Pipecarvers Pipes & things

I wasn't going to start anything too early, Summer heat and humidity will be at its peak here soon I wanted to wait until mid Aug to start seeds but with my hermied batch I'll need a supply earlier than anticipated. I have to go out west early Aug and I don't want to leave anything behind that has to be maintained while I'm gone. My wife doesn't want to be responsible for watering / feeding my plants. If I could time it right and get starter plants into the autopots & feeding from below I could do it, its just a matter of timing it right.

I'll be at 7 weeks in flower Tuesday & I was going to bump my lights to 14/10 but with seeds poking through the top of my buds I'm not sure there's any point doing too much, nothing will make the seeds go away.
If you got them in autopots bottom feeding you will be good for a few days or ask wife nicely to keep reservoir topped up with water only.
Sorry to hear bout your seeds PC
I had that problem a few times too many.
My last 2 grows were not to good but no seeds in them.
Mine was the light, it was too much for them @ 100%. (I'm pretty sure thats what it was.)
I was much more carefull and did not use full power too much the last grows.
My last problem was the soil to hot to begin with and the nutrients were too rich also.
I was trying to hard lol.

Got a C99 barely alive ( 1 week in and hardly a leaf on her)
I got pic's but waiting till it gets a handle on living, then I'll post a thread, if I can come up with a name for it.

Which reminds me, I got to throw out some seeded weedy I've had in the box for 3yrs.
I guess when I think of throwing it out I just can't cause of all the hard yrs. without any.
I quit buying it when they started selling those lil 1 gram bags for $5 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Started growing my own bout 5 yrs ago, when I stumbled across a grow site (The previous one) to help me get going.
I remember MiMed helping me out alot back then.

One plant this time, well I do have a beautiful Re-Veg outside!

Ok I feel better now, nice talk, see ya later. :cool:
If you got them in autopots bottom feeding you will be good for a few days or ask wife nicely to keep reservoir topped up with water only.
I don't really want to flip anything until the first - mid Sept so I have time before I get a new batch going. One of these grows I'm going to nail it, like a fine round of golf after a bunch of bad rounds. It feels so good when it all comes together. My last batch was good but I didn't use my far reds right, this round I was going to getter together and produce a bunch of beauties but alas I fked up another batch, next batch will be perfect...lol
I don't really want to flip anything until the first - mid Sept so I have time before I get a new batch going. One of these grows I'm going to nail it, like a fine round of golf after a bunch of bad rounds. It feels so good when it all comes together. My last batch was good but I didn't use my far reds right, this round I was going to getter together and produce a bunch of beauties but alas I fked up another batch, next batch will be perfect...lol
July 25
I have a seeded crop and its not going to go far so I have to get plants going before I wanted to. I dropped 10 reg Macberry Moonshine / Cherry pie from DFG into spring water today. I was going to go with the Haole Moonshine but the Cherry pie part tipped the scales

I'm 9 weeks into flower and pulled 1 already today, I have 4 more to pull this week. There's not much point in letting them go much longer ready or not' I need to get them out, cleaned up and start new.

I'm going to use the Autopot dividers and split them into 2 cells per pot. I'll plant all that pop into solo cups then transplant directly into the Autopots instead of into1 gal pots that I usually do.

I have to go away for 5 days in early Aug and I'd like them to be feeding off the bottom before my trip so I can fill my res and not have to have my wife maintain them.

I had to get another car after a deer whacked me, no time to look around I wanted a low mileage hatch back auto, well not really I wanted a pick up but what I could afford I didn't want so last minute end of the month deal they dropped $2000. off
( stock photo ) but mine is just as black and shiny 2018 Kia Rio and it gets around
20km/L gas = 55 ish mph. I guess that's pretty good
July 26
I don't know if the folk at DFG were stoned when they sent me seeds but I dumped the contents of my order into Spring water last night and counted 13 seeds, my order was for 10. Alls good I'd like 12 to pop then so I have 1 for each 1/2 cell in my AP's. They all sank to the bottom and are now laying in between folded paper towels, in a small Tupperwear container in a dark warm location.

We were at the gym again today, my wife and I have been there every 2 days since we started at the end of May just missed 1day after a tooth was pulled but made up for it by doing 3 days in a row. Once I start these kicks I'm pretty good at getting fully immersed in them. I've been here before and fell out after the big bug threw everything into disarray and gas prices went crazy. I got me some weight to lose...again...life long battle but I'm back at it strong. Head has to be in it or you just go through the motions and cheat yourself.

