Thanks @Aqua Man 😀. hows your family settling in to your new place..
Getting there bro…. Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you and yours in the land of backwards flushing toilets. One day id love to make my way over there as i always have been intrigued by the animals there. Also heard its a great place to live
Hahahaha.we gotta fix that one day 😆🚽. You’d love it would need a good couple weeks to get around all the great places to around in a’s a small island and you can pretty much get to one end to the other in 5 hrs or so..most of us take it for granted but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else..
Just about 7 weeks gone now and there’s not one single brown pistil anywhere on 4 of them.def going to go right to week 11 I’d say..buds getting a little more chunky with a nice citrusy smell that hangs around for ages on the nose..starting to stink outside so I’ve been told lol..nice skunk smell .exactly like it does when it’s dried..this strain is really terry..I’d like to get it tested..pics31034515-7D02-406B-943C-5FF082825A78.jpegA91892A0-CE21-4B33-A56A-5063849C53BC.jpegC7F50490-5987-4BB1-AF7C-80B282B1FED1.jpeg
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Do it 😃 far the 3 of Jeff’s strains I’ve grown have been a breeze to grow.just by keeping everything fluctuations in temps.keep your ph stable and no huge increases in ppm .just raise it slowly.they are not heavy feeders..plants don’t like changes too much.
The koalas 😆.we ain’t got none here only over in the big smoke..we have a Tasmanian devil that will blow your mind with the noises it makes.we only have the tiger snake,red back spider.Tiger sharks and the white pointers.the mainland has heaps of poisonous shit and crocs.I would absolutely shit myself if we had black bears and wolves here and mooses lol.I’d hate to b mauled by them..
The koalas 😆.we ain’t got none here only over in the big smoke..we have a Tasmanian devil that will blow your mind with the noises it makes.we only have the tiger snake,red back spider.Tiger sharks and the white pointers.the mainland has heaps of poisonous shit and crocs.I would absolutely shit myself if we had black bears and wolves here and mooses lol.I’d hate to b mauled by them..
fuck man, i'll take the black bears and wolves over the shit y'all have down under. the most lethally venomous creatures live on your side of the pond. Fuck that with a hard capital F.

plus, your toilet flush the wrong direction. whole bunch of nope. i like my logs to go down the drain in a clockwise manner.
Haaahahaha.yeah it’s worse in way that most are small and wouldn’t of seen them till they bit you.we ain’t got most of those venomous spiders and snakes here thank god.I’ve been bitten by bull ants though and fuck they are painfull have bluebottles here too.they got a stinger in the ass like wasps but way more painful.plenty of tiger snakes out the bush.i hate those brother loves catching them by the tail lol…fuck that 😆
a girl i dated in high school had a brother that was a herpetologist (studied snakes). This crazy fucker had a room in the house with roughly 30 different varieties of rattlesnakes from all over north america, and at one time previous had a bunch of exotics -- different cobras, black mambas, taipans, bothropsis (pit vipers from S. America)... learned a lot about snakes from that dude but the one thing i've always held onto is to avoid Australia and the ancillary islands. There are some real mean biters down there lol
a girl i dated in high school had a brother that was a herpetologist (studied snakes). This crazy fucker had a room in the house with roughly 30 different varieties of rattlesnakes from all over north america, and at one time previous had a bunch of exotics -- different cobras, black mambas, taipans, bothropsis (pit vipers from S. America)... learned a lot about snakes from that dude but the one thing i've always held onto is to avoid Australia and the ancillary islands. There are some real mean biters down there lol
Bugger that….that would give me nightmares..imagine staying the night there lol..…and I bet he’d b the kind of guy to sneak in your room and lift your blanket up and touch your leg for shits n giggles ..
Bugger that….that would give me nightmares..imagine staying the night there lol..…and I bet he’d b the kind of guy to sneak in your room and lift your blanket up and touch your leg for shits n giggles ..
yeah, he was an odd one. was a pretty rude guy, tbh. that room scared the shit outta me though. when he opened the door, all you'd hear is all those rattlers start to make their noises. bone chilling kind of room.
What’s your new home area like for snakes and other animals.we have heaps of marsupials everywhere here,rabbits and the odd dear.they are encroaching more and more ea yr coming down from the mountains.wallaby and kangaroo shit all over the lawns.possums too..not like possums yous have..yours are real mean bastards.they got a wicked set of teeth on em.
What’s your new home area like for snakes and other animals.we have heaps of marsupials everywhere here,rabbits and the odd dear.they are encroaching more and more ea yr coming down from the mountains.wallaby and kangaroo shit all over the lawns.possums too..not like possums yous have..yours are real mean bastards.they got a wicked set of teeth on em.
Hey! We’ve got some really wicked kangaroo rats here in the states!
And the neighbors have a chihuahua that is an SOB! LOL

