Day 14 coming up..the gals started budding day 11 which is unusual .3 days earlier than they ever have..everythings the same as previous grows bar i havnt defoliated yet as they stretched a little more in veg and the first few days of flower till I got the room dialed in so didn’t really need doing but they do need some leaves taken off.I love it when you don’t have to take as much leaf off..they will get some attention soon though.they ave 23’ to light with the big fan girl back right the closest.can’t lower that one as the ducting that goes through the room runs under the pot stand…the male in the veg room is just about to bust his balls 😍.ive just started misting outside of that room so I don’t contaminate the flower girls.View attachment 27834View attachment 27835
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Now that I know your a Tassie I can't help but read your posts in an Aussie style accent lmao. Nice grow brow. Im realizing that the Dragon aint no joke, my TDK is STANKYYY.
🤣🤣🤣..def agree with ya there Zen).the dragons got it going with stinky gear..specially once it’s dried.this Zamal has a nice variance between the phenos with nice bag appeal.this is the runt that was back middle..knee high to a grasshopper but geez she had some dope on her.she was just packed for her size.its the most I’ve ever gotten off such a small plant.was around 5-1/2 Ozzie’s..I liked her soo much I have kept a cut…I’m pretty sure it’s the one Jeff mentions has an irresistible smell that you’ll b going back for more.33EFF334-5C52-40E4-B68F-D99114A74DBE.jpeg
Cheers DR Style .yeah that’s true.very grateful to have been born in one of the safest country in the world.

staked 4 2 to go didn’t have to pluck many leaves of the front 2.won’t b doing much to the front right and rear stakes are too short for the top branches so I’m going to join some stakes together for those further along towards the pointy end.see how this strain keeps all its buds on the laterals branches that don’t grow out from the stem and flop over.will b a very clean grow this one so I won’t have to ring in Edward scissor hand for this one 😃
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Cheers DR Style .yeah that’s true.very grateful to have been born in one of the safest country in the world.

staked 4 2 to go didn’t have to pluck many leaves of the front 2.won’t b doing much to the front right and rear stakes are too short for the top branches so I’m going to join some stakes together for those further along towards the pointy end.see how this strain keeps all its buds on the laterals branches that don’t grow out from the stem and flop over.will b a very clean grow this one so I won’t have to ring in Edward scissor hand for this one 😃
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Looking goos again Max!!!!
Going to reverse the triangle skunk shine Jeff @dragonsflamegenetics ..what you thinking nxt new strains to breed for fems..

i know your busy right now..sometime through nxt yr maybe..
I'm planning to hit both the mac dragon #10 and the black velvet with reversal spray, hopefully one of them will actually produce pollen. the mac dragon doesn't receive pollen easy, but the sister pheno (#7) was the same way, but it produced clouds of pollen in Hawaii. So I'm hoping that her sister will do so also. the 7 was better for the tropics, while the 10 is more in line with what the commercial market is wanting, dense, beautiful, blueberry cookie fuel terps, 7-8 week flower time, extreme yield, all the good stuff.

the Mac dragon is the higher priority, but I also know my work doesn't seem to like to reversal, so I'm going to also do a modern hype cookie based which my gut tells me will reverse easier. If both fail, then I will have some smoke, or I may just toss the bms bx1 male back in for another gang bang in the room.
3 weeks down..had thunderstorms here today which has been warm and very humid .the rh shot up so I’ve got the extra fan going now…stretch has pretty much finished now so I will up the temps to try and lower the rh down..sitting on 60% but it’s 100% outside the shed..gotta keep that air moving..
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100% mites, I will be proved correct in the end. There is no doubt in my mind.
Have you used any biological treatments for mites? Also been reading about mites and some mites aren't that harmful to cannabis, like dust mites n stuff.
Trying this si’s free from the shop so why not.

Unlock the Power of Silicon with Green Zone Invasion OSA Available in 250ml to 5L​

Green Zone Invasion OSA is a high-quality orthosilicic acid (OSA) solution that when mixed with water, forms monosilicic acid an effective and highly absorbable form of silicon for plants. This essential product helps promote sturdy plant growth, improved pest and disease resistance, and increased leaf and flower size. Suitable for all plant types and cultivation systems, Invasion OSA ensures enhanced yield and potency for a successful gardening experience.

