yeah as you said it helps strengthen walls,helps them work better and build tissue faster…and increases your plants uptake of nutrients but the main reason I use it right through is to to stop mold grabbing hold .silic is immobile so I believe you need a steady flow to take full advantage of its benefits…
Which monosilica are you 2 using? I tried PowerSi but I am not impressed, especially with the price increase. I paid $30 qt. now it's $55 or so. You guys heard of Rooted Leaf by Agritech? SSgrower
Chunky 💪. Third pic I busted that bud .every time I got down on my knees to water the back ones my jumper use to touch it,hence why there some hairs from off my jumper most likely of me and the pit bull chi we have 😀35E6AD31-3632-4BF4-B753-B71FCFC4BD81.jpeg3AC0BA8A-B21C-4695-8064-9699EF5F9D96.jpegC96E7EED-FD96-4BF4-BDC5-ECFC44E6C815.jpeg
I don't use Mono silicic acid. I'm using Armor Si this time. Armor Si is Silicon Dioxide derived from Potassium Silicate. From discussions on here with Moe apparently this will break down into Mono silicic acid. I've always used ProTekt but there was a good deal on the ASi so I went with it. We'll see if I like it after this grow.
I don't use Mono silicic acid. I'm using Armor Si this time. Armor Si is Silicon Dioxide derived from Potassium Silicate. From discussions on here with Moe apparently this will break down into Mono silicic acid. I've always used ProTekt but there was a good deal on the ASi so I went with it. We'll see if I like it after this grow.
I used ProTecK for 2 years. Thanks
I don't use Mono silicic acid. I'm using Armor Si this time. Armor Si is Silicon Dioxide derived from Potassium Silicate. From discussions on here with Moe apparently this will break down into Mono silicic acid. I've always used ProTekt but there was a good deal on the ASi so I went with it. We'll see if I like it after this grow.
how long does that take..I know potassium silicate takes months. @Moe.Red
That was a good little read Anthem 👍..never knew pot silicate turns to mono If you add nutrients in correct order .

yeah I’m using right through and buds arnt solid..just normal,which makes me think the PSi brand is in low concentration as mentioned here.

“The only products that contain monosilicic acid in its actual form from the start are acid-stabilized Si containing products, which are usually limited to low concentrations due to the reactivity of this molecule when present”

and this blew me out..
”Acid stabilized silicon sources are not more plant available”

”In the end, at the pH where plants are fed, acid stabilized Si and potassium silicate sources generate the exact same monosilicic acid. Plant availability is not an advantage of using this sort of product”

im not using pk 13/14 as I’m seeing no difference in bud size,so you think the PSi brand mono silic I’m using is helping with adding enough K…
That was a good little read Anthem 👍..never knew pot silicate turns to mono If you add nutrients in correct order .

yeah I’m using right through and buds arnt solid..just normal,which makes me think the PSi brand is in low concentration as mentioned here.

“The only products that contain monosilicic acid in its actual form from the start are acid-stabilized Si containing products, which are usually limited to low concentrations due to the reactivity of this molecule when present”

and this blew me out..
”Acid stabilized silicon sources are not more plant available”

”In the end, at the pH where plants are fed, acid stabilized Si and potassium silicate sources generate the exact same monosilicic acid. Plant availability is not an advantage of using this sort of product”

im not using pk 13/14 as I’m seeing no difference in bud size,so you think the PSi brand I’m using is helping with adding enough K…
If you go that route just be careful to allow for the extra K you are giving the plants. I have never steered away from MONO. But there is another jewel in that article we could also discuss in theory. Feel free to send me a PM if you would like!!!!
WOW..JUST when you first open the door soon as the light comes on and you get a good whiff of there aroma,well I’m getting it right through lights on now.I’ve never experienced this as my 8” phresh filter and fan normally suck it out and after awhile you can just fairly smell it..but theres 2 in there throwing out the aroma something wicked .specially the front one oozing mango and on the finger rub there’s also a pungent smell like eww wtf is that 😆..I love it…...none of the others have it..the one behind it is same but without the pungent smell but try only smelling it once..I keep going back for seconds 😃..near 12 weeks gone so I’ve just lowered the nutes down to 300ppm for the front one.will most likely take her in 3 days 😍.

ive had to time this grow as I’m up to day 26-27 in veg room and only go to 5 weeks so looks like I will have maybe one still in there in 9-10 days time when the veg plants go into flower so the lights going to b up higher more than usual.shouldn’t b a problem though..hopefully my nxt pks of seeds are here within 6 weeks so I can plan the nxt grow…orange dreams will b nxt on the cards 😃💪
Is mean tree the monster cropped plant thing about monster cropping all the branches are super close..I selected bout 8 branches when I cropped one and bent them all out away fromm ea other and cut the rest off..was rather a short plant with 8 donkey dicks swaying in the breeze 😃.
Yes, I got 3 to "Pop" and this one was the 1st. It grew very strange as I noticed the "Leaf to Calix ratio", I like less trimming but she streches tall and is getting sticky around week 10 flower now. SSgrower
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Max you remember Sportyrider right? He come here only occasionally because the other users seemed to forget about him when he needed help after 3 years growing? I been trying to communicate so he will enjoy this forum. SSgrower
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I remember sporty.tell him to get his ass over here and get a grow diary up and running 😃.the guys can call in to see how he’s going and chime in if he needs help..
I think he's got a spot here, forget I got his IG account linked in. Or Instagram. SSgrower
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It's Sportyridr here, I found it again. SS
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12 weeks up..I’m taking this gal tomorrow..could go a little longer but I got to get 2 out of the way in 7 days time..

underneath all that leaf is some wonderful wonderful looking buds😍.should trim up nicely..328D1ED3-BB7A-457E-92FC-3F27F3ECFF14.jpegDEF43766-664D-4522-9391-6AD7630F5D6E.jpeg615A2FDD-D3CE-42C6-80AA-D3A2D0A484CD.jpegView attachment 24736CFC771A4-0C83-451B-8CAC-E1C898EBC4CF.jpeg6999E262-2181-4E8F-91BA-CED713F346C4.jpeg1C63FDEE-2BD7-4CEE-ADF0-38A21B88ECBF.jpeg4266E683-FBE8-4F08-899D-B2B75C690617.jpegA1B73B9B-49D4-43CD-A281-DC05A0BFB7B9.jpeg0D4990BC-1053-499D-8A0B-F29F6DF7A341.jpegED500FB2-20D3-4F9D-84E9-839C8E0F104F.jpeg


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4 weeks down..1 to go .taken just before lights off.390 ppm here phing between 5.87-5.92 .these will b up potted into there final home at week 5 then topped.just pinching the smallest amount off.delays the stretch a quite well if you are limited in head room..getting a new temp inkbird as the chroming on the temp sensor is showing rust and the temp reading is starting to fluctuate…983F9CDB-0E4A-494B-A3A6-89BC860BBE51.jpeg
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I busted those big colas up .just had to..they would def attract mold left like that.they worried me all the way through this grow.

gee these last three have been drinking up the feed last few weeks or so..well 2 now 😀when the rh dropped low into the high 30s they started sucking up all there nutes even when they are finishing up.they were getting 3.7 litres through the grow with Heaps of runoff but now they take 5 lol with not all that much runoff at all.. I might check the leaf temps lights on to see where the vid is room temp has been set at 25.2 max 25.6 last 3 weeks rh down to 38% now .I bet when I check the vid it will b way out but the low rh is forcing them to drink..
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