I've been on a 500 cal diet 3 times a day + coffee through the day and fruit in the evening since May 30. That along with the gym have me down15lbs so far at this rate by Christmas I should be at my fighting weight. lol

My wife is impressing me with her workouts, We don't push heavy weight but lighter weights until failure and on her last 2 - 3 reps she grunts and struggles like a pro where in the past she'd push then stop as soon as it got heavy. 1 piece in particular makes us do the hulk pose pulling the weights to the center with arms out and on late reps she's taught and her little granny muscles are straining, she's shaking, grunting and struggling so hard its cute and impressive for a 78 year old to be willing to push so hard.
July 28
all of the seeds I dropped onto paper towel have cracked, 13 for 13 all have only a 1/4" tap root so far. I'll check again tomorrow they should be ready to plant. I still have 4 plants in the Autopots at 68 days in flower. lights on at 65% still 13/11.

Another gym day today that's 5 in a row, I'm not sure about tomorrow I'll have to see how I feel after waking up but alls good now I see's no reason at the moment I can't start going daily, My new car is good on gas so 85km / 52 ish miles round trip isn't too bad and about 5 miles each way I get an Ocean drive.1722207400094.png1722207689127.png
Hey PC. Sounds like life is getting back to normal’ish.

Glad the new to you car is doing good. Helps when you have a reliable car.

Sorry the last grow wasn’t trouble free. But yes, this next one will be the one! 🤣

Glad the gym is working out. Son started going with his buddies a week ago. They are all still in pain. 🤣😂
Ya , today will be 6 days in a row to the gym, I'm over the initial stiffness when starting the workouts and feel good after getting up. After the workout and a joint at home I'm a little bit wobbly I said to my wife yesterday I felt like a plushy doll, all limp and tired with soar arms and butt. One exercise I do seems to attack my cheeks that night a few hours afterwards It hurts to sit, I get over it but its weird having ass cheek stiffness
Ya , today will be 6 days in a row to the gym, I'm over the initial stiffness when starting the workouts and feel good after getting up. After the workout and a joint at home I'm a little bit wobbly I said to my wife yesterday I felt like a plushy doll, all limp and tired with soar arms and butt. One exercise I do seems to attack my cheeks that night a few hours afterwards It hurts to sit, I get over it but its weird having ass cheek stiffness
Nice. Funny, but nice. Glad you’re sticking with it.

My sons on shift work so he can’t go often but he hopes he can get in a couple days a week with the guys. He’s on the 4-midnight shift today.
Nice. Funny, but nice. Glad you’re sticking with it.

My sons on shift work so he can’t go often but he hopes he can get in a couple days a week with the guys. He’s on the 4-midnight shift today.
Yes, I have a plan..lol...7 in a row today but Maytag repairman tomorrow, we hope, they're not to good on following through with promises around here, typical will be a call tomorrow saying they can't make it...or no call at all, just not show up and when I call they make some lame ass excuse and promise another day. Its real hit and miss with these guys. When there's few choices the choices we have are all the same. We need a clan name to get service I guess.

Okay bitching done for now, I popped 13 seeds all grew tails and were planted today 1 pm ish. 6 pm all have their heads above the soil about 4 ft from 4-4ft t/8's I use as a Bench light. I'll get them in my 3x3 tonight under an SF600. 13 modified blackberry moonshine/ cherry pie regs. Its been a long while since I've grown reg seeds and the first time with a full crop of the same strain.

I still haven't pulled my 4 left in the 5x5 , tomorrow is another day and they gotta get chopped. 10 weeks today in flower. I'll try to add some pics asap
What’s going on this week Pipe?
Hey, wow its been a bit since posting updates. I have 12 little beauties growing well albeit a bit stunted staying in solo cups with limited soil too long. I transplanted 6 into 1/2 sides of my auto pots with the base & dividers yesterday. I have 6 left to go, today I hope, but I need to wash my clay balls & that takes shuffling them between buckets of water to clean them off & ph them overnight once they are clean...or go out and buy some new balls...no...I'll clean what I have.

Trip to Vancouver was fun but too much booze & long hours took a toll on me, I'm still in recovery mode...lol.. Gym day today, I'd like to take a steam bath but its awkward to do with my wife waiting I have to make special trips into town off gym days to steam up....They really relax my sore muscles and stiffness. I'd like a home version.......nothing 10 grand couldn't fix...maybe more....so I guess its driving to Bridgewater is the cheapest option...

