Actually I’m starting to think it was musk disinfectant i sprayed on walls above those could very well b could b a false alarm 🤷..View attachment 26777
This has ammonia in it, yeah?
Im betting the culprit is this Max, ammonia will burn plants and like i said before it looks like an overspray damage.
You said you didnt water it down before using it either right?
I say carry on.
Just monitor things, but i dont think its bugs of any kind man.
Me neither bud.I just spent an hr and a half combing leaves with a 100x scope and can’t find anything..
checkout what it looks like on these doesn’t look like mites have done this..1FC6CAC6-3A39-42CC-8058-A5B303317D08.jpeg637FE817-3529-44A3-BDBA-616C567CA318.jpeg
Cheers guys...just imagine if I never topped start of flower how enormous it would have been.this pheno is certainly a weird one.starts flowering late at day 24 and grow could go to week 16 .then throws out a ridiculous amount of leaves that has to b thinned out more than any other strain i have is a must do otherwise it will b one big clusterfuck..a trimmers nightmare .the smoke should well and truly make up for it.a real tennis ball smell on this one…I still could of went another 2 weeks I’d say but she had to go to make way for the new batch.if any of you guys get her,trim up the lowers more than you do..light is pretty hard to penetrate down through all those will know what I mean if this pheno pops up..there’s another pheno that branches out more down through the middle than need taking out.ther other phenos are good,much cleaner and more trimmer friendly..
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Bro that's how this clone I ran outside was this year....sooooo gosh damned leafy...I couldn't thin her out enough at all just leaf leaf leaf. When I see plants like that I don't envy the trimming of it.

Getting any blue tones from the dream side of things?
Did you monster crop it bud.I had an extra plant in flower little while back now .so kicked it outside in early jan here and instead of budding it revegged taking another 6 weeks to revert back and had a crazy amount of budsites and one finger leafs that I had to cut off to get light on the was soo unpleasant trimming unless your names Edward 😆.

yeah actually it has on this last bitch.noticed it last nite but didn’t take much notice
So psyched to grow Zamal Dreams next~! (y)
I don't expect the same results as master but still have a real feeling I will be pleased.
Those buds are what Dreams are made of Max. 👊
I took this leaf off when I first posted about it and seen nothing with a 60x loupe..I have a 100x here and will pull another one off.theres probably thousands of marks so if I don’t find one then it can’t b mites..I will take a pics of leaves with no markings and see if any marks appear on them..View attachment 26856

Mites is my guess too, don't look for mites, look for webbing. 😉
you’ll do great Steam.pretty easy grows.all stayed very short.just b prepared to really go to town on the defol on the late and leafy pheno.she’s a stinky too.stinks outside my shed where it’s that front middle plant I’ve taken cuts of just starting to flower with the same cut reversed beside it.just about to drop pollen.😁.ill grow these out when I havnt anything new to sow.99D7B5F3-B1C2-4A04-A751-7C139D7F8265.jpeg7315C00E-8DE0-42D2-91C6-5773299EF39D.jpeg
It would b good if you could put clips on the side of your square pots for stakes to clip onto.I’ve seen individual trellises for pots that had like a mesh on top so you can tie branch to or just have it through a square to hold the branch..I was going to make some awhile back and sell them to hydro stores but we’re for round 4-5 gal didn’t eventuate but I might get around to it.
Day 14 coming up..the gals started budding day 11 which is unusual .3 days earlier than they ever have..everythings the same as previous grows bar i havnt defoliated yet as they stretched a little more in veg and the first few days of flower till I got the room dialed in so didn’t really need doing but they do need some leaves taken off.I love it when you don’t have to take as much leaf off..they will get some attention soon though.they ave 23’ to light with the big fan girl back right the closest.can’t lower that one as the ducting that goes through the room runs under the pot stand…the male in the veg room is just about to bust his balls 😍.ive just started misting outside of that room so I don’t contaminate the flower girls.0D7E3EA0-74C8-4E14-A722-D9A714A2B706.jpegB2A53166-711A-467F-AABD-D943CE443F95.jpeg
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when i was breeding, the males, id reduce to just one branch or few polen sacks to reduce spread.
I’m hoping the more pollen the merrier 😃.I know sometimes male pollen is not viable from just watching Jeff trying to reverse one of his strains so I’m gonna powder this bitch haha..

I will set some aside too for future pollen chucking.
gonna start the Flores tonite.sitting on 570 ppm 40-50 is cal/mag and will very slowly increase it till bout week five-six then start decreasing as they get towards the end.I might pull out 2 back ones and give them a little defol and throw some stakes in and set them up for the big buds to come,besides those the rest are pretty open ,just with big fan leaves that will need taking off .
Hmm.4 of these bitches are stretching abit.but nice and open..I’m a deg off day temps so I’m going to raise it level with it and try and slow it down..I will give them some extra mono silic …that’s spose to slow stretch’s not bad it’s just I’m a little restricted in height and like to keep the light 24” away..I don’t think that’s gonna happen this grow lol.I have 5 maybe 6 inches till lights maxed on the ceiling.I’m at 20” now beginning of day 16 been stretching 2 inches a day last 3-4 days so I might have to super crop them..that’s easy peasy just more work to do..i could go hard on the defol but that’s not warranted atm plus it could stress them while they are still stretching and throw a nanner so I’ll see how the nxt 5 days go.buds are growing super fast right now..I’d b crazy to slow that down..1E73C57D-65B7-4621-8FC7-B36753AB86E9.jpeg
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