three of veg, as of lights on this morning we entered week four, plants are mean and green with no defs or bugs, this is the way we like it, peaceful with no wars or chemical weapons needed. πŸ™‚ The Church has worked off its funkness and got its self together and is now putting out some nice looking leaves. The Moby Dick is starting to flower, very quick to start, week three of veg, this is going to be a different grow, perhaps a juggling course might help, all we need now is the Gorilla Glue to flower this week, bingo. Don't know how the Church will react to this, being the only photo in the group with two autos in flower, got two choices really I suppose. 😁 We like a challenge, and I'm sure there will be middle ground for both the photo and the autos to share the light and happily flower out together, what can go wrong. πŸ™‚ Pics. πŸ‘

The Church (photo).
The Church V3a

The Church V3b

Moby Dick (auto).
Moby Dick V3a

Moby Dick V3b

Moby Dick V3c

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V3a

Gorilla Glue V3b

And that's where we are at this point in the grow, all looking well. So if you have a desire to watch auto's flower, then pop back next week and see if the Gorilla Glue shoots some tuft, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good afternoon to all you tokers and growers, hope your all well this hot sunny day. 😎 Plants are doing well, no issues other than I missed a feed mid week, been a long one. πŸ™‚ Its starting to look like the Moby Dick is going to be a tall specimen for an auto, would have like it to stop at eighteen inches, but never mind, its all more bud. 😁 The Church is a slower growing plant than I expected, thought that it being a photo that it would romp past the two auto's, maybe next week. 😁 The Gorilla Glue auto is a squat type at the minute, maybe it will produce four or five DC's instead of spaced out buds, we'll see later on which which way it goes I suppose. πŸ™‚ Pics. πŸ‘

The Church (photo)
The Church V4a

The Church V4b

Moby Dick (auto)
Moby Dick V4b

Moby Dick V4a

Moby Dick V4c

Gorilla Glue (auto)
Gorilla Glue V4a

Gorilla Glue V4b

And there ends our Saturday update, time to clean and polish the BBQ grills for later, got all the munchies we need, and enough beer to float a battle ship, so enjoy the weather while you have it farmers. So will the Church finally take off, find out next week. 😁 Until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning to all you tokers and growers, its Saturday, its sunny, BBQ this afternoon. πŸ”πŸŒ­πŸ₯—πŸΊ The three plants are all doing well, apart from the Gorilla Glue, think the over feed last week upset it, seems a fragile plant in an auto strain, the photo of the same was a good strong plant that ate every thing you fed it, a propper muncher. 😁 The Moby Dick is a tall specimen for an auto, we may run out of head room for it, maybe even torch the tip of the main cola as it reaches the light hood, we'll see. πŸ™‚ The Church has to be the slowest photo I've ever grown, unusual for an auto to out gun a photo, even the Gorilla Glue auto is as tall as the Church. 😁 Other than that, no problems report. πŸ™‚ Pic time.

The Church (Photo).
The Church V5a

The Church V5b

Moby Dick (auto).
Moby Dick V5a

Moby Dick V5b

Moby Dick V5c

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V5a

Gorilla Glue V5b

Gorilla Glue V5c

Every thing is pootling along just fine, just got to keep an eye on the Moby Dick as I have a feeling it will grow into the bulb next week while I'm at work. 😁 So will it or won't it grow into the light by next week? Only one way to find out, and that's pop back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all well on this hot sunny Saturday morning. 😎 We have one singed top, can you guess which one it is, right, the Moby Dick has had an encounter with the MH bulb, I said it would, I came back from work, and it had grow just enough to brush past the bulb as the ozzy fan passed over it and is now sunburnt. Ah well, its getting blazed in the end any way. 😁 The other two and no were near the bulb, the Gorilla Glue is quite a squat plant, so it will not grow with the same vigour as the Moby Dick. The Church is still on the move, not as tall as the Moby Dick, but its gaining momentum. It may turn out that the two auto's may finish flowering before the Church starts, interesting situation, so may have to be flowered out after the auto's finish, in that case I may take two cuttings from the Church and flower them out as a trio, we'll see how it turns out. πŸ™‚
Pics. πŸ‘

