yea our spot in cottage grove when we were there, we had a old racoon that was a straight up Jeffrey Dahmer. Would kill our animals for fun. would eat their heads, and the rest the body would just be torn to shreds and left scattered about.
dude, i swear there's something in the water in cottage grove. that little town, while cute and seemingly a decent place to live, both the people and the animals in that area are like quiet fucked up. you don't suspect em to be, but they are.
1 week down for the Zamal Dreams..they are a little leggy ,most likely because they aren’t really getting much airflow movement.a couple of my mini fans aren’t going so I’ve added a bigger 7’ fan and have it pointed away from them as it’s just too much for got them jigging nicely.I will start giving them mono silic acid at end of week 2.all are looking good so far .just sitting on 170ppm 5.85.. I should have the ph a little lower as N is more available to them.and thats what they need ..View attachment 9358
Your stuff looks great as always Max.
We got those wolf spiders here.they are everywhere..there’s a gap under our back door and they get can hear them jumping on the vinyl flooring.when I lived more out of town this place was infested with everything.scorpions.all kinds of snakes.spiders,centrepeds and those paralysis ticks.lots of animals had them.I even woke up one morning and one was dead in my bed.I soo hate those.I chucked my boots on one morning ,walked halfway round the house.felt a tiny prick in my shoe and thought it was a thistle.tapped on the boot out fell a small scorpion ,I was blowing out hard..I just finished my first aid course and ran inside to look them up in my first aid said ,see under centrpede ,by this time I’m really peaking out lol.I can’t remember what it said but nothing happened lol.I went shooting once with my friend when we were in our teens hunting for roo and wallaby in broad daylight,he was walking in front of me bout 50 metres when he start screaming,nxt minit ,boom boom,I go running up and there’s a large tiger snake coiled up and he’s blown a chunk out of it a ft from its head.I took the gun off him and blew its head off..this snake was 4” in diameter.I carried it home and put it at the back door in an S shape and the from where I blew it’s head off under the baby’s basket at back door..we then got up in the tree waiting for mom and her boyfriend to come home….you should of heard the ol girl going off but mums boyfriend knew it was dead and said it is max up to his tricks 😂😂😂.we were laughing our heads off.he ended up gutting it and inside were 4 baby rabbits..biggest tiger I’ve ever seen.that place was so infested I grew plants there cause no one was game enough to walk through the sags..gee that was long time ago.1987 .
😆 crikey…..loved that guy..bigger than life.his shows were the best.nothing fazed him.even chasing taipans lol.shocked us to the core when he had his accident..he was a legend.
Jumped in there and gave them their final defol,not that you guys will notice in the pic cause it was mainly the back 3 that don’t get as much attention as the front three.few branches leaning over too so just looped some tie wire round the cola to a stake.these plants are 23” away from the light.being short plants helps with good light penetration.CD9F9D55-A40E-49B4-A345-648339728AB8.jpeg4771EFA3-36B3-4D8E-95B6-0A03BB5EA64F.jpeg
Jumped in there and gave them their final defol,not that you guys will notice in the pic cause it was mainly the back 3 that don’t get as much attention as the front three.few branches leaning over too so just looped some tie wire round the cola to a stake.these plants are 23” away from the light.being short plants helps with good light penetration.

That grow is just ridiculous Max. I always know when I see something special when I'm not even entirely sure what I'm looking at. This happens when the flowers have exceeded anything I've ever grown by 3-4 times and aren't even done yet. Makes me unsure if you are growing 4, 8, or 12 plants at once :rolleyes:
Unreal and the fact that you have what appears to be super happy and healthy fan leaf tips this far along in flower, shame on you for being that efficient at growing. So cool to watch man
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