have a Peanut butter breat X Wilson I may "pop" soon with GDP X Wilson, Happy Thanksgiving from America,SSgrower
Happy Thanksgiving to all Grommies in Los Estadoes Unidose. This is a picture of my mom and her best friend in England and sleeping on the plane.20231123_200527.jpg
Day off 6 weeks..why does it seem the older you get the time goes soo bloody fast 🤷🙃.this grows just flying.I have a little delemma with the reversal plant in the veg room …I need to get it out and cram it into the flower room so I can get the new batch underway ..I’m hesitant to put it in there with the flower baby’s just incase there’s some pollen on the leaves.I have misted it more than a few times but not 100% covering all leaves..maybe I should just wait uno till the girls in the flower room wind up..
man I have stressed tf out of this reversal .I’ve starved it numerous times,given it 24 hrs light followed by 24 hrs darkness 3 times and there’s not a nanner anywhere.talk about stable 💪 so I shouldn’t have any prob if I do end up running them down the road..the smell is to die for too.that funky tennis ball smell that is very hard not to keep fingering it 🤣.
Max I finnaly got an advert from DragonsFlameGenetics, how do I send cash? I don't use Paypal? SSgrower You got a Christmas harvest there!
I havnt run the mmm so I can’t give you any advice sadly like do they need staking,when to defoliate.flip,top or if you have to or scrog 😃 but there’s a few guys on here that have.I can’t remember who..stoner moment,I think @tobh has ran the moonshine and @SweetLeafGrow both grow different grow styles than you .there’s going to b a lot of factors aswell that will determine how well they go.you know the drill 😀.light.enviroment,nutes etc etc…Jeff’s strains to my knowledge make for an easy no hassles grow..
The two plants on the left hand side look bushier than the others. (y)
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Oh fuck just deleted all my post ..🤦‍♂️.I was saying I’m going to do some more pollen chucking with some sunset sherbet seeds I had left over from 2018 grow..here they are below..these stank out the place soo much it drew un needed attention with some lowlife scum trying to rip them..he never succeeded as they were pegged down..the gals I sold this to said it was abit of a leg opener 😆 so I’m keen to try some indoor if all works out..no closeup pics..this shit was soo dank and superfrosty8D4289D6-38CD-4CAC-9DF2-C62044D66796.jpeg3863C767-E9C3-4236-BDEF-834E7BA87141.jpegA8629417-9B95-4DEF-A173-11DC5DC6E6CE.jpeg8D4289D6-38CD-4CAC-9DF2-C62044D66796.jpeg7D034E62-EA31-48C5-A812-A311C4F22136.jpeg99754192-F5A8-44A0-8ADD-28830EF2E3B5.jpeg


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I like the last pic. (y) And the security guards chair. 😁
Had lots of joints on that chair just perving on the girls and watch the day slip by..these white moths laid eggs on them and I’d sit there waiting for a grub to come out of the buds and kill them.they we’re killing the top buds..it wasn’t bad ..probably lost half a dozen or so..
I was talking to a gardener in Spain around five years ago, he was telling me about some grubs that are destroying all the Palm trees in his area, said the grubs ate the soft new shoots, and as palms grow from the top, it was having a devastating effect on the local palms.
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would they b date palm tree chem.yous had some bug killing your pine trees .is that still running ravage over there
No, not date, just the common beach palms, not being down on beach palms, just don't know what strain they were. 😁 Got quite a few doing the rounds, Horse Chestnut's have some sort of leaf minor, Ash die back, think the biggest hit we took was Dutch Elm decease years ago, as the Elm's were very big, very old trees of up to a thousand years old, they all had to be cut down before they rotted and fell down, a lot of these trees were in parks, so when they went, it was noticed by all.
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No, not date, just the common beach palms, not being down on beach palms, just don't know what strain they were. 😁 Got quite a few doing the rounds, Horse Chestnut's have some sort of leaf minor, Ash die back, think the biggest hit we took was Dutch Elm decease years ago, as the Elm's were very big, very old trees of up to a thousand years old, they all had to be cut down before they rotted and fell down, a lot of these trees were in parks, so when they went, it was noticed by all.
We had the emerald ash bore come through indiana michagin area 10 or so years back .killed all the ash trees.millions of huge beautiful ash trees gone.it took with it allot of our morel mushroom perinial patches.the trees and the mushrooms lived with each other.we lost allot of our super secret mushroom picking spots that had been producing for generations. On a more positive note there are millions of ash saplings coming back up .I don't know if they are coming from the roots of the old giants or dormant seed. Hopefully the mushrooms come back when the trees get older.20230513_092823.jpg
A friend had an ancient ash woodland taken down, about ten acres, wasn't much of a woodland left after that. Its a good sign the saplings growing back, maybe they have developed an immunity so they can re-populate the woodland. It may be that there is hope for my friends woodland to, hope its in my life time. Nice shroom. 😁
We had the emerald ash bore come through indiana michagin area 10 or so years back .killed all the ash trees.millions of huge beautiful ash trees gone.it took with it allot of our morel mushroom perinial patches.the trees and the mushrooms lived with each other.we lost allot of our super secret mushroom picking spots that had been producing for generations. On a more positive note there are millions of ash saplings coming back up .I don't know if they are coming from the roots of the old giants or dormant seed. Hopefully the mushrooms come back when the trees get older.View attachment 33377
That looks toxic..We have those here but I’ve never actually seen one..
That looks toxic..We have those here but I’ve never actually seen one..
They are the best thing I have ever tasted.a little butter and flower mmmmm.they only come up for about 4 or 5 weeks.we walk sometimes 10 miles a day looking for patches ,and then spend the rest of they year going crazy thinking about them.🤪
Max I finnaly got an advert from DragonsFlameGenetics, how do I send cash? I don't use Paypal? SSgrower You got a Christmas harvest there!
Max I finnaly got an advert from DragonsFlameGenetics, how do I send cash? I don't use Paypal? SSgrower You got a Christmas harvest there!
I can do venmo cashapp paypay BTC cash or money order thru mail as well. sorry took so long to reply Ive been having some health issues so been running way behind and not been feeling myself.
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