I don't know his message I got was at Discord server from yesterday?? SS
Time for another defol.my rh is hoovering around 61%..got to get that down to 55%…if in the event it gets overcast or there is rain coming I will b in trouble.gotta do it tonite..
3 weeks gone.one more to defol .started canna Flores today..front left was getting a little close as I started to see white tips.so I moved the light up a fraction..was at 20’ to canopy..getting really warm here through the day lights off .was 29 deg c today .outside tomorrow is 36 with extreme fire danger.going to b very windy too..let’s hope some dickhead does the right thing and doesn’t throw a smoke butt out tomorrow or lights fires.999F732B-4086-4FB9-B3E0-8F40A0FEC769.jpeg
yes ..increased my air vpd

your right 100% dude.I don’t know what the hell I was talking about Lmao.that was this piss talking there or the other max that’s on here every now and then .he’s back under his rock 🤣🤣🤣.but after reading I think I know what the other max was on about is by upping the rh the vpd is better and plant is drinking more to suggest the plants are transpiring more.it is wierd though when you look at a vpd chart it wants you to run low vpd ( high rh ) which slows the movement the of nutrients exactly what you said roots..fucked if I know 😆
An "Old school" gardener as me, when I took classes in college I don't recall VPD vapor pressure deficit being taught, but we did build a "Greenhouse" so I must have had some sort of teaching as to the difference in humidity and it's rh varibles . Stoned now sorry. Anyway I have a VPD monitor now in one of my tents A/C Infinity controller 69. It should stay between 1.0 and 1.5-6. to be in the "Sweet" spot as I remember watching Bugbee or Chadwestport, Dr. M.J. Coco maybe, hell I am stoned, outta here, laugh at me later,SS
Planning to buy the ks5000 for my 4x4 with my tax return. So ive also been thinking about getting 2 of the Controller 69 pros from AC Infinity.
Then i can run both the ks3000 and ks5000 0-100 instead of 0-25-50-75-100.
They sell one now with 8 connectors for multi-tent setups I believe,SS
Pretty sure all max grows is DFG. Thats all ive seen from him anyway
Wish I was in the states brother.I wouldn’t b sqirrelling away the seeds I have and like you guys growing different strains every grow...well I’d like to just grow Jeff’s gear as he has quite a healthy list.plus im on a good thing..I’m straight paranoid I’ll get a knock one day haha..
3 weeks gone.one more to defol .started canna Flores today..front left was getting a little close as I started to see white tips.so I moved the light up a fraction..was at 20’ to canopy..getting really warm here through the day lights off .was 29 deg c today .outside tomorrow is 36 with extreme fire danger.going to b very windy too..let’s hope some dickhead does the right thing and doesn’t throw a smoke butt out tomorrow or lights fires.View attachment 45911

Two on the left look like they're four inches taller than the others. (y)
the front one is the tallest ,her pot stand in near on the floor.then the back left .the 2 beside it and front right all have there stands same height.front middle is a Danny Devito .they are all short asses really.front left is the plant you want every grow.I get 2 phenos of this .sometimes they resemble the orange dreams side and others the celestial dragon with a knobbier bigger calyx type bud.citrus smell on the finger rub which is quite pleasant.both grow big buds.you’d expect the shorter ones to stretch abit seems they were further from the light.maybe it was the higher dose of silica I gave them as I was going to veg them another week,or was it because the veg night temps (dif) was warmer than day temps half the time so in flower during stretch I ran near 4 deg c lower to try and get them to stretch out but never happened.so it could very well b the silica or sometimes I think it’s the genetics from me reversing the plant again and has given me more shorter plants.they still grow good though and produce.I don’t think I ever have had one the that don’t bud well..
I thought he already has posted since the upgrade SS..

Yea my main computer (laptop) that I usually post from / access from is locked out. It gets stuck at the two factor authentication nonsense. I know its more secure, but it drives me crazy every website these days is going to this, as it is a PITA lol. My desktop PC in my office is currently in the "remember me stage" for however long thats good for
3 weeks gone.one more to defol .started canna Flores today..front left was getting a little close as I started to see white tips.so I moved the light up a fraction..was at 20’ to canopy..getting really warm here through the day lights off .was 29 deg c today .outside tomorrow is 36 with extreme fire danger.going to b very windy too..let’s hope some dickhead does the right thing and doesn’t throw a smoke butt out tomorrow or lights fires.View attachment 45911
Definitely see the orange dreams in there! Shes so deceptive, usually plants that stay super stocky dont want to throw down and actually make fat buds...
Definitely see the orange dreams in there! Shes so deceptive, usually plants that stay super stocky dont want to throw down and actually make fat buds...the orange dreams nxt 😃.
keen to run the Orange Dreams nxt or even the Zamal Dreams again.the Zamal can sure stack like a mofo .heres a Zamal pheno I kept from that grow.and a pic of the cutting off her(outside).I have reversed a sunset sherbet and have started pollenating some branches.
This Zamal dreams pheno stayed squat,stacked and had that lovely mango type smell.the sunset sherbet reversed Bitch is very terpy.the fems were that terpy they attracted some lowlifes to pinch my girls and here I am growing inside now… they were that bad.strong candy terps emanuating from them.

zamal inside 2292A954-9A70-4A3D-A9B8-67854619E6F0.jpegEE749D10-5703-4729-A336-78D97C849CC9.jpeg451C14D1-33A7-4B01-8BCC-5253B23F87F2.jpeg
the Zamal is wider than she is tall..in a 5 gal pot too .fed one watered twice a day =9litres on hot days she uses 12.half of that would b through evaporation 640ppm distance to canopy is 148.16 million kilometres 🤣A4CFC745-47A3-4664-B3A5-12B843F2EF1A.jpeg
4 weeks in..oh I hate thunder storms and rain with no wind..battling to contain the rh right now ..was at 64% at one stage and is hoovering around 60%.. have 2 humidifiers in there which are raising the room temp up to 30 c .the high temp is helping the air hold more rh.feeding them just now is not helping the cause .lol.picsE7B9233B-642E-4FF0-A332-3CF134FD8E1D.jpegF695798A-A081-4B27-9D3C-9DCB70294D27.jpegAB8099EB-19AE-4808-A8E7-4246091CE943.jpeg04D39597-4826-492C-88C1-DD477C9DA727.jpeg4F3BB332-6DE0-4FF7-9851-F5C851EF9F97.jpegEFE784D6-58C8-4C4B-8CD3-8BC851605E8F.jpegEAED227F-B4CF-4AC2-8A9C-A3AFF8800B90.jpeg
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