The Church (Photo).
The Chrurch V6a

The Chrurch V6b

Moby Dick (auto).
Moby Dick V6a

Moby Dick V6b

Moby Dick V6c

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V6a

Gorilla Glue V6b

Some how I don't think the burnt tip is going to slow the Moby Dick down, but could do with out a house fire, so the shade is up to near on its peak height, tall thing for an auto. 😁 So, will the Moby Dick stop gaining height, will I have a house fire, pop back and see is I still have a home, or will I be camping on an ash pile, pop back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this over cast Saturday morning, hope your all well. πŸ™‚ All is well with the plants, buds are fattening up on the two auto's, which are doing well, while The Church is lagging a little being a photo. The plan is to drop the light hours to 12/12 when the the auto's are nearly done, so as to not effect their flowering, and thus put the Church into flower, or like I said before, take two large cuttings, get them settled, then flower them as a threesome, or scrog even. I have to say that the Church is not the bushiest plant I've ever grown, but its stout at the very least, so worth the effort. πŸ‘ Both the Church and the Moby Dick are green and mean, but the Gorilla Glue is just off point, not enough to do it any harm, but its showing minor signs of some thing, I've no doubt it will make it through to the end of flower, which is all that matters. πŸ™‚ Pic time. πŸ‘

The Church (photo).
The Church V6a

The Church V6b

Moby Dick (auto).
Moby Dick V6 b

Moby Dick V6a

Moby Dick V6c

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V6a

Gorilla Glue V6b

All updated, all doing well. No danger, no end climax, no edge of your seat stuff this week, as the Moby Dick has stopped growing into the light, but, some thing might happen during the week, you never know. So if you have a desire to find out what happens this next week, then join us again next Saturday and find out. Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘

Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all rockin and rollin on this hot sunny Satruday morning. 😎 Week seven gone, week eight starts today from seed. The two auto's are doing ok, the Moby Dick is doing the best out of the two, the Gorilla Glue is struggling with the heat, but I think it will turn out ok in the end. 😁 This is one of the reasons I was going to bail a run during the peak Summer heat, I'll bet there are a few worried growers with warm lofts at the minute, keep a fire extinguisher to hand just in case. πŸ˜‰ The Church is loving the heat, so if you need something that can stand a bit of heat, then it may be worth tracking one down, don't know where you would find one, as this one came as a freebee with a seed order, and gather its an old strain from the black and white photo years. 😁 Which reminds me, I need to order some more Super Lemon Haze seeds. πŸ™‚ Weird grower the Church, even after seven weeks under 18/6 it still has no real branching, I would expect it to be a bush by now, but is still has only slight twigs for branches, definitely one for nipping out the tops to make it bush more. πŸ‘ Pic time. πŸ‘

The Church (photo).
The Church V7a

The Church V7b

Moby Dick (auto)
Moby Dick V7a

Moby Dick V7b

Moby Dick V7c

Gorilla Glue (auto).
Gorilla Glue V7a

Gorilla Glue V7b

There you have it, updated grow diary, now time for me to get on with some chores around the yard. So pop back next week and see the drama of of a small grow unfold, or unravel,😁 until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this seriously hot morning. Yesterday I took the grave decision to halt my present grow, the heat here is over the top, so we are now down until Autumn when the heat wave passes. Said we would skip growing last year due to the heat, but we carried on, to the detriment of the plants, and the risk of a house fire, so we are down. We will return around September time, so until then, enjoy the rest of the Summer, until the Autumn, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Time to fire things back up!?
i alway enjoy popping in on your grows, pretty neat you just posted the last 3 years of your work. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

