It does appear to b but if those spots all start going brown would it b a fungus.I’ve never had spider ever .I cannot find anything at all to suggest it’s mites or me those light green spots will eventually go brown going by the other brown spots on leaves.
It does appear to b but if those spots all start going brown would it b a fungus.I’ve never had spider ever .I cannot find anything at all to suggest it’s mites or me those light green spots will eventually go brown going by the other brown spots on leaves.
Hard to say if the spots will increase in size.
Keep an eye on the plants. Maybe even mark the leaves that are damaged. That way you can confirm if it is the spray or an actual different problem.
Okay..thanks anthem..I can do that..I just had a look at the ones at the back of the plant down in the middle and have no could b the spray but I’m not 100% sure..for a preventative measure just incase would you use the sulfur that can kill fungus and mites.
Okay..thanks anthem..I can do that..I just had a look at the ones at the back of the plant down in the middle and have no could b the spray but I’m not 100% sure..for a preventative measure just incase would you use the sulfur that can kill fungus and mites.
I am not sure if Sulphur is good for fungus. I know it is good for bugs and WPM. But ya it would not hurt, just use when lights are out.
Okay..thanks anthem..I can do that..I just had a look at the ones at the back of the plant down in the middle and have no could b the spray but I’m not 100% sure..for a preventative measure just incase would you use the sulfur that can kill fungus and mites.
Shouldnt hurt them at all. I believe sulfur is also a fungicide.
I am not sure if Sulphur is good for fungus. I know it is good for bugs and WPM. But ya it would not hurt, just use when lights are out. rinsing after treatment..what’s the amount of water to sulphur ratio..or do I puff it on like you do de on outside plants..
I’m at day plants usually don’t start budding till day 13-14 so I should b okay..I remember you saying Anthem not to use it when in flower…
I’m at day plants usually don’t start budding till day 13-14 so I should b okay..I remember you saying Anthem not to use it when in flower…
Max I have been spraying it on lately. Put about 2 tablespoons in a gallon of water and spray. Just make sure to regularly shake the bottle. The sulphur separates and falls out quick.
So no bugs? Looked to maybe be thrip damage or leaf septoria.
My thoughts were Thrips also.🤷‍♂️
I put the shrugging guy, but would not have had said it without some conviction.
Many eyes and the few with experience will get this resolved I believe.
So no bugs? Looked to maybe be thrip damage or leaf septoria.
My thoughts were Thrips also.🤷‍♂️
I put the shrugging guy, but would not have had said it without some conviction.
Many eyes and the few with experience will get this resolved I believe.
Guys that is definitely not thrips. Thrips leave what looks like dried spit at each site they have cut into the leaves to suck out the fluid in the leaves.
So for sure no thrips.
Guys that is definitely not thrips. Thrips leave what looks like dried spit at each site they have cut into the leaves to suck out the fluid in the leaves.
So for sure no thrips.
100% agree its not thrips.
I JUST got done getting rid of thrips so its fresh lol.
These are the markings they leave behind. marijuana-thrips-leaf-damage-silvery-spots.jpg

@Mad Max im betting you hit the nail on the head, and its that spray you used. It definitely looks like its an overspray kind of damage looking at the pictures.

Imo, thatd be a lot of bug damage to happen overnight and not be able to see any bugs.
100% agree its not thrips.
I JUST got done getting rid of thrips so its fresh lol.
These are the markings they leave behind. View attachment 26809

@Mad Max im betting you hit the nail on the head, and its that spray you used. It definitely looks like its an overspray kind of damage looking at the pictures.

Imo, thatd be a lot of bug damage to happen overnight and not be able to see any bugs.
@steamroller @Rootsruler
I looked online for another picture but this is pretty good. The tell tell give away is when you look at the leaves from the side and not straight up and down because the spit marks become more pronounced from the side shoot. From the side view you see what looks like a puddle of water drying out.
100% agree its not thrips.
I JUST got done getting rid of thrips so its fresh lol.
These are the markings they leave behind. View attachment 26809

@Mad Max im betting you hit the nail on the head, and its that spray you used. It definitely looks like its an overspray kind of damage looking at the pictures.

