Defoliated all bar one.I’ve been abit aggressive on the others..if I’d taken anymore it would b near what they called swazzing them lol.I hope I don’t stunt them.fingers’s just a pita pulling them out to do so I got a little carried thing there shouldn’t b much larf on these.
Nice..all together in the cliinic.😃.I like that.much easier to find all in one place..with the ph explained thread .can that b extended or another similar regarding ph at seedling veg and flower .for eg seedling early veg ph is lower so nitrogen is more available etc..I gather the ph will b different for soil grows compared to hydro,coco/perlite..
Nice..all together in the cliinic.😃.I like that.much easier to find all in one place..with the ph explained thread .can that b extended or another similar regarding ph at seedling veg and flower .for eg seedling early veg ph is lower so nitrogen is more available etc..I gather the ph will b different for soil grows compared to hydro,coco/perlite..
Yeah i will work on editing that post in the next week or 2… good point man
beginning of day 13.going to start the classic canna Flores tonite.usually I begin using it around 3 weeks in flower but I ran out of vega last grow at day 12 and I couldn’t tell the difference.,they never lightened up one bit so the Flores has plenty of N available for the I will start early again .I was pretty happy with last grow which produced 34 oz‘s and a bit left over.pretty much near bang on what I average with this can’t really handle anymore than that as I haven’t an big ass dehuey .the hepa filters stop the mold through passive ventilation but it always seems to get in from somewhere else.most likely from the shed door when I open it..thinking of getting an uv light to put in there to kill it in its tracks..
the girls are really starting to pickup now filling the room up..I will b pulling them out very soon to stake them and remove the inner leaves to open them upwill put some trolley wheels on a couple stands to get them all near on even terms.😃..pic.View attachment 2802
Here's the Max I know, great color, bushy too. Guess I'll try to write JJ a letter this week, he still has not shown here. Cheers SS
Going to pull the girls out shortly and mix up some fine sulphur in water.was just going to wipe it on the walls with a wet sponge… @Anthem275 how much sulphur are you mixing up in water.I got a heap here left over from yrs ago i used ootside so I might aswell Put it to good use.
Max I have used about a half a cup to one gallon of water. Just keep shaking the sprayer because it will settle and get up under all the leaves.
😂😂😂😂 I might b in for some seeds hahaha

. 1diese1 said
We’ve got trolls amongst us in a bad way!
I am offering up some solid genetics I have from seed purchases over the years, they will be feminized. 2-4 seeds depending on what you prove.
Here’s there scam,
They come to you in a personal message to ask you to join another site. They’ve been scamming this troll move for a while now.
I’m not going to screw around with this anymore. It has to be completely provable.
Do not troll me with this!
I will not stand for it or fuck around trying to figure it out.
Plain and easy will get you free seeds.


just kidding, well not really, i'd love free seeds.
but, why does this site, the biggest forum that i know of care if someone uses another site?
i've been on roll it up and a few other sites looking for general agreement on certain issues i've had growing.
and to be honest i have gotten better info by doing that.

what i meant was, the more info the better to deal with an issue

No comparison between troll it up and The Farm!!
Trust was broken!
Lies were told!
They are no longer here but keep causing drama and troll issues.
It’s all good brother, sometimes you just Gota clean house!!
Dogs were dirty needed a bath:)

why does this site, the biggest forum that i know of care if someone uses another site?
Good question.

@1diesel1 - Is it okay for us to join other weed-related forums?

Thank you. I'll take that as a "yes."
I’m not saying yes or no,
I’m not getting involved in your inter web surfing.
It’s none of my business what you do.
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People react in strange ways when they start losing control of a situation. They oughta figure out healthier ways of dealing with their emotions, gonna make themselves physical ill if they keep up with that toxicity.
Your not wrong Tobh .they got bud builders on there brain something wicked.I can see him tossing and turning endlessly having nightmares about this site 😂diesels already built like a match stick.poor bugger..
given forums are just about the only social media i use anymore, can't help but facepalm at the fact this situation is so much like the shit that used to happen in various facebook groups it's unreal. grown ass men throwing childish fits over potential competition. there's literally no harm being inflicted on them other than that which they're inflicting themselves. there's gotta be a deeper rooted psychological issue going on, man.
Well said
its Probably all the anal sex logic has inflicted on his moderators coming to a head… hahahaha..
Well said
its Probably all the anal sex logic has inflicted on his moderators coming to a head… hahahaha..
easy there bro I’m a homophobe and ain’t no duck getting near this ass hole! Lmao - just kidding ya bro honestly didn’t interact with a whole lot - seemed to always have drama and I do my best to stay out of that shit

easy there bro I’m a homophobe and ain’t no duck getting near this ass hole! Lmao - just kidding ya bro honestly didn’t interact with a whole lot - seemed to always have drama and I do my best to stay out of that shit
i Don’t blame you’s not healthy for you.I just shake my head.they don’t set good examples for others on that site . I just gotta laugh.wonder who from here is driving them cookoo 😂😂😂.

easy there bro I’m a homophobe and ain’t no duck getting near this ass hole! Lmao - just kidding ya bro honestly didn’t interact with a whole lot - seemed to always have drama and I do my best to stay out of that shit
haha i was waiting for one of you freed mods to pipe in on that comment :ROFLMAO:
given forums are just about the only social media i use anymore, can't help but facepalm at the fact this situation is so much like the shit that used to happen in various facebook groups it's unreal. grown ass men throwing childish fits over potential competition. there's literally no harm being inflicted on them other than that which they're inflicting themselves. there's gotta be a deeper rooted psychological issue going on, man.
this----hes just as insecure and afraid in his real life as he is on the forums. Theres 10+ years of proof about logic
Some pics.looks like I will b defoliating again as some are blocking light in the middle of the plants.just a mini one though.i won’t do it yet.maybe in another week or so.they are just starting to pick up there drinking and there transpiration has risen (rh going up)…so I won’t bother them just yet and slow them down.the rh is exactly where I want it right now hoovering between 50-56% so…..they have a bloody good habit of making a liar out of single time I do a defol I’m like yep…that cleaned them up I should know this by now you got to do at least 2 good defols ea grow when they are in close proximately.and when your in a small room helps lower the rh.63CBA73C-A3E4-408C-BBC0-6243DD5B8DAA.jpeg862AD411-91AE-40C3-8221-87480C513AD2.jpegDC88955C-A90E-4E7E-B874-09F074B671A8.jpeg1A3738D1-5194-4757-A07D-D776F8BCD5B4.jpeg
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