Cool, I was stuck as Paypal isn't a choice of mine. Thank's for reaching out and well wishes brother.SSgrower
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I sure will, looks like a March start for Mind Reaper, a BX1 fem with Rasberry Boogie, a James Loud colaboration. Got Spartan's Puke coming soon, a vertical germinator, cannagar mold w/ rod. I am set for next year. Cheers Max SS
Baja on either side, Mean tree in the middle. SS grower
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Sorry it is Supreme Planet 7 werks
Long way to go with her SS..she looks a real sativa leaner..gee there’s heaps of buds there..will b your biggest yielder yet.😃
Agreed, he just needs to have patience and let them finish up, sativas can really test ones patience.

Ask me how i know... lmao
Hahaha.i won’t go there 😆..I had my first go with the Zamal last grow but wasn’t a pure sativa though.I could of went 16 weeks with one.I think @growsinse79 has had some long ones.I’ve been an outside grower all my life just about and our summer season isn’t long enough here.budding doesn’t start till feb and we pretty much have to get them in by end of April or you risk getting mold..
Hahaha.i won’t go there 😆..I had my first go with the Zamal last grow but wasn’t a pure sativa though.I could of went 16 weeks with one.I think @growsinse79 has had some long ones.I’ve been an outside grower all my life just about and our summer season isn’t long enough here.budding doesn’t start till feb and we pretty much have to get them in by end of April or you risk getting mold..
I had a strawberry cough pheno from Dutch Passion that i chopped at 16 weeks, still had probably 85-90% white pistils, it had gotten a couple spots of mildew so it was an emergency thing.
That plant probably couldve gone 20 god damn weeks in flower. Really tested my patience and i didnt even get it to the finish line! Lmao
That suxs man.that would of peed me off abit getting the mildew.9 1/2 weeks is about as far as I’ve gone outdoors with the exception of one plant revegging and going till the end of can pretty much near get 2 runs in with an indica the time it takes the pure sativas to b ready.was a completely different smoke though..instead of being glued on the lounge it had me more focused and doing things.I def grow them again like a 60/40 70/30 sativa leaner ratio..they yield pretty good.was my heaviest yield last crop..
Wow Max, those are beautiful, I need to send my "Mentor" over there to learn what growing outdoors is. Naw, he's too lazy chasing 18 wheelers full of cannabis, Cheers for a great harvest, I have enough head stash to keep me from testing more till they are fully ripened, thanks guys. SSgrower
9 1/2 weeks is about as far as I’ve gone outdoors with the exception of one plant revegging and going till the end of may
Im going to make one last attempt at outdoor photos this year running the Apples & Bananas, as well as one of the 2 DFG strains i have. But im nit too optimistic about it with the previous failed attempts here.
I usually just dig holes bout a metre wide and add compost,cow manure,mushroom compost,worm castings.oyster shell flour ,sulphur,dynamic lifter pellet form(chook shit) just to name a few 🤣.let that brew abit.then throw the seedlings giving them a head start under lights,straight out in the elements once they are up.little bit of netting around them to stop rabbbits eating them and some slug pellets..first months slow af but after that ..WHOOSH..they get going.just using liquid seaweed etc.I havnt grown outdoors since 2018 because of some scum fucking me up liking my plants enough to try and lift them so that why I’m inside now ..bastards haha..I started just using the first 4 I mentioned and just added the others over time .that sulphur raises the terps of your plants something shocking so I’ve warned you if you use it 😃.it will help sequester if you use salt Fertilizer .great fungiside too.I just use a good handfull ea hole.I’m rambling I better stop 🤣🤣
Near 9 weeks gone now and 2 are look close to coming out so I pulled a branch to have a look .I should of just took a bud as like I usually do but the tops look done but after having a geezer of the trics that plant needs another week but the other looks real close on coming out .not much amber at all but it’s all cloudy with some heavy purpling right through the bud..b as purple as I’ve ever seen on the dude your droolin.getting really stanky outside now as someone keeps telling me when she’s out there hanging out the clothes 🤣🤣🤣

oh the seeds are near ready on the pollen chucked plant so I can get the nxt grow underway soon..😃
Nice Max, I am putting a couple outdoor from July 1st. till September to save on electric. SS
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Why not 😃 that’s the way SS .Take advantage of the suns own free electricity 😆👍. You might have to make a cage so your doggies don’t chew the leaves off 😆.
Nice colouring. (y)
Leaves were really dark too chem I’m quietly certain this plant was stressed more than the others in some form or another..the purpling through the bud is certainly genetic and the leaves I’d say through light intensity trying to protect itself .it certainly hasn’t been attributed to coldness as room temp hasn’t been thing ..whatever happened it sure has brought out the terps more and resin production..plant leaves were curled down like it had a little N fox but I believe it has something to do with root temps ,enviroment or something.I did have to push wire down through to the bottom of the pot as it was taking awhile for the water to soak in so it would of had some salt buildup..maybe that’ is the cause..stress on a plant isn’t such a bad thing but can reduce your yield a little…enjoyed that Edward scissor hands needed.very clean with good calyx to leave fluff either 😃
pulled another last night at 10 weeks.still wasn’t ready..but the tops were done as in some ambers.lowers weren’t but it’s all milky.nice yield off this one,around 5 1/2 oz’s which was in back left corner.the calyx’s are ginormous which is an good indication it is mature.should b taking another in 3-4 days..still 4 left..I’ve cooked the leaves on these pretty bad.what’s happening is when the sun comes up it hit the metal roller door and heats the shed up .my rooms insulated at the back of the shed but my extraction ducting is at the front of it and it suck in the warm air..was was 28 deg C earlier when I went in to drop the inkbird temp setting for lights off.temp is 28 for today but tomorrow it’s back to 20 deg C …that will help slow down the drying.last plant was hung for only 4 -5 days and is in a large container now all still on the branch..I’ll just check it every 6 hrs or so leaving lid off if it’s damp etc .will do that for bout 7-8 days then should b good to bag up..
Oh..I did do 4 others before this one 😃.but your right I reckon over 100 easily came out of that one and there’s heaps more in the guts of the buds I’m not doing.still not 100% dry yet but close..I’m banking on a couple thousand .too many really..way more than I’ll ever use.I can practically go do a Johney Appleseed across the country side lol.🤣.if I was in the states I’d send them out to you guys .the donor wasn’t spose to get as big as she did as I thought the spray never worked so I hit it again,during the nxt 4 weeks the donor grew more than I wanted it to..I’ll try some soon.this was the stankiest and biggest Zamal dreams from 2 grows back.was near 8 ozs from it so if I can get that x6 that will b a huge mofo yield..
Oh..I did do 4 others before this one 😃.but your right I reckon over 100 easily came out of that one and there’s heaps more in the guts of the buds I’m not doing.still not 100% dry yet but close..I’m banking on a couple thousand .too many really..way more than I’ll ever use.I can practically go do a Johney Appleseed across the country side lol.🤣.if I was in the states I’d send them out to you guys .the donor wasn’t spose to get as big as she did as I thought the spray never worked so I hit it again,during the nxt 4 weeks the donor grew more than I wanted it to..I’ll try some soon.this was the stankiest and biggest Zamal dreams from 2 grows back.was near 8 ozs from it so if I can get that x6 that will b a huge mofo yield..
Yeah i know its hard for you to get seeds down there so id be doing the same thing you are man. Plus seems like Jeffs stuff is solid and worth saving 👌🏼
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