Contest Ideas - our first contest...

hydro helper
Apr 1, 2023
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This is a question type thread and every reader has a vote, up or down. Lets group source the best way to build an online contest.

We have all seen the Picture Of The Month type contests. POTM has it's ups and downs.

The biggest issue is that the people competing cheat. It has spoiled what should have been a cool thing many times that I am aware of.
Maybe its worth it. Take the bad with the good?

Please post your best idea on how this 2nd contest should be run. The one with the good prizes @TSD mentioned.

As for the first one - who has the best idea here? Highest voted idea gets something good, just not sure what yet ;)
This is off topic but what if we had a section called BETA? This could be where gear vendors can offer their products for "BETA testing" and a real world review could be offered in return. A header of sorts stating the mission so that vendors know that those viewing that section realize there is no marketing BS involved so 100% honesty.

Not sure how it would go over with vendors but I thought it might be a good way for vendors to market their product without marketing it and we could offer up great raffle and POTM prizes increasing site traffic increasing brand exposure for those "honest" vendors willing to put their balls on the chopping block.
Yeah i live on the line of 4 seperate towns so i could go to any post office and not have an issue lol
I they can easily type the return Addy in though and see if it's real? I have a couple post offices close by... but one where nobody knows me I'd need to drive like an hour. Small towns man.
I they can easily type the return Addy in though and see if it's real? I have a couple post offices close by... but one where nobody knows me I'd need to drive like an hour. Small towns man.
They probably can, but i just use any address thats not mine🤷🏻
Only did it like 3 times tho so no big deal imo lol.
After thirty years of hiding this plant. Ticks, snakes, cats, thieves, helicopters and risk. My state is now legal. No way I’m going to risk my legal cultivation license to mail something.
I would mail seeds all day long, as they are considered a novelty item and not illegal until you plant them in a non legal state. Anything else, I would not even consider it. I trust the post office about as much as the IRS.
After thirty years of hiding this plant. Ticks, snakes, cats, thieves, helicopters and risk. My state is now legal. No way I’m going to risk my legal cultivation license to mail something.
I would mail seeds all day long, as they are considered a novelty item and not illegal until you plant them in a non legal state. Anything else, I would not even consider it. I trust the post office about as much as the IRS.
CRA here but ya, same.

Anyone know if they screw with seeds in the mail?

G$ has had no luck with seeds I’ve had no failures with, other than 3-5 I mucked up in cold temps.

Last night I put one in a shot glass with tap water to see if they are stale. It popped in two hours. Now I don’t know what to do with it, but I know they are good still. 👍

Any chance they sterilize packages? I remember reading people where getting strange seeds randomly mailed to them over Covid. Post office put out a warning but never heard anything bad about it. 🤷‍♂️

Not sure until I hear how others seeds are doing. Good luck to all.
I was thinking like just say if everyone pays 6-10 bucks through patreon and there is surplus money left over that could maybe go into a pot and whoever wins that money can b paid to someone like jeff in exchange for seeds.does that work like that moe or patreon just takes everything and gives you a percentage…we could elect a panel of judges and when it comes to voting we get one vote only for whatever contest it is..just spitting out what’s on my mind 🥴drops 🎤
How about we all start a grow journal and everyone votes on the best overall grow journal at the end! So the journal with the most likes, or maybe we can have a poll thread to vote for the best grow thread. Best grow thread will have the best photos, most engagement, most complete descriptions and explanations of everything done in the grow and the best and biggest yield.
Winner gets free seeds or something and a sweet name badge. Since a grow takes around 4 months from dropping a seed to harvest, we have to figure out when to start these and how many to host per year. Maybe like the Bud Builders Summer Grow-Off and a fall growoff?
How about we all start a grow journal and everyone votes on the best overall grow journal at the end! So the journal with the most likes, or maybe we can have a poll thread to vote for the best grow thread. Best grow thread will have the best photos, most engagement, most complete descriptions and explanations of everything done in the grow and the best and biggest yield.
Winner gets free seeds or something and a sweet name badge. Since a grow takes around 4 months from dropping a seed to harvest, we have to figure out when to start these and how many to host per year. Maybe like the Bud Builders Summer Grow-Off and a fall growoff?
cool we will make @Aqua Man @SSHZ @tobh @Dirtbag judges .just to make it fair for the rest of us..😁
@Bandit420 I like it. We gotta have some photo contests, cheaters be damned! As for me id rather take a bath in hydrochloric acid than take credit for someone else's photo.
The greater the prize the greater the chances are somebody will cheat. I've seen people do some pretty fucked up things to win a light when I ran contests on a forum. I've also see vote trading as in somebody only voting for a friend to win one month and the favor is paid back the next. I've also seen people beg for votes and only posting in people's thread to ask for votes.

But those were different forums and different people. From what I see everybody here is mature and there's no snakes in the grass so I think an honor system would work here.
At the same time minimize prizes to nothing more than a sort of badge or title, maybe sticky & pin their grow journal for a month at the top of the diaries...Stuff like that. Reduce prizes to really nothing more than bragging rights and I think that would greatly reduce any desire to cheat a contest.
The greater the prize the greater the chances are somebody will cheat. I've seen people do some pretty fucked up things to win a light when I ran contests on a forum. I've also see vote trading as in somebody only voting for a friend to win one month and the favor is paid back the next. I've also seen people beg for votes and only posting in people's thread to ask for votes.

But those were different forums and different people. From what I see everybody here is mature and there's no snakes in the grass so I think an honor system would work here.
At the same time minimize prizes to nothing more than a sort of badge or title, maybe sticky & pin their grow journal for a month at the top of the diaries...Stuff like that. Reduce prizes to really nothing more than bragging rights and I think that would greatly reduce any desire to cheat a contest.
Check out this bud. 4988B8B7-5403-4143-A69F-3362E8EB0872.JPG
The greater the prize the greater the chances are somebody will cheat. I've seen people do some pretty fucked up things to win a light when I ran contests on a forum. I've also see vote trading as in somebody only voting for a friend to win one month and the favor is paid back the next. I've also seen people beg for votes and only posting in people's thread to ask for votes.

But those were different forums and different people. From what I see everybody here is mature and there's no snakes in the grass so I think an honor system would work here.
At the same time minimize prizes to nothing more than a sort of badge or title, maybe sticky & pin their grow journal for a month at the top of the diaries...Stuff like that. Reduce prizes to really nothing more than bragging rights and I think that would greatly reduce any desire to cheat a contest.

I agree. We should limit the prizes to seeds as the most $ material object that can be "won" with the other prizes being badges or titles that people can display on their profiles or throw in their signatures. Small little trophy icon or something.

I know a lot of you guys & gals have some really great seeds and genetics that many of us would love to access. I don't think many of us here need to win free lights or fan controllers.
Would staff be ineligible to win prizes? If so, then perhaps they could form a panel to decide winners. I suggest this because recognition shapes culture. Winning a prize sends a message, but what that message communicates can be nuanced or unpredictable. Prizes can be a popularity contest, and often are. They can reinforce positive contributions or establish informal leaders. They can be meaningless or result in unintended consequences. They can lead to disappointment and disaffection for the non-winners. Thus, issues such as these invite deliberation regarding what type of culture the leadership wants to create for the forum and us ordinary members.
The greater the prize the greater the chances are somebody will cheat. I've seen people do some pretty fucked up things to win a light when I ran contests on a forum. I've also see vote trading as in somebody only voting for a friend to win one month and the favor is paid back the next. I've also seen people beg for votes and only posting in people's thread to ask for votes.

But those were different forums and different people. From what I see everybody here is mature and there's no snakes in the grass so I think an honor system would work here.
At the same time minimize prizes to nothing more than a sort of badge or title, maybe sticky & pin their grow journal for a month at the top of the diaries...Stuff like that. Reduce prizes to really nothing more than bragging rights and I think that would greatly reduce any desire to cheat a contest.
Hmmmmm. Sad that we would negate good prizes for the fear that someone may cheat! I have a few good prizes that I plan to donate to our cause. If this is done like this, then I can’t. These are prizes that would greatly benefit another grower.
A journal would indeed make everyone stand on their own two feet, I like that idea for sure.
As for giving in to and building a basis on a few less than honest people… for me that’s a no.
Whatever the monthly contest is, limit previous winners eligibility in some way.

I like the potm, but understand the cheating to it. I like the idea of various contest types by @TSD , like have a rotation or something. Maybe around fall have an outdoor only potm, another month coolest edible, maybe a best write-up for the month, biggest fan leaf month, best looking male plant for breeding month, and maybe a crap prize for butthole of the month(some herm seeds)

Just a few ideas, I love the idea of switching it up and looking forward to what *kind of contest the next month will be.
Hmmmmm. Sad that we would negate good prizes for the fear that someone may cheat! I have a few good prizes that I plan to donate to our cause. If this is done like this, then I can’t. These are prizes that would greatly benefit another grower.
A journal would indeed make everyone stand on their own two feet, I like that idea for sure.
As for giving in to and building a basis on a few less than honest people… for me that’s a no.
The worst thing I ever saw was a guy create 157 accounts and use them to vote then swing the results in his favor. That was for a light contest. I don't think we have people here who would do that plus the guy who did it also plagiarized diaries and pics from other forums calling them his own. He was a special kind of crazy. I don't see that here and I don't see anybody on here just to get online clout but as the forum grows, later on it could be an issue.
Yeah prizes won't be anything crazy. Some seeds, some merch with BudBuilders logo, small smoking implemets... etc. Not really trying to get a bad rep doing shady shit ya dig? We'll figure out all those details.
We're thinking staff would be eligible to compete and win, but for clout alone and not claim prizes. We're thinking either save that month's prize and roll it over, give the prize to the first non staff runner up, maybe do a revote for the remaining finalists?
We're definitely going to switch it up and have different types of contests.
I'm thinking we'll make a new thread to vote for the finalists so everyone gets a say. Top 3, top 5? It will depend on how involved people get I suppose.
Great ideas guys, keep them coming!
Grower of the year with an nice write up for the winner. Something to let them shine.