Man, you guys live in some other world there, can’t trust the snakes, lizards, spiders, shit, I’m guessing there is probably a man eating hummingbird there somewhere!
looking like a great crop of flowers right there man! really getting em dialed in
Quality appears to b up this grow Jeff..I’ve been supplementing cal/mag in low dose 30-50ppm every feed right through flower and they look more healthier.last grow I was supplementing cal/mag only every now and then but did notice the girls were looking a little better.I was going to stop using it but @SSHZ runs it till last couple weeks so that speaks volumes..
Hey! We’ve got some really wicked kangaroo rats here in the states!
And the neighbors have a chihuahua that is an SOB! LOL

Man, you guys live in some other world there, can’t trust the snakes, lizards, spiders, shit, I’m guessing there is probably a man eating hummingbird there somewhere!
Lol…I’m not sure..I’ll have to check 😆😆😆.
What’s your new home area like for snakes and other animals.we have heaps of marsupials everywhere here,rabbits and the odd dear.they are encroaching more and more ea yr coming down from the mountains.wallaby and kangaroo shit all over the lawns.possums too..not like possums yous have..yours are real mean bastards.they got a wicked set of teeth on em.
so far i've seen a handful of dear. a ton of birds. some garter snakes. Part of why I chose to live where I do is because there aren't venomous snakes that venture into this area and venomous spiders are rare. really, the worst spiders we commonly see are wolf spiders and they're just ground dwellers that can be territorial little bastards. i know that black bears, mountain lions, cougars, and coyotes are in the area but they tend to mind their own business.

black bears are chicken shits, though, so they pose minimal risk. problem with cougars is if you see one, it's too late because that bastard has been stalking you for a while and is coming at you. same with mountain lions. possums are around, but i haven't seen one yet, nor do i want to.

raccoons can be problematic as they're territorial and have a straight up IDGAF attitude. fuckers will try to attack you for trying to get em away from your trash cans.

otherwise everything is benign. i don't trust the squirrels around here. they all look suspect, and i don't trust their motives.
so far i've seen a handful of dear. a ton of birds. some garter snakes. Part of why I chose to live where I do is because there aren't venomous snakes that venture into this area and venomous spiders are rare. really, the worst spiders we commonly see are wolf spiders and they're just ground dwellers that can be territorial little bastards. i know that black bears, mountain lions, cougars, and coyotes are in the area but they tend to mind their own business.

black bears are chicken shits, though, so they pose minimal risk. problem with cougars is if you see one, it's too late because that bastard has been stalking you for a while and is coming at you. same with mountain lions. possums are around, but i haven't seen one yet, nor do i want to.

raccoons can be problematic as they're territorial and have a straight up IDGAF attitude. fuckers will try to attack you for trying to get em away from your trash cans.

otherwise everything is benign. i don't trust the squirrels around here. they all look suspect, and i don't trust their motives.

