One Gallon Challenge Official Entry Thread.

Never tried auto's so I ordered black muffin f1. My question is can you do any lst, pinch center or is it best to let it do it's thing? Also since it's a auto is there any advantage in bigger pots than 1gal. Also do you leave them at 18x6 or flip 12x12 at some point. Sorry about the nube questions but I've always done photos so I can veg and lst. T/u
I would not go any smaller than 3 gallon pot. Germinate seed than plant in final pot. Lighting 18/6 seed to harvest go easy on the nutes quarter to half recommended dosage. I feed every watering with little run off. I dont top i just let them do there thing. I grow in 3 and 5 gallon pots my best results have been in 5 gallon pots.
Weekly update, ya it’s a day early but I’m up and what else have I got to do at 4am?

Keep getting; “A server error occurred. Please try again later.” Pop up. When I try to upload pics of any size here?
I have always wanted to join in on a gallon challenge but it’s hard for me to use up one of my plant counts to do so. I’m here to watch and support
Here's my weekly update- Two Thai Delight


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