Features and Benefits​

  • Enhances Crop Growth and Vigor: Ensures substantial, strong, and healthy plant growth that thrives in all stages of development.
  • Boosts Pest and Disease Resistance: Strengthens plants and their natural defense against common pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
  • Increases Leaf and Flower Size: Amplifies photosynthesis capabilities, resulting in larger leaves and flowers for improved yield and potency.
  • Slows Vertical Growth and Stretch: Helps control excessive stretching in early flowering stages, allowing plants to focus on building a strong structure and mass.
  • Suitable for All Cultivation Systems: Compatible with all plant types and cultivation methods, including hydroponics, aeroponics, and soil.

How to Use​

  1. Mix Invasion OSA with fresh water in a separate container to activate the OSA and form monosilicic acid.
  2. Pour the activated OSA mixture into your reservoir before adding any nutrients or additives.
  3. Follow the recommended dosage for specific growth stages and applications (see below).

Dosage (Grow & Bloom)​

  • Basic: 2ml per 10L of nutrient solution
  • Bloom (Slow Vertical Growth): Increase to 3-4ml per 10L in week 2 of bloom for one week only
  • Foliar Application: Use a maximum of 1ml per 1L of foliar spray solution
  • Clone Application: 0.5ml per 10L or foliar application at 0.5ml per 1L of spray solution
  • Heavy Feeding Strains: 3ml per 10L
View attachment 29208
Trying this si’s free from the shop so why not.

Unlock the Power of Silicon with Green Zone Invasion OSA Available in 250ml to 5L​

Green Zone Invasion OSA is a high-quality orthosilicic acid (OSA) solution that when mixed with water, forms monosilicic acid an effective and highly absorbable form of silicon for plants. This essential product helps promote sturdy plant growth, improved pest and disease resistance, and increased leaf and flower size. Suitable for all plant types and cultivation systems, Invasion OSA ensures enhanced yield and potency for a successful gardening experience.

Features and Benefits​

  • Enhances Crop Growth and Vigor: Ensures substantial, strong, and healthy plant growth that thrives in all stages of development.
  • Boosts Pest and Disease Resistance: Strengthens plants and their natural defense against common pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
  • Increases Leaf and Flower Size: Amplifies photosynthesis capabilities, resulting in larger leaves and flowers for improved yield and potency.
  • Slows Vertical Growth and Stretch: Helps control excessive stretching in early flowering stages, allowing plants to focus on building a strong structure and mass.
  • Suitable for All Cultivation Systems: Compatible with all plant types and cultivation methods, including hydroponics, aeroponics, and soil.

How to Use​

  1. Mix Invasion OSA with fresh water in a separate container to activate the OSA and form monosilicic acid.
  2. Pour the activated OSA mixture into your reservoir before adding any nutrients or additives.
  3. Follow the recommended dosage for specific growth stages and applications (see below).

Dosage (Grow & Bloom)​

  • Basic: 2ml per 10L of nutrient solution
  • Bloom (Slow Vertical Growth): Increase to 3-4ml per 10L in week 2 of bloom for one week only
  • Foliar Application: Use a maximum of 1ml per 1L of foliar spray solution
  • Clone Application: 0.5ml per 10L or foliar application at 0.5ml per 1L of spray solution
  • Heavy Feeding Strains: 3ml per 10L
Looks like a good product. My only concern with Si is it raises the ph in my res by a lot. Maybe its user error but not running any currently cuz of the ph thing. How do you prevent that ph spike when using Si?
I don’t get the spike as I don’t use a res but the nutes mixed up in large container the following night doesn’t rise.but if there’s a low amount in the container it rises waters around 6.1-6.3 ,10ppm the time I add the Flores nutes the the go roots a cal mag ph is 5.6 .ppm 570 .when I’m using it in veg and at a lower ppm my ph is bang on 5.9 so I don’t have to to add ph up etc…i actually don’t think it’s the si raising your nutes..your nutrients is mostly acidic so when the plants feed the ph in the res would become more also could mean they need upping the feed.if your ec goes up ,ph goes down they need less goes down,ph goes up they need more nutes..if ec’s stable and ph drifting that’s good..
I don’t get the spike as I don’t use a res but the nutes mixed up in large container the following night doesn’t rise.but if there’s a low amount in the container it rises waters around 6.1-6.3 ,10ppm the time I add the Flores nutes the the go roots a cal mag ph is 5.6 .ppm 570 .when I’m using it in veg and at a lower ppm my ph is bang on 5.9 so I don’t have to to add ph up etc…i actually don’t think it’s the si raising your nutes..your nutrients is mostly acidic so when the plants feed the ph in the res would become more also could mean they need upping the feed.if your ec goes up ,ph goes down they need less goes down,ph goes up they need more nutes..if ec’s stable and ph drifting that’s good..
Interesting about how to gauge the feeding demands of the plant via ec+ph. I never check my runoff ec or ph, but my res stays at a stable ec and ph at week intervals w/o the si. I will start checking for sh!ts and giggles. I usually feed more EC when the plant is looking a tad yellow or has mag def. I guess checking the runoff EC and PH would prevent having to notice the hunger in the leaves vs a meter.

