Kitchen grow


Bud Brawler
Bud Builders Supporter
Feb 13, 2025
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I've got some autos going in the kitchen again. All are in coco and getting Jacks for food. The 3 solos are in a tote with a layer of hydroton and coco....I'll cover the coco with more hydroton as soon as I get some cleaned up.
3 Blue Moon in the tote and 1 in the center of wick bases......the other 2 are Maui autos from Growerschoice seeds
I always loved how Tommy Chong, in interviews, had pot plants growing all over his house like most people grow houseplants. Always wondered how he dealt with the smell, or rather I suppose the wife bitching about the smell.

Love the concept, could not get away with it personally unless I wanted to sleep in the basement.

Plants seem to love it.
I always loved how Tommy Chong, in interviews, had pot plants growing all over his house like most people grow houseplants. Always wondered how he dealt with the smell, or rather I suppose the wife bitching about the smell.

Love the concept, could not get away with it personally unless I wanted to sleep in the basement.

Plants seem to love it.
Trust me...I'm pushing my luck here lol
I'm allowed the area you see here...and that's it!
The smell has been an issue in the past.....trying to convince her not this time. ;smoke
I managed a huge Auto last a lb off it all together. Side light helped a lot. Good Shit auto from Phoenix seed20241202_071054.jpg
It got cold again here so rh is in the 30's and temp is right around 70f....I'm using that as an excuse for slow growth ;smoke
All got topped in an effort to keep everyone short. Probably going to need some more chopping if they grow.
My supervisor isn't impressed either.....not enough leaves to eat.
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