I've been trying to get our washer repaired and what a fking nightmare. I've been told since july 5th someone would call me in the next 2 days. They have never called, I keep calling them and they give me excuses. I was told by the owner that someone would be here Sunday to fix it, I said Sunday you ave people working? he said yes we are behind we'll be there around 4pm. well guess what? no one showed. I went off on him this morning, I told him he lied to me and does he know what integrity means and well you ain't got none, Google it! WTF guy we have these modern devices called phones that allow communication between people! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE THEM?????...faaaaack We'll try to be there this week.....more BS.....post a review?...lol...you bet as soon as it gets fixed.....I'll be googling looking for some choice words to describe their service work....By the way..fk Whirlpool!!!
Hey, wow its been a bit since posting updates.
Busy man lately. Lots going on.

I have 12 little beauties growing well albeit a bit stunted staying in solo cups with limited soil too long. I transplanted 6 into 1/2 sides of my auto pots with the base & dividers yesterday. I have 6 left to go, today I hope, but I need to wash my clay balls & that takes shuffling them between buckets of water to clean them off & ph them overnight once they are clean...or go out and buy some new balls...no...I'll clean what I have.
Cool. Hope you get the last six done. Yes, please wash your balls. Sooner the better. 👍

Trip to Vancouver was fun but too much booze & long hours took a toll on me, I'm still in recovery mode...lol.. Gym day today, I'd like to take a steam bath but its awkward to do with my wife waiting I have to make special trips into town off gym days to steam up....They really relax my sore muscles and stiffness. I'd like a home version.......nothing 10 grand couldn't fix...maybe more....so I guess its driving to Bridgewater is the cheapest option...
One uncle was really into steam baths. I’m not a big fan. Too much like a hot humid day. Epsom and a hot bath if I have aches or pains. Along with some smoke. 👍🤣

I've been trying to get our washer repaired and what a fking nightmare. I've been told since july 5th someone would call me in the next 2 days. They have never called, I keep calling them and they give me excuses. I was told by the owner that someone would be here Sunday to fix it, I said Sunday you ave people working? he said yes we are behind we'll be there around 4pm. well guess what? no one showed. I went off on him this morning, I told him he lied to me and does he know what integrity means and well you ain't got none, Google it! WTF guy we have these modern devices called phones that allow communication between people! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE THEM?????...faaaaack We'll try to be there this week.....more BS.....post a review?...lol...you bet as soon as it gets fixed.....I'll be googling looking for some choice words to describe their service work....By the way..fk Whirlpool!!!
Do you know what the issue is? Top loader or front? I’ve fixed a few of each. Dryer broke a belt recently…still haven’t got a new one to put on yet.

How about the e-bike? You pick one up yet?

Glad your back safe and sound if a little hungover. 🤣👍
Busy man lately. Lots going on.

Cool. Hope you get the last six done. Yes, please wash your balls. Sooner the better. 👍

One uncle was really into steam baths. I’m not a big fan. Too much like a hot humid day. Epsom and a hot bath if I have aches or pains. Along with some smoke. 👍🤣

Do you know what the issue is? Top loader or front? I’ve fixed a few of each. Dryer broke a belt recently…still haven’t got a new one to put on yet.

How about the e-bike? You pick one up yet?

Glad your back safe and sound if a little hungover. 🤣👍
it was still under warranty when it stopped working, its not now 2 months later and they are just unreliable. First off they said the warranty had expired, I have the receipt showing July 5th ordered July 26th received and it was July 5th I called them. After Costco got into it Whirlpool agreed with the dates so it was covered. They came and said it was a filter and would be back next week, then said Sunday now its whenever and we still don't have a washer from the 1st of July...and our dryer just quit ...sigh... this shit is getting old I'll have to smoke 1 or 2 today...maybe 8-9
it was still under warranty when it stopped working, its not now 2 months later and they are just unreliable. First off they said the warranty had expired, I have the receipt showing July 5th ordered July 26th received and it was July 5th I called them. After Costco got into it Whirlpool agreed with the dates so it was covered. They came and said it was a filter and would be back next week, then said Sunday now its whenever and we still don't have a washer from the 1st of July...and our dryer just quit ...sigh... this shit is getting old I'll have to smoke 1 or 2 today...maybe 8-9
No ebike yet, still waiting on the cash I was expecting in June
Hang in there. It will work out. Gives you time to pick the right bike. How’s your son doing, he waiting for you or did he pick one up already?
In the same boat, we're waiting on an a surprise inheritance to get to us. They told us in Jan it would take until June, in June we were told July, in July...were told August, my son flipped on the lawyers and they said soon, he flipped again last week and was told this week for sure...lol fkin lawyers.......

