Just this little veg room and the flower nxt door..they both are in the 2.4x 3mtre room I built.one day I want to have 2 lights going in there.but it’s going to b abit of a squeeze outside the room where I store everything and mix the nutrients up..small rooms work very well though..
I was re editing my pic above with comments but ran out of time…so I just copied and paste…we only have 10 mins ⏱⏳

bit of shit in the room .lol.there’s 2 96w t5ho’s there but only 2 bars going on the back three..those are the plants I won’t run and will give to a mate..will start giving them some cal mag soon and mono silic acid..I will pot these up around day 18 or so..this very same time last grow they started yellowing on me so I got my 👀 on them..I’m loving there vigor atm.a little quicker than the previous strains I’ve grown so far..
checking how far they are along.pistils are ambering up fast on all bar one.better start reducing the feed and getting them ready for chop…plenty of long stems on the trichome heads.pretty happy how they look.21318FDE-149D-4B44-9E4F-33363CDB1889.jpegC41B6AE5-61B5-4E8D-8095-819FA8989327.jpegA7A257C0-65AA-449F-A23B-1F02A6607FB4.jpeg
Sort of like it gets to 100% then it doesn’t show the pic so I can choose thumb size or normal size.sometimes it gets halfway then stops when loading.its just sloooooooow man.does this every now and then..took an hr easy to get those 6 pics up
Sort of like it gets to 100% then it doesn’t show the pic so I can choose thumb size or normal size.sometimes it gets halfway then stops when loading.its just sloooooooow man.does this every now and then..took an hr easy to get those 6 pics up

this happens when you have shit wifi or cellphone reception/trying to upload a lot of data
I reckon your spot on shaded.the wifi is built into the iPad..wasn’t cheap though..should work better than it does.it’s real windy here atm so maybe that’s interrupting the signal..only showing 2 lines out of 4 for signal.
thanks brother..its all Jeff’s @dragonsflamegenetics work shining through with his selective breeding.hes really got what he’s looking for in a plant down pat..having great stable genetics gives you a good head start to a successful grow..his strains are just so easy mate.I’ve hardly had had any problems with them..makes my grows boring as fuck hahaha..but I get a good perv on dem buds 😍
thanks brother..its all Jeff’s @dragonsflamegenetics work shining through with his selective breeding.hes really got what he’s looking for in a plant down pat..having great stable genetics gives you a good head start to a successful grow..his strains are just so easy mate.I’ve hardly had had any problems with them..makes my grows boring as fuck hahaha..but I get a good perv on dem buds 😍
Yes Max @dragonsflamegenetics does have some good genetics. Wish I have some more.
seems I’ve been growing jeffs dude you’re drooling for awhile now.there’s about 3-4 phenos I get but near ea time I get slight variances in there morphology .I’m usually finding one each grow I’d b happy to keep growing.and this Zamal dreams has some great vigor too I haven’t seen before than the other strains.but every strain has been high in terpenes.I always get the compliment..f#&k it stinks.lol.
seems I’ve been growing jeffs dude you’re drooling for awhile now.there’s about 3-4 phenos I get but near ea time I get slight variances in there morphology .I’m usually finding one each grow I’d b happy to keep growing.and this Zamal dreams has some great vigor too I haven’t seen before than the other strains.but every strain has been high in terpenes.I always get the compliment..f#&k it stinks.lol.
Cheers bud it has been an awesome journey following along in your grows and seeing them do their thing in your garden.
Hey @Aqua Man @Dirtbag I’m down to my last 7-9 days in flower and I want to try some magnesium sulphate for the first time to keep that blunt lit for longer.I’m at 480ppm right now..when and how much should I give them pr litre.should I wait say another 3-4 days when I have the ppm down to 300 then add it.will I have to lower the ppm more to compensate for the mag/sul.

cheers max
Hey @Aqua Man @Dirtbag I’m down to my last 7-9 days in flower and I want to try some magnesium sulphate for the first time to keep that blunt lit for longer.I’m at 480ppm right now..when and how much should I give them pr litre.should I wait say another 3-4 days when I have the ppm down to 300 then add it.will I have to lower the ppm more to compensate for the mag/sul.

cheers max
Is go about 2g per gal so like 0.5 gram per litre. Can start now. Don’t get to caught up on pom as the makeup of it needs to be considered.
Ok great ..thanks Aquaman 😃

Haha..made me laugh MDK 😂👍. Let’s see what I got here.start rubbishing through drawers,down back of sofa…here we are 😄.how bout a dozen dude your drooling seeds if I can get them away through customs 😃.
I’m stoked the way they are going atm Jeff.even the 3 at the rear now are catching up..there is a deformity or trait they have in the leaves I have noticed.another guy on other forum was growing a Zamal dreams(photo) and I have that exact same trait showing on one plant.I think they are going to b big plants mate.up potting them tomorrow 3 days earlier than I normally do..
they got me all excited 😀
Beginning of day 19…just fed them and are now under the sunstorm 315 cmh bout 40’ away.I will gradually lower it once they adjust to the light.sitting on 320ppm at 5.84..no cal mag used yet but have started with the mono silic .I’ll give them an hr to drain then up pot them with a generous amount of great white..the plant at rear in middle I will use and swap out the one in centre..all turning out to b great plants..they are a darker Color than what the light shows to.EDDF1E65-0320-48A3-96E1-AB53D56CC45A.jpeg
yeah I’ve been running cal/mag right through the grow but stopped 1 week ago SS..my nutrients actually has it.helps with the terpenes and flavor aswell.
9 weeks gone..this pheno will b coming out along with another one which is near the same pheno..down to 380 ppm on these 2 . in 6 days they will b out another will follow couple days later..

the front one is taking ages and I’ve never had one take this long before the pistils start to amber up.she is a beauty though.damn near perfect if you ask me..she’s very pungent too ..would b an ideal candidate for a mom but I just got no room unfortunately..sucks balls ..470ppm on this bitchFB23A2D3-B488-4A0F-A5C4-B923A3449715.jpegB1B13062-EBBE-4E85-9151-2861EEE4F171.jpeg40A33768-C539-4216-99DD-4F333BCCAABA.jpeg
9 weeks gone..this pheno will b coming out along with another one which is near the same pheno..down to 380 ppm on these 2 . in 6 days they will b out another will follow couple days later..
View attachment 11763

the front one is taking ages and I’ve never had one take this long before the pistils start to amber up.she is a beauty though.damn near perfect if you ask me..she’s very pungent too ..would b an ideal candidate for a mom but I just got no room unfortunately..sucks balls ..470ppm on this bitchView attachment 11771View attachment 11772View attachment 11773
Great looking room Max, gonna be some great stuff by the looks of it
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