Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

So the calculation is 975 cu/ft / 55 = 17btu......doesn't sound right......

The 1500 watt ceramic heater I'm looking at can put out 5,100 btu an hour.
I was looking over my calculation and realized my mistake.

It's supposed to be 162.5/55 not 975. 975 is the erroneously calculated btu not cu/ft.

Going off Anthems calculations I need a heat source that puts out 3 btu/hr to raise tent temp 1 degree generally. 162.5/55=2.95btu. If I multiply that by the temp differential I'm trying to close which is 8 that would mean I need a heat source that puts out at least 24btu for me to generally raise tent temp 8* in an hour.

Is this correct?
Just kind of depends on your needs. Some folks appreciate the added heat in the grow space. I pulled mine out of the tent but my heater ended up running a lot throughout my first grow.
Growing in the cool season, the driver heat is important to maintain temps, currently running it at 30% 30” above the plants and it’s fairly cool to the touch.
My oil filled space heater needs to run regardless.
Plants putting on their second set of leaves this morning. Cut back to 18/6 on the timer last night to give them some rest.
i understand the temp working to your favor, but what it also does is the heat that dissipates into the bars which the LEDs are using to cool down. So, you are essentially taking that away which shortens the life of the led's resulting in burning or Sauder points melting.

Seedlings look fabulous tho!!
i understand the temp working to your favor, but what it also does is the heat that dissipates into the bars which the LEDs are using to cool down. So, you are essentially taking that away which shortens the life of the led's resulting in burning or Sauder points melting.

Seedlings look fabulous tho!!
I'm pretty sure the LED's with the added heat are still well within operating temp so I'm not sure how much degradation acceleration you would get.
@Mr.GreenthumbOG show the pic how fast it can degrade 😂 😂
I showed that pic on page 2, not sure whether the light bars got damaged in shipping, or factory defect. Nothing to do with the driver cooking the bar.🤣
I run a large hurricane fan at the top of the tent for circulation, cools the drivers a fair bit, and moves the hot air. Heat is good in a cool climate grow.
Spiderfarmer sending replacements, should arrive when it’s needed
I don’t like those ceramic heaters,they just throw out too much heat for my room and glow inside them.the oil finned heaters work the best.I’m same use the inkbird to control the heat,kicking on the 720 watt exhaust fan every minute.-1.20.I’d b f$&ked without works in harmony with the rh..temp gets reached before rh gets too high..they have 3 settings 350-450-1000 so if the rh is getting a little high I’ll switch it up to 450w.
I don’t like those ceramic heaters,they just throw out too much heat for my room and glow inside them.the oil finned heaters work the best.I’m same use the inkbird to control the heat,kicking on the 720 watt exhaust fan every minute.-1.20.I’d b f$&ked without works in harmony with the rh..temp gets reached before rh gets too high..they have 3 settings 350-450-1000 so if the rh is getting a little high I’ll switch it up to 450w.
I hear ya but my thinking is once the oil reaches temperature it will continue putting out heat and takes a while for it to drop temp versus a ceramic that'll stop adding heat the moment it turns off. I ordered a small ceramic since I don't need much heat to stabilize the tent temp lights off. Bought the one I posted earlier. Figured for $20 I can always put it in the bathroom if it doesn't do what I need. We'll see how she does.
mine is going 24/7.extraction fan takes out the heat,temp drops under the temp setting I have selected. 1min - 20secs later temp is back up and the cycle I’m always getting clean fresh air every minute and that’s what we need to do 😃.I have been running the finned heater for a year or so now and works very well.😁
mine is going 24/7.extraction fan takes out the heat,temp drops under the temp setting I have selected. 1min - 20secs later temp is back up and the cycle I’m always getting clean fresh air every minute and that’s what we need to do 😃.I have been running the finned heater for a year or so now and works very well.😁
I have an oil filled heater already so I'll keep it on deck if the ceramic doesn't work out.
Just check to see if inside the heater glows ceramic does that.spose it won’t matter if you don’t use it lights off.
QUOTE="Mr.GreenthumbOG, post: 21727, member: 73"]
I wanted to start my first thread on here, a place to give updates on what I’ve got growing on,
No cannabis on the go currently, but plan to pop some @dragonsflamegenetics tester beans in September.
I have been keeping Busy with my yard/garden/sanctuary/prison. Always have to be growing something
Also want a place to photo dump a few that I pulled from the place that doesn’t deserve to be named.
View attachment 10495

Veg Garden is exploding with growth playing with intercropping carrots/tomatoes lettuce/corn etc.

View attachment 10506View attachment 10507View attachment 10508View attachment 10509

It just feels right to grow plants
i understand the temp working to your favor, but what it also does is the heat that dissipates into the bars which the LEDs are using to cool down. So, you are essentially taking that away which shortens the life of the led's resulting in burning or Sauder points melting.

Seedlings look fabulous tho!!

Good point.
I do gotta ask. Wtf is a quantum yield engineer?
Quantum yield (Φ) is defined as the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number of photons absorbed. - PDF
Quantum yield (Φ) is defined as the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number of photons absorbed. - PDF
thanks Dr.Bruce. More wondering about your engineering background.
yo! you would have an idea. where should i plant a begonia i got for a housewarming gift?

i was told "spackled sunlight -- NO afternoon sun exposure"

also, slow those plants down. you'll be going into flower before me if they keep their shit up.
yo! you would have an idea. where should i plant a begonia i got for a housewarming gift?

i was told "spackled sunlight -- NO afternoon sun exposure"

also, slow those plants down. you'll be going into flower before me if they keep their shit up.
Plant the begonia in a pot and leave it in the house for the winter, south facing window would be best. really doubt it would survive outside in your climate through winter. Put it outside next spring.
Plant the begonia in a pot and leave it in the house for the winter, south facing window would be best. really doubt it would survive outside in your climate through winter. Put it outside next spring.
that's what i was thinking given its size. at this time of year, it doesn't have the time to establish enough of a rootzone to really have a "hold." the couple that gave it to us said they're hardy in our zone, and do best planted outside, but again -- timing.

i'll up-pot it and keep er indoors for this winter and pester you for placement in April :cool:
one great window in my house for sun exposure, I have 3x fluorescent lights above when it’s been cloudy or I want the blinds shut. Most of my houseplants go outside seasonally, but overwinter in the window, air just feels better in the house when you keep plants.
Most plants are rescues.
love that idea. the horticulturist that was here recommended some grow lights in strategic locations for some of my other plants that struggling, but i don't want the blaring grow affecting livability.

how you mounted yours is a great compromise! i might look into doing something similar. i've got a few already struggling and with the winter coming, more will become unhappy without enough photons.
like, look at your money tree plant. super happy. mine's been pissed since the cloudy days showed up. needs more light. could probably squeeze more vigor out of the spider plants and pathos with some carefully placed lighting too.
like, look at your money tree plant. super happy. mine's been pissed since the cloudy days showed up. needs more light. could probably squeeze more vigor out of the spider plants and pathos with some carefully placed lighting too.
Look at the money tree plant? Look at that happy pooch!
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