This right here is how i know I straight up have ADHD :ROFLMAO: "I don't trust squirrels" and my mind immediately went here

so far i've seen a handful of dear. a ton of birds. some garter snakes. Part of why I chose to live where I do is because there aren't venomous snakes that venture into this area and venomous spiders are rare. really, the worst spiders we commonly see are wolf spiders and they're just ground dwellers that can be territorial little bastards. i know that black bears, mountain lions, cougars, and coyotes are in the area but they tend to mind their own business.

black bears are chicken shits, though, so they pose minimal risk. problem with cougars is if you see one, it's too late because that bastard has been stalking you for a while and is coming at you. same with mountain lions. possums are around, but i haven't seen one yet, nor do i want to.

raccoons can be problematic as they're territorial and have a straight up IDGAF attitude. fuckers will try to attack you for trying to get em away from your trash cans.

otherwise everything is benign. i don't trust the squirrels around here. they all look suspect, and i don't trust their motives.
Damn not sure where you at but sounds a bit like here. We got a gang of shit here in the desert but you just stay aware. Everything from scorpions to black widows, Javelina, Bobcats, Coyotes and Diamondback everywhere(hence our NHL and Baseball team names), tons of formidable raptors, etc. If you have small pets though and a doggy door, oof there are so many people who lose cats and dogs to coyotes and bobcats because we continue to take away their habitat. Well that and some people aren't as wise as others and don't understand where they live. Javelina are no joke and it they are with young, which they often are, you are in a world of hurt of cross their paths. They have wicked tusk-like teeth and aren't afraid to use them. Watch this below and you can tell how outmatched you'd be with a toy dog out for a morning walk.

Damn not sure where you at but sounds a bit like here. We got a gang of shit here in the desert but you just stay aware. Everything from scorpions to black widows, Javelina, Bobcats, Coyotes and Diamondback everywhere(hence our NHL and Baseball team names), tons of formidable raptors, etc. If you have small pets though and a doggy door, oof there are so many people who lose cats and dogs to coyotes and bobcats because we continue to take away their habitat. Well that and some people aren't as wise as others and don't understand where they live. Javelina are no joke and it they are with young, which they often are, you are in a world of hurt of cross their paths. They have wicked tusk-like teeth and aren't afraid to use them. Watch this below and you can tell how outmatched you'd be with a toy dog out for a morning walk.

sounds like you're in an area similar to where I grew up. originally from about 60 miles south of Albuquerque, and ventured all over NM, AZ and TX in my younger years. Got sick and tired of every. damn. thing. wanting to kill me so i moved to a place where the worst thing that happens is you get wet nine months out of the year. Rather be wet than get bit by a centipede again, or catch the dog playing with a diamondback, or finding scorpions and black widows when having to do plumbing under a house.

There's a whole lot of nope out there in the desert.
1 week down for the Zamal Dreams..they are a little leggy ,most likely because they aren’t really getting much airflow movement.a couple of my mini fans aren’t going so I’ve added a bigger 7’ fan and have it pointed away from them as it’s just too much for got them jigging nicely.I will start giving them mono silic acid at end of week 2.all are looking good so far .just sitting on 170ppm 5.85.. I should have the ph a little lower as N is more available to them.and thats what they need ..F9C9CC20-A9F7-4378-90A5-ADF6F1530CBF.jpeg
so far i've seen a handful of dear. a ton of birds. some garter snakes. Part of why I chose to live where I do is because there aren't venomous snakes that venture into this area and venomous spiders are rare. really, the worst spiders we commonly see are wolf spiders and they're just ground dwellers that can be territorial little bastards. i know that black bears, mountain lions, cougars, and coyotes are in the area but they tend to mind their own business.

black bears are chicken shits, though, so they pose minimal risk. problem with cougars is if you see one, it's too late because that bastard has been stalking you for a while and is coming at you. same with mountain lions. possums are around, but i haven't seen one yet, nor do i want to.

raccoons can be problematic as they're territorial and have a straight up IDGAF attitude. fuckers will try to attack you for trying to get em away from your trash cans.

otherwise everything is benign. i don't trust the squirrels around here. they all look suspect, and i don't trust their motives.
yea our spot in cottage grove when we were there, we had a old racoon that was a straight up Jeffrey Dahmer. Would kill our animals for fun. would eat their heads, and the rest the body would just be torn to shreds and left scattered about.
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