Thanks for taking the time to read it all, doesn't seem like three years, think there's two years on my other thread, wish I'd saved the grows from the five years of Dank Den, but you can't win them all. Big 10/4 to firing up soon, was rifling through my seed box the other day. 😁
I might go back to plug propagation. Watching my GF transplanting rooted in soil clones almost gave me an aneurism. I rooted 6 but I'm guessing only half will survive after that.
I like that they're easy. Just stick in a seed and watch it pop. Once I see roots leaving the plug, I transfer mine to a netpot with hydroton. Here's the end result, after chop...
Give it a go, I favour the Root Riot cubes, as I seem to do well with them, I think SS uses them. (y)
Yes I do but I've never used them in propogation like you have, it's interesting technique. I like them for clones when I clone photoperiods. Great job as I enjoyed trolling thru this auto grow. My auto's are suprizing me a lot. Moby Dick is well known. Barney's Farm a known establishment. Thanks for the views Chemistry! SSgrower
bet that took awhile to put all that up..looking forward to your start up chem.
Yes I do but I've never used them in propogation like you have, it's interesting technique. I like them for clones when I clone photoperiods. Great job as I enjoyed trolling thru this auto grow. My auto's are suprizing me a lot. Moby Dick is well known. Barney's Farm a known establishment. Thanks for the views Chemistry! SSgrower

Just lost my Moby Dick to the heat wave we had, would have been a stunner, so much so, I'm thinking about ordering a pack, looks to be the same shape as yours, so that's a good sign. πŸ‘
Moby Dick V7a.jpg
Wow, that was a nice tall auto flower, mine isn't quite ready for harvest and the 2 other frosted skywalker are in jars already? Cheers SSgrower
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all this fine sunny Autumn morning, hope your all well. :) Well here we are in our new home, time to fill out this new grow log. (y) Still not got round to poppin seeds, the Church cuttings have been taken, so we'll see how they go, they look like they've re-vegged at some point, so it may be a grueller to get them going, we'll see how they go. 🀞 But I've not been idle folks, the trim bucket has had some attention this week, another gallon and a half of trim was spun to produce some nice dry sift hash, it will be further pummelled in the ice bucket some time this next week, mid week probably to extract the rest of the trykes, the green remainder will be composted and spread on the garden. πŸ‘ Out of the two methods, I lean towards the dry sift, better taste, as I believe that the water leaves a taint, unlike the dry method. πŸ‘ If you've tried both methods you will know what I mean, if you've not tried both methods, then crack on and let me know what you think. πŸ‘

This is the trim. πŸ™‚
Hash Spinner 10.10 (2).jpg

I even chuck in the seeds, branches, chuck the lot in. 😁
Hash Spinner 10.10 (9).jpg

This is the spinner, just some mesh and a bit of board cobbled together, been going to build a better one for the last six years, but this one still works, one day. 😁
Hash Spinner 10.10 (12).jpg

Hash Spinner 10.10 (14).jpg

Half fill the spinner with chopped trim, it works better if you chop it first, make sure it's bone dry. πŸ˜‰
Hash Spinner 10.10 (4).jpg

How it works is, the tape at the top of the pic is connected to a windscreen motor, and the other end just rides on three bearings, the whole thing being housed in a plastic tub with a lid, this stops your sift blowing away. πŸ˜‰
Hash Spinner 10.10 (5).jpg

Set it going, have a toke, and let the spinner spin for twenty minutes, then re-fill and go again, beware, that's a toke every twenty minutes, and this can add a little extra time to the job, like one spin every hour. 😁 You can see the trykes piling up as the spinner works its magic. πŸ™‚
View attachment Hash Spinner 10.10 (2).mp4

Once its spun, scrape up your prize, sieve it through your chosen gauge of mesh. I don't use any particular size of mesh, as I find the fine stuff just blocks up, so I use a mesh that sieves all the trykes out but holds back the rubbish. πŸ‘
Hash Spinner 10.10 (8).jpg

Hash Spinner 10.10 (10).jpg

If all your hard work has paid off, then your really stoned, and you have one of these to weigh. 😁
Hash Spinner 10.10 (11).jpg

And there you go, dry sifting 101 for the beginner, give it a go, you'll be surprised. That's it for this week, so if you want more, then tune in next Saturday for a bubble bagging tutorial, and we'll see what's left in the spun trim, until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
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