b some decent buds too in a couple weeks.I’ll drive a couple more stakes in the back middle one.the majority of buds are on those top 2 branches so it’s going to get heavy.i have another dud plant back right which the buds seem stunted.will b the third time now whatever tf it is .plant looks healthy otherwise.starting the cannaboost soon and will run that half strength for 2-3 weeks.i reckon I will stop using it for a grow just to see if there is any variance in size and health of the plant.that shits expensive to run. I make 5 ltre last 2 years though.


the Zamal dreams at rear…leaves looking a little wierd but overall the 2 plants looks good.these are bout 16” to light.probably why leaves are rippling.could b they need more cal/mag as they are getting pushed harder @SSHZ. Getting close to week 7 so 5 weeks to go or thereabouts.
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Lookin good in here, more cal/mag won't hurt em. I supplement with Fuel by Rooted Leaf on top of my Canna coco A&B at times, Cheers Max.
Lookin good in here, more cal/mag won't hurt em. I supplement with Fuel by Rooted Leaf on top of my Canna coco A&B at times, Cheers Max.
Canna coco is the line I’m thinking about switching too. I’m currently using Lotus and I love them but damn they aren’t cheap. I’ve seen awesome results with Canna Coco!
well ill b fooked …. 7 weeks gone and looks like I will have an early one 😃…hairs are dying fast ,I’d say 8 1/2 weeks.that would b the earliest I’ve had this strain finish and that would b out of 70 plants roughly..D55EADB7-DCDE-4699-BD5F-E720645757CF.jpeg
this one’s not far away either.shes a beauty to
Random pics.


the Zamal Dreams growing all octopussy.
Getting very close for some.pic 1&3 she’s coming out in 3-4 days time..she looking disgustingly nice.sucks the pics are blurry don’t do it justice.i think I’m due to change my filter..it just reeks outside 😃
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Some better pics.117A1573-1FDE-4D4F-888E-B38F9E5E327A.jpeg68FEF3BE-E009-4D2D-889C-9827320371A3.jpeg7B49BE0E-E41D-4D28-85E7-C183B7694145.jpeg
Couple pics of the Zamal dreams.looks like cal def shes had for a few weeks.a little bit late in the grow to fix..some decent sized tops on her.A56A85E6-4411-4249-A533-33C06282A02C.jpeg64087244-9460-417B-A9C9-35F0E2197E7F.jpeg
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Another one done.3 more to go and I can wrap up this grow diary and start another down the track.i will try something different for a change.i wouldn’t mind trying some anesia seeds nxt.they have quite a few I’d love to run.picsA269766A-3F2F-47E1-8970-C82E3E108E18.jpegBA3A1342-0E74-45E3-A287-F376AD00BCCC.jpegCBB358F2-0AAD-42D5-84E3-FC48D9B35EAA.jpeg217628F4-8EBF-41DD-8450-FD544028D181.jpegA80981A1-789C-410C-8253-AC8288E776BF.jpeg635A6768-3B44-4705-9B70-70BCACD643F3.jpegD960D66D-4D6E-436F-B9D1-9947ADA5BCA9.jpegC725FC91-3D23-4E77-8FA8-C8D2B2AB952C.jpeg
i gotta get another set 👓.damn things came off my head,dropped on the floor and broke fixed it dropped on the floor again and broke the other arm off lol..now I dim the light put hoody on for some protection..sometime I wear my shades in there which help…better than nothing..…okay so I’m about day 67-68 and sitting on about 460ppm.I’m slowly reducing it down to about 3-400..honestly I can’t tell any difference from 500ppm and neither can my mates if anything there was more flavour.no difference in harshness.the Zamal dreams should b done within a couple weeks,she is just starting to darken up now.very Octopussy but there is some nice clean phenos that show up every now and then..some pics of Zamal dreams.F80A6627-3CE7-4671-BC77-394F49026C7C.jpegCE06B0F0-2F26-4823-BC39-DB7A5D14CBF1.jpeg8EE9E531-C99D-4A71-9557-7645AB75FF45.jpeg23E96977-E2D6-46E8-AADB-8A1291243AEE.jpeg
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