We went to Costco yesterday and I spoke to a manager about the washer problems, I asked him what are the chances are that I would buy new appliances from Costco seeing as there is ZERO service available for their machines. He gave me a # to call direct to Costco management and seemed genuinely surprised and concerned I couldn't get any service work done. He said its not the first time hes heard this but said the folks at the # he gave me will take action. I said I was just being the squeaky wheel and want someone from Costco management to contact the service provider and give them shit about the lack of communication and lack of service on a guaranteed machine I figure if a small service company gets a call from their bread and butter bosses giving them shit about service I may get my machine fixed.......another step forward anyways
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My son has no more patients and he is broke broke broke so this money will really help him out. He started spamming them with email sign ups to everything he could think of, porn, all political parties, gambling sites, he spent hours doing it in frustration, then surprisingly they contacted him and said sometime this week. Not sure if it was the spam or what but its the first call from them, he made all other calls. I told him not to stop the spam or they'll know it was from him, ah he said, okay then I got some work to do...lol
My son has no more patients and he is broke broke broke so this money will really help him out. He started spamming them with email sign ups to everything he could think of, porn, all political parties, gambling sites, he spent hours doing it in frustration, then surprisingly they contacted him and said sometime this week. Not sure if it was the spam or what but its the first call from them, he made all other calls. I told him not to stop the spam or they'll know it was from him, ah he said, okay then I got some work to do...lol
200w (8).gif
Lmao that's funny man.
Aug 22
I got my balls washed but I don't know about the ph, I most likely didn't let them sit long enough in 6.5 water after a fk up dropping the water ph to 3.68 so if this grow goes bad its because of my under soaked balls...Its kinda sad having a fail excuse before I start but here we go again.

12 regular Modified Blackberry Moonshine / Cherry pie from DFG in 50/50 VPW30/perlite 6 -3/4 gal pots soil 4 -3/4 gal pots perlite a handful of Azomite and the same with Gypsom. & another handful of Mycos in a large blue tub all mixed together watered then transplant and feed 3/3/3 -1 tsp Epsom salts/gal.

I've these new splitter that can divide a single pot into 4 cells I'm using them to divide pots in half. 3 plants at the back have the bases. The 3 plants up front I'm using clay balls with the air domes and divided the pots in half. The fitting was a bit sloppy so I played with some hose to tighten them in place then shoved small rope up the hose to swell the hose out to fit the sides and although it worked pretty well...fk that too much work...a sloppy fit it is and full steam ahead.

I'm using the red lights for 15 min at lights out and I'm hoping to flip them next week once they start feeding off the bottomaug 22 plant dividers.JPGAug 22 transplant.JPG
@Pipecarver have you ever carved a duck decoy? Or would want to give it a shot. One that is hollow out that could be used as an urn.
Hey, its nothing I've tried, could be a nice project but I'm not doing any wood work at all now, Summer indoor activities get glum. I've a grey walled tool filled no window dungeon I call home for 8-9 month of the year and just can't get into it. If I took on something like that I'd have to make a few softwood prototypes before I'd attempt anything like that and that would take a while.
Hey, its nothing I've tried, could be a nice project but I'm not doing any wood work at all now, Summer indoor activities get glum. I've a grey walled tool filled no window dungeon I call home for 8-9 month of the year and just can't get into it. If I took on something like that I'd have to make a few softwood prototypes before I'd attempt anything like that and that would take a while.
Ok and I can appreciate all that. I do know of a guy out in Colorado that does make them. He was on a hunting dog trainer forum I belong to but he got banned for speaking truth. I’m sure I can track him down though through the field trial dog show circuit. Just you came to mind first. These things can take a year or more I know. But my friend ain’t going anywhere. I’m sure my friend won’t mind waiting that long to be floating in a spread again. Knew him over 40 years. This is what he’d want…….
Ok and I can appreciate all that. I do know of a guy out in Colorado that does make them. He was on a hunting dog trainer forum I belong to but he got banned for speaking truth. I’m sure I can track him down though through the field trial dog show circuit. Just you came to mind first. These things can take a year or more I know. But my friend ain’t going anywhere. I’m sure my friend won’t mind waiting that long to be floating in a spread again. Knew him over 40 years. This is what he’d want…….
When I get back at it a decoy should be no problem, hollowed out with a nice fitting top though may take a bit of trial and error. I could cut the shape then round it all down into decoