
How y'all doing! Some of you I know, & many others I recognized from the farm.

I've since moved away from the beach, now I live in the woods of Northern New England on a hay farm.

I'm currently finishing up my vegetable garden and a few other projects to get ready for the cold New England winter and then I'm going to be putting up a new 4×4 tent courtesy of the good folks at Apollo, and running 3 Autos under my 600W hid in straight pro mix

Honestly I'm hesitant to start growing again considering Bidenomics has almost doubled my electricity bill since the first of the year, and many dispensaries here offer specials where all weed is $50 an ounce, and there are dispensaries everywhere in the bigger towns, you can't swing a cat by the tail without hitting a dispensary!

But then I got to thinking about the quality of that sometimes moldy dispensary weed and that I have all the equipment so yeah here we go again LOL 😂 At least I'm going to do a couple runs over the winter, in the spring I'll probably use the setup to start vegetables for my gardens, anyway just wanted to say howdy, hope y'all doing well and I'll be back around in a bit


ps. Any recommendations on some fire autos?
Welcome to BB. 👍
So I'm blocked from the farm 😂🤣😂

I had mentioned to someone in PM that I really wasn't going to be posting much here, or on any of the handful of cannabis boards I belong to because I'm too busy with other things at this point, and haven't posted on any cannabis board in over 2 and 1/2 years

However when I read LOGIC was blocking people who posted here I posted the above message, not because I had any problems with him or the farm

But I do have problems with people screwing with my 1A; and sure enough as soon as I posted above LOGIC blocked me!

Hopefully the people that want to screw with our 1A are reminded of our 2A before long, and that's all I have to say about that.

Frankly with a few exceptions back at the farm, anyone that I would ask growing advice from is on this forum anyway.

Also, if I ever get around to setting up the new grow room I am going to post here, partially just as an FU to LOGIC and also because I would like to see this board succeed, and with the talent here I know it will!
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So I'm blocked from the farm 😂🤣😂

I had mentioned to someone in PM that I really wasn't going to be posting much here, or on any of the handful of cannabis boards I belong to because I'm too busy with other things at this point, and haven't posted on any cannabis board in over 2 and 1/2 years

However when I read LOGIC was blocking people who posted here I posted the above message, not because I had any problems with him or the farm

But I do have problems with people screwing with my 1A; and sure enough as soon as I posted above LOGIC blocked me!

Hopefully the people that want to screw with our 1A are reminded of our 2A before long, and that's all I have to say about that.

Frankly with a few exceptions back at the farm, anyone that I would ask growing advice from is on this forum anyway.

Also, if I ever get around to setting up the new grow room I am going to post here, partially just as an FU to LOGIC and also because I would like to see this board succeed, and with the talent here I know it will!
The fact that you were talking private message and were banned says alot.

I can assure you no one here will be reading your PM
So I'm blocked from the farm 😂🤣😂

I had mentioned to someone in PM that I really wasn't going to be posting much here, or on any of the handful of cannabis boards I belong to because I'm too busy with other things at this point, and haven't posted on any cannabis board in over 2 and 1/2 years

However when I read LOGIC was blocking people who posted here I posted the above message, not because I had any problems with him or the farm

But I do have problems with people screwing with my 1A; and sure enough as soon as I posted above LOGIC blocked me!

Hopefully the people that want to screw with our 1A are reminded of our 2A before long, and that's all I have to say about that.

Frankly with a few exceptions back at the farm, anyone that I would ask growing advice from is on this forum anyway.

Also, if I ever get around to setting up the new grow room I am going to post here, partially just as an FU to LOGIC and also because I would like to see this board succeed, and with the talent here I know it will!
Took me more time to understand what you were saying there than I care to admit, but couldn't agree more.
So I'm blocked from the farm 😂🤣😂

I had mentioned to someone in PM that I really wasn't going to be posting much here, or on any of the handful of cannabis boards I belong to because I'm too busy with other things at this point, and haven't posted on any cannabis board in over 2 and 1/2 years

However when I read LOGIC was blocking people who posted here I posted the above message, not because I had any problems with him or the farm

But I do have problems with people screwing with my 1A; and sure enough as soon as I posted above LOGIC blocked me!

Hopefully the people that want to screw with our 1A are reminded of our 2A before long, and that's all I have to say about that.

Frankly with a few exceptions back at the farm, anyone that I would ask growing advice from is on this forum anyway.

Also, if I ever get around to setting up the new grow room I am going to post here, partially just as an FU to LOGIC and also because I would like to see this board succeed, and with the talent here I know it will!
While I agree that Logic is an asshole he has every right to do whatever he wants. His forum is not connected to any government entity that would trigger a 1A violation.

1A pertains to government agencies trying to limit or abolish your speech. Private entities can do whatever they want whenever they want in regards to your speech and its limits on their platform. THCFailure is a private entity.

Does it suck? Very much so. Is Logic a humongous asshole? As big as they come but if you're saying he's violating your 1A rights? Nope.

Not trying to be an asshat but so many people seem to think that the 1A pertains to ANY speech. It does not.
While I agree that Logic is an asshole he has every right to do whatever he wants. His forum is not connected to any government entity that would trigger a 1A violation.

1A pertains to government agencies trying to limit or abolish your speech. Private entities can do whatever they want whenever they want in regards to your speech and its limits on their platform. THCFailure is a private entity.

Does it suck? Very much so. Is Logic a humongous asshole? As big as they come but if you're saying he's violating your 1A rights? Nope.

Not trying to be an asshat but so many people seem to think that the 1A pertains to ANY speech. It does not.
This is correct. I wager beachwalker knows that just like there is no expectation we can shoot him.

I think it was not meant literally.
This is correct. I wager beachwalker knows that just like there is no expectation we can shoot him.

I think it was not meant literally.
I hear ya. I'm sure he does but there are others that don't know this and think that they can spout off whatever they want wherever they want and they have a right. No. They don't.
While I agree that Logic is an asshole he has every right to do whatever he wants. His forum is not connected to any government entity that would trigger a 1A violation.

1A pertains to government agencies trying to limit or abolish your speech. Private entities can do whatever they want whenever they want in regards to your speech and its limits on their platform. THCFailure is a private entity.

Does it suck? Very much so. Is Logic a humongous asshole? As big as they come but if you're saying he's violating your 1A rights? Nope.

Not trying to be an asshat but so many people seem to think that the 1A pertains to ANY speech. It does not thanks for illustrating why I don't post on
I don't know how to link to quotes or use this forum very well so I'll just answer you both here

to Rootsruler: thank you for reminding me why I don't post on cannabis boards very often.

To moe red: you are correct, I was speaking in general, and not in particular about logic. I could care less what he does or for that matter anyone else on any cannabis forum.
The fact that he is still blocking people says all i need to know about who he is... little dink havin sum bitch.
Exactly! Initially it was unbelievable to me that he was doing that!

I had to see it happen a few times, and eventually I did, that's why I posted my initial 'howdy' message & sure enough he blocked me almost right afterwards.

Frankly I can see him blocking some of the folks that he had the issue with back on the farm, the farm is his ball so he can call the game and/or take his ball and go home I suppose

but to block people that had no part in any of that drama is just a little bitch move, so screw him & the horse he rode in on.
Howdy back at ya BW!
Never posted too much in threads I didn't create but often lurked in others and always enjoyed your pics and posts at The Farm.
Strange circumstances sure that bring us here but great to see you! Looking forward to those nature pics ✌️🌴🏖️
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