Some pics.looks like I will b defoliating again as some are blocking light in the middle of the plants.just a mini one though.i won’t do it yet.maybe in another week or so.they are just starting to pick up there drinking and there transpiration has risen (rh going up)…so I won’t bother them just yet and slow them down.the rh is exactly where I want it right now hoovering between 50-56% so…..they have a bloody good habit of making a liar out of single time I do a defol I’m like yep…that cleaned them up I should know this by now you got to do at least 2 good defols ea grow when they are in close proximately.and when your in a small room helps lower the rh.View attachment 4376View attachment 4377View attachment 4378View attachment 4379

yep in desperate need of a haircut haha
Some pics.looks like I will b defoliating again as some are blocking light in the middle of the plants.just a mini one though.i won’t do it yet.maybe in another week or so.they are just starting to pick up there drinking and there transpiration has risen (rh going up)…so I won’t bother them just yet and slow them down.the rh is exactly where I want it right now hoovering between 50-56% so…..they have a bloody good habit of making a liar out of single time I do a defol I’m like yep…that cleaned them up I should know this by now you got to do at least 2 good defols ea grow when they are in close proximately.and when your in a small room helps lower the rh.View attachment 4376View attachment 4377View attachment 4378View attachment 4379
Beautiful plants again brother.
I just got done cleaning mine up too. Quite a bit later than i usually do but i guess i lost track of time and its already been about 40 days since i flipped! Hard for me to believe that but i flipped to 12/12 on 4/20
The days go so quick guys it feels like yesterday I done them 😀.it gets quite out of hand if you get lazy like …yeah I’ll do them tomorrow and before you know it turns into a mess..I really want to change my style but not hurting the yield side which I’m happy with.I want them stacking which I think I have to either veg longer and get the branches going asymmetrical or do similar to shaded only have so many branches and top earlier…idk..I’d love them like sshz has his but coco just grows em bigger compared to soil where they stay more compact..I cannot get the pro mix here .would cost a small fortune to ship it too…suxs balls lol..
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That Hydroplex bottle has been around for a few years.......... I generally don’t use a bloom enhancer, this crop I am but at a very low rate- lower than the lowest recommended level on the bottle.

And Max, not making fun of you. Just making a point that more is not necessarily better. Although, maybe I’m stubborn and it actually is? Every single thing you add moves the pH in one direction or the other, and the more you add, the more fluctuation and the harder it is to lock in your number. That’s just my personal belief.

I use the Blue Planet Cal/Mag since it’s about $10 cheaper per gallon than the others, I find there is no difference otherwise.
That Hydroplex bottle has been around for a few years.......... I generally don’t use a bloom enhancer, this crop I am but at a very low rate- lower than the lowest recommended level on the bottle.

And Max, not making fun of you. Just making a point that more is not necessarily better. Although, maybe I’m stubborn and it actually is? Every single thing you add moves the pH in one direction or the other, and the more you add, the more fluctuation and the harder it is to lock in your number. That’s just my personal belief.

I use the Blue Planet Cal/Mag since it’s about $10 cheaper per gallon than the others, I find there is no difference otherwise.
Could not agree more with this.
As you know I have 2 part nutrients…so it seems like I have a lot..veg gets 4 bottles.go roots to protect from dieseases and root rot.a must have..the cal mag gets used sparingly and the mono silic puts my ph bang on 5.9 so no ph up or down is used once veg nutes are added.and the ph swings less using it..same in flower but I use more cal mag for the first 5 weeks then that stops..using the mono silic gets my ph from 4.7 -4.9 to 5.5.the ph is at 5.8–5.9 early in flower but as the nutrient strength is increased it drops lower to 5,5…so I’m not adding stupid amounts of ph rain water is 6.1,10ppm…the bloom booster is only used for 2 weeks,week 6,7.the pk 1 week but I notice no difference not using while it seems there’s a lot it all doesnt get used at once…I can mix my nutrients and the following day ph is still the same so I’m not having any def or problems…i could get away with just 2 bottles veg a+b if I wanted but my grows have improved with what I have included so I won’t b changing anytime Soon..
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nearly 4weeks gone.they are a little behind but looking problems that I can see..most of the leaves are out nice and flat so that’s a good indication the light distance to canopy is where they like it.atm it’s at 22”.I will keep it at that the remainder of the a panoramic photo..makes the outer plants look taller .6AA4E1BF-948E-4680-9507-3862A1816B9B.jpeg7B47C1DC-332F-45EB-91AE-7F0D1095F28A.jpeg
Hi guys.this is my new home now so the show must go on. 😀..this grow will continue on from over on …what was it called….I’ve forgotten already 😆.the 6 girls are still going strong..on day 10 now so the show won’t b far away from starting.another 4-5 days I’d say.plants are staying short but that has always been the case running these lights.I do think topping them beginning of flower does slow,delay the stretch which is exactly what I want.I don’t like going under 19’ to light as it seems to stress the plants and the buds will grow a little foxtaily,knobby like with the leaves tacoeing up..,a nice white frost here tonite.that just kills the rh in the room keeping it under 50% so the dehuey isn’t on tonite..sitting on 550ppm on 500 Hanna scale and gradually creeping it up.phing 5.93. Using 4 gal pots.70/30 coco/perlite with some chunky perlite added .b more like 60/40 now.3 litres of feed everyday ,plenty of runoff. looking good 😃
View attachment 2330
Assuming the issue was resolved. Worked on this POS iPhone.
Yeah still not playing the videos propper .I don’t actually see anything just the play bar line along the bottom ,volume mute in top right corner and pic enlarge top left..
I think the problem is it’s just sloooooooooow af on my side..even when I view other peoples diary with heaps of peeves me off that much I cant view members pics …only on a cheap plan so I’m running out bytes or whatever it is 😁
We all go down the nutrient "trail", I began with Dyna-Gro, Grow,Bloom & FF Big Bloom for me. I am on a less salt kick now with Green Planet, Rooted Leaf Cal/Mag Fuel, Foop sweetner, ect. SS
I would imagine a grower like you follows a pretty strict regimen - what is your feeding pattern ? Example is how many ml per gallon of the grow you use ? I understand it prolly fluctuates a little - just real curious how close you run to what I run - I have flowered with just pbpg and tap water before . I use tap so no calmag in my rep yet .
Sorry max I’m gonna move this to sshz thread
I think the problem is it’s just sloooooooooow af on my side..even when I view other peoples diary with heaps of peeves me off that much I cant view members pics …only on a cheap plan so I’m running out bytes or whatever it is 😁
This still happens even with my data back. Just not all the time.

Happened at the farm when I first joined but later got better. I thought traffic and many uploads or content loading was doing it.

Also noticed I’ve used half my data in just 7 days. I think all the videos might be loading along with the high quality pics. I’m avoiding the music thread a while until EOM reset. Then I can test and report.

Nice to know I’m not seeing things. 🤣
Starting to get nippy down here in Antarctica 😂.just so you guys know I give my girls tank (rain water ) which is getting too cold to give to the ladies without heating it a little first.takes ages to heat to 16.5 ,that’s around 62f.using a fan heater to warm it ….I have tried an aqua one aquarium heater to warm it but it’s about as useless as tits on a bull, just takes too damn long so I think I need to up the watts quite abit..water is about 44 f atm..anyone have any idea what size aquarium heater I need to heat let’s say 35litres in a couple hrs max.the 150 w I have just doesn’t cut it..
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