Imo, thatd be a lot of bug damage to happen overnight and not be able to see any bugs.
@steamroller @Rootsruler
I looked online for another picture but this is pretty good. The tell tell give away is when you look at the leaves from the side and not straight up and down because the spit marks become more pronounced from the side shoot. From the side view you see what looks like a puddle of water drying out.
Yeah, @GoodShit97 that was a good idea to post that picture. Makes complete sense now that @Anthem275 explained it.
Yeah leaves aren’t pierced .it sort of hit me when I used the spray on the walls as I seen overspray go towards the plant and thought ..gee I hope it doesn’t hurt it..I don’t water it down either straight out of the bottle…..I have some powdered sulphur here..missed doing it straight after lights out but will do it nxt cycle….a couple more questions Anthem 😄.do I spray till runoff and do I do undersides.I’m thinking yes on the latter.plants are a decent size so it will take a bit of spraying to get the last zamal dreams out..a day off 14 weeks 🤦‍♂️.longest I’ve ever gone..would b 90% cloudy tricks and 5% amber..time to go I think.what an awesome aroma coming off it too..thanks for the mixing ratio Anthem and you guys for trying to help 😁
Yeah leaves aren’t pierced .it sort of hit me when I used the spray on the walls as I seen overspray go towards the plant and thought ..gee I hope it doesn’t hurt it..I don’t water it down either straight out of the bottle…..I have some powdered sulphur here..missed doing it straight after lights out but will do it nxt cycle….a couple more questions Anthem 😄.do I spray till runoff and do I do undersides.I’m thinking yes on the latter.plants are a decent size so it will take a bit of spraying to get the last zamal dreams out..a day off 14 weeks 🤦‍♂️.longest I’ve ever gone..would b 90% cloudy tricks and 5% amber..time to go I think.what an awesome aroma coming off it too..thanks for the mixing ratio Anthem and you guys for trying to help 😁
Spray the crap out of them Max. If you want add a drop of dawn to the water, it helps with adhesion. Spray top and bottom of the leaves and be sure to turn off the fans so you do not get a face full of sulphur!!!
It's mites Max..........the question is what kind? It's important to figure out which type, as not all remedies work for all mites.
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i hope it isnt bud..I can’t see any when i scope for think they are tunnelling under ground like the Mexicans do into the us…I live in a cool climate and havnt the ideal cond for them to’s been cool and raining outside for the time it has appeared.I’m praying it was the overspray from the sanitizer…the new growth should tell me as they should go to the top of the plant..we know what russets do to the new growth..the other mite will have webs forming.shit on leaves and skeletons of dead ones that make your leaves feel gritty..the health of the plants is good so .this will b a first if I do have them…the only other mite I’ve seen is the orange 6 legged predator one in the middle of summer when it’s warm and dry.I’ve never seen any other mite in all my years of growing..
Not all mites produce webs, but you should see either mites or eggs with a strong enough scope? It needs to be 30X or more to see correctly. They do not tunnel, take a damaged leaf, place it upside down on a table with strong light and look from top to bottom. I’m the fuckin mite king, I fought them for years and even switched growing to a new room to become mite free. That’s mite damage, no doubt about it.

So, some hints. The higher the humidity, the more it slows them down from producing eggs. Treat your soil as well as your leaves, as they often climb up the stalk that way. Lastly, I’d just pluck any damaged leaves right now, as you’ll cut down the population massively by just doing that.

The temps and humidity are right for you now, that’s why the mite population hasn’t blossomed yet..........remove the leaves, it may hurt your overall yield in the end, but who cares at this point.
I took this leaf off when I first posted about it and seen nothing with a 60x loupe..I have a 100x here and will pull another one off.theres probably thousands of marks so if I don’t find one then it can’t b mites..I will take a pics of leaves with no markings and see if any marks appear on them..C300E02A-05AD-4D38-89D3-56F25ED53CF0.jpeg
That on those big ass Zamal dreams? Hope not, yuuuge buds ya got there.

I had this happen indoor. I couldn't tell if it was septoria (I was watering too much kept humidity a little too high) or some kind of deficiency. I considered bugs but I cloned said plant and stuck clones outdoor and with the sun and them getting a good dry back I never saw the issue outdoor. So not really sure. Oh and i did zero ipm to said clones.

Someone told me calmag deficiency but didn't have any calmag at the time to give it so couldn't test that. That's always the answer isn't it?
Mites, I'll pick my prize later. This is what i add to help with adhesion to the leaf. You can use it with just about anything. Only is veg, of course since it's oil based.


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