New to Bud builder's hello everyone

In the last 18 months or so I've been doing a extensive pheno hunt.

I'm favouring more plants these days over the yeild.

I was putting too much effort into weed that was ultimately crap.

Now I put in minimum work, I'm really only looking for a decent tester and a clone,
well that what I allowed for, tbh the results were somewhat of a surprise.
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With only a 10/14 days vegging its doing ok.
Once I get my mother's sorted I'll concentrate more on training and yeild.
You're kidding me, seriously lol, is it just a pic or is someone claiming its theirs?
it's definitely not ever been shared on Reddit?

Here's a pic before it was cut
View attachment 42399
It's skunk special from female seeds Nl 😊
Fuckin gorgeous plant 👊

I don't remember the context in which I saw it, and it could've just been another forearm sized cola with similar lighting. I just remember a monster nugget on there just like that one. Hard to forget a donkey dick like that 🤯
I'm in the process just now of putting a method together that should give me more crops for less work and money.

Messing up the timer couldn't have come at a worse time.

I vegged the seeds in 12-12 under t5s.

At 26/28 days I re potted them and put them into the flower tent.
It's now 5th week 12-12 under led
A week later
You've seen the skunk, it didn't like that extra light and a 3rd plant is in the bin.

Here's a few examples I done getting a plan together._20221205_191910.JPG_20221127_145409.JPG_20221127_145252.JPG
The best laid plans of mice and men.

So it wasn't 12-12 it was 13.15 on 10.45 off by accident.
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@Bandit420 is vegging 12/12 right now.
Thought being just like you said;
I'm in the process just now of putting a method together that should give me more crops for less work and money.
This is definitely interesting.
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So my grand plan is, I've bought a 2nd clone tent, and I've a 4x t5s unit.
The seeds will get 5/10 days under 24hrs then put into the other clone tent @12-12, after sexing re pot and put them into the flowering tent, it's roughly 28 days to sex.

So when I out them into flower they're already in flower mode they just need light.

I'm sure there will be some issues along the way but that's all part of the fun 👍

I never liked dealing with seeds previously they were only a means to getting a mother to clone, with this method I'm enjoying it, it's hassle free...if you get the timer right that is 🙄
Another of our members is having his seedlings tested for sex after 1 weeks growth I believe.
He is just about to send in his second round.
His other thread;
That would be great to have the option of lab testing, I wouldn't not use fem seeds but I prefer regular given the option, my best phenos are from regular seeds but tbh idk if that's coincidental or not.

I'm on European side of the pond it's not entirely legal here especially if you get caught 😜
I don’t know. But I understand the question I’m just not up on your grow style.

@Pipecarver can you shed any light on autopot vs drain to waste?

@Star Dog can you post a pic of the dtw setup / salt buildup?
I'm not sure Moe, I'm a bit of a hack with the pots. I don't measure anything, I feed my nutes and leave the room. I don't take no stinking readings of nothing. I get salts building up on my pot socks but it doesn't seem to affect my plants. I'm in Promix and as Gnick said over at the farm we don't need to PH promix grows, the buffers in it take care of the PH for us.

I use the GH trio plus a few additives and I clean my tank every 3 weeks because biofilm build up and I don't see any salt residue in my trays,lines or res but the pot socks are white with it

The pots are supposed to be an ebb and flow system like trees on a river bank, I'm not sure how that relates to drain to waste.....wouldn't that be OB's style with his 196 solo cups in a 5x5 run?
Im in New York State and its not 100% legal here yet either.
Fekk the law is what i say!
We had a woman here who used to live by the saying "laws are more like guidelines."
I think if people are low key about it there's not much to worry about, why would the police pick a random house to search, it doesn't happen, only I can me caught so i act accordingly.
thats longer than I though…

thanks for that mate 👍
I used to have pictures of every stage and anytime I done anything I'd snap a picture so looking back at times and dates was simple, I've ruined the phones with 95% of my pics on them so i can't do that now.

I'm going to look back on riu to see how long it used to take to reveal their sex.

I used to veg for 30 days ± then flip them, there's around 2 weeks before the onset of flowering but that's fem seeds.
With regular it might be longer to reveal their sex but faster into flower overall.

It's only in its infancy, I've only recently got enough info together to actually put it on to paper with a view to doing it perpetually.

I'm enjoying the ride, even if it doesn't work out as anticipated I'll learned something.
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Hey folk's, has anyone tried grafting weed?

Bluchi with blueberry lemon shake up grafted to it.
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I'm pretty stoked with it tbh.

It's a bit of a novelty but it was fun doing, I intend to make a tri or quad pheno mum but I've too many things happening atm.

When I flower it I'll be curious to see if grafting a poor yielding plant to heavy yielding root stock will improve the yeild?

Some plants just naturally have a brute root ball and some don't.
I've not made the connection with a big root = a heavy yeilder?
I'd like to weigh the roots to yeild ratio and whatnot but I'm just glad to get finished by that point in the grow.
So yeah it'll be interesting to see how it goes?
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Is that a problem you think? There are reasons for that timer, it is set to default. But I can see the case for setting it for a longer time. Like I think default is 10 minutes but could set to 30?
Don't bother me really, depends who you'd ask I suppose....

Something I've always wondered, is there a way to privately work on a thread without publishing it so you could edit to your hearts desire then post it when it's finished? I had seen people reserving posts near the top of their thread but can't really do that when edit option is timed. I wouldn't remove the timer function. Not sure how you could reserve posts for later editing without contacting an admin....but atleast there are ways ya know.🤷🏻‍♂️
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