I do suspect its the Si that raises my ph cuz as soon as I added si last time, every couple days the ph would rise. Stopped the Si, no more PH rise.

I was...however...using a smaller res so maybe that had something to do with it. Using a 20 gal res now and am stable with GH but wanna add the SI for that pest protection.
I actually thought you was in dwc as that’s why I mentioned it..I don’t check mine either cause the ph of nutrients what goes in is more important than what comes out in coco/perlite but it is a guide when your plants aren’t looking too good..are you adding it first Zombie ...I wouldn’t have the faintest what going on whether a nutrient is dropping out….I might call in the artillery and see what they reckon is happening..😄. @Anthem275 @Aqua Man @Moe.Red @Dirtbag
Si definitely raises ph, but usually right away, not over the course of a couple days.
Si always has to be added before the nutrients, if added after it can absolutely precipitate nutes and the res will go cloudy. Not sure the effect on ph but in theory, precipitated nutrients could cause a ph rise.
Another thing that can raise ph over a few days is using an airstone.
I second what @Dirtbag said and add that PH rising slowly at around 0.2 per day is not of concern and arguably beneficial.

Most of the time PH swings happen ots to do with the buffer used, nutrients used and PH down used. E.G. a bicarbonate buffer used with citric acid… the reaction of those 2 creates carbonic acid which then converts to co2 and off gasses… aeration will speed that process up
I second what @Dirtbag said and add that PH rising slowly at around 0.2 per day is not of concern and arguably beneficial.

Most of the time PH swings happen ots to do with the buffer used, nutrients used and PH down used. E.G. a bicarbonate buffer used with citric acid… the reaction of those 2 creates carbonic acid which then converts to co2 and off gasses… aeration will speed that process up

Said it better than I could lol.
When I stopped using an airstone and started relying on H2O2 on its own to provide free dissolved Oxygen, my ph stopped rising. I'm not even that clear on the science of "why" anymore. Carbonic acid should lower ph if anything, but anytime Ive used an airstone, the ph drifts upward.
And like you said, arguably not a bad thing, so long as you don't have to be excessive with the ph down
Said it better than I could lol.
When I stopped using an airstone and started relying on H2O2 on its own to provide free dissolved Oxygen, my ph stopped rising. I'm not even that clear on the science of "why" anymore. Carbonic acid should lower ph if anything, but anytime Ive used an airstone, the ph drifts upward.
And like you said, arguably not a bad thing, so long as you don't have to be excessive with the ph down
Yup that’s exactly what happens. Citric acid reacts with bicarbonate and forms carbonic acid…. Both lower PH. But then the carbonic acid starts converting to carbon dioxide. henrys laws takes over and the gases try to equalize so it escapes from the water and PH goes up.

Basically you lose a portion of your buffer due to chemical reaction and henrys law
Nearly time for another defoliation.the smaller leaves getting a little bigger now.some nice citrus lemony orangey aroma in there and frost is settling on the leaves now .love the smell of this strain 😀 might lift the middle rear up up abit..she’s such a short ass..12680187-3ACD-460A-AA6E-987DC988467D.jpeg
Haha…Thanks man.5 weeks veg is about as long as you want to go with this strain in a 5 by .Oh…..looks out window..sees mailman with a yellow eyes light up..skips out to letterbox.looks at package 🤩🤩🤩🤩.starts doing cartwheels .
my seeds just rocked up 😍😁🎸.. they made it @dragonsflamegenetics .
Haha…Thanks man.5 weeks veg is about as long as you want to go with this strain in a 5 by .Oh…..looks out window..sees mailman with a yellow eyes light up..skips out to letterbox.looks at package 🤩🤩🤩🤩.starts doing cartwheels .
my seeds just rocked up 😍😁🎸.. they made it @dragonsflamegenetics .
YOU........and DFG? Ooooooooohhhh Shiiiiiitttt.............

Better start sharpening up my hands.........✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️
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