I can make a bunch of novelty pipes out of bullshit you'd make pipes out of when you were 12 smokin sort of a gag gift...foily, socket with tape and metal tube into a 2 liter, 3 liter gravity bongs, steam roller made out of paper towel roll with an aluminum foil screen...real shelf pieces 🤣.....all jokes aside kinda got me thinking of some wild stoner art in the homemade dept (to be continued possibly)
Maybe it would be best to separate the different "contests". For digital badges there could be milestones, kind of like Boy Scout merit badges. Contests like POTM are subjective and will always have those looking for a way to "beat the system". For those subjective contests I think digital badges only to keep the cheating down to a minimum.

As far as actual gear given out I would like to see companies come in and do raffles like on "other" sites but with the requirement that there be no requirement from the raffle winner. It was nice to get something useful like the light I got from VS. The company can request a diary but no requirement on the winners part. If they want an honest review of their product they can go through admin and admin can decide who will test out the equipment and write the review. I think it would be best to have someone with experience run reviews like that as they'll make less mistakes vs a newb that just joined, entered and won. Of course if the manufacturers product is pointed at a specific group like a newb then admin can assign that to who they think would best fit that criteria. BTW...admin....choosers will always be losers so no winners from Admin staff!😋

As @Amnesia said, it will set the culture of the site and, after a short time, when people realize there is no monetary gain in the reviews we'll probably see a lot more traffic as most are looking for honest reviews when making gear purchasing decisions and knowing that vendors have no influence on the reviews is a big plus for what this site originally was created for.

Maybe a gear only section where members can post up their experiences with the gear they have, and won if that happens here. It would be a great resource for those of us looking to up our game but not sure what's out there that can get us where we want to go. It can also weed out bad reviews that some of the more experienced can temper if the reviewer wasn't as well versed in the products use as they should have been. Perhaps some of the gear vendors wouldn't even mind sponsoring the gear only section with the understanding that no banners or advertisement apart from a small banner noting their sponsorship and the allowance of competitors in the forum. It could also be a space to do customer support for some of the vendors when members run into issues with their product.

I'm super thankful to the founders for having created this site but I also know that it costs money to run a site like this. If we can limit the advertising maybe to ONLY the gear section at least you know going in what you're getting jumping into that section.
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I'm super thankful to the founders for having created this site but I also know that it costs money to run a site like this. If we can limit the advertising maybe to ONLY the gear section at least you know going in what you're getting jumping into that section.
I’d rather fund the forum myself than give up on the founding principles. We are so young, I still think we can do it the way we set out to.

Maybe there is a way we can buy some of these items wholesale for prizes. Along with the seeds and other things we already have lined up?

I just hate the thought of sponsorships. Sorry if I am being a stick in the mud.
I’d rather fund the forum myself than give up on the founding principles. We are so young, I still think we can do it the way we set out to.

Maybe there is a way we can buy some of these items wholesale for prizes. Along with the seeds and other things we already have lined up?

I just hate the thought of sponsorships. Sorry if I am being a stick in the mud.
No, I agree with this 100%. Most, if not all of us here, know damn well what happens when sponsors get involved and the incentives to violate the honor system outweigh an individual's moral inhibitions. Hell, I'll bump my monthly patreon contributions in increments of $10/month up to a point simply to help ease the financial burdens of keeping this place running before sponsorships or ads become a real consideration. Kinda like having VCs inject money into startups -- once that happens, the control is no longer in the hands of the people, but in the hands of the bankroll.

I really dig the idea of a variety of contests, changing every month, or quarterly. On whatever cadence, it doesn't matter. A lot of people here grow all kinds of different things and we have an incredible variety of different talents here, so why not open it up beyond just a POTM? Consider yourself a master rose gardener? Then post up your most perfect blooms and compete with the other rose gardeners. Have some beastly tomatoes? Let's see how they measure up to every other Joe Schmoe's fruits.

Inherently introduce some variety and exclusivity, plus with the variety of contests, it'll never get stale nor encourage the same kind of historical pattern of the same people always cropping up in the top n contenders, and hopefully avoid the motivations of handout seekers. Hell, eliminating even physical prizes but sticking with badges would be just fine in my book.

Just don't encourage me with a butthole of the month contest lol I'll be tempted to take that bragging right every single month 😝
There are models of awards available that we see in other endeavors. I'm thinking of the annual sports awards. In our case, there could be awards for newcomer grower of the year, most improved grower, most inspirational grower, best grower, etc. Maybe that sounds dumb, but it may be possible to borrow some ideas from elsewhere.
I’d rather fund the forum myself than give up on the founding principles. We are so young, I still think we can do it the way we set out to.

Maybe there is a way we can buy some of these items wholesale for prizes. Along with the seeds and other things we already have lined up?

I just hate the thought of sponsorships. Sorry if I am being a stick in the mud.
I hear ya! I just wish there was a way to unburden the financial costs while still maintaining credibility.
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