Crescendo rbx1 by Ethos in RDWC on Bud Builders

Glad you’re on the mend. G$ updates me once in a while on your adventures. Plane ride was cool, captain. 😝

Hope to see more good news post and follow your grow. 👍
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Always love watching your grows. Very detailed and full of information. Always asking the right question.

I'm late to the party but I'm pulling up a chair...
Getting the lab reports at the end was cool.

Slg how are you ingesting these days? Still rso? Did you figure out a good way with the feeding tube?

My kid wants to start the fog system back up over thanksgiving. So I guess I’ll be growing with you again bro. Been a really long time since we have been posting together. Looking forward to seeing you around. This place would not exist if not for you. Not the same without you. Smoke too. I know both you guys are hurting.

Been a shit year for staff health overall. Good thing it’s almost next year. We can flush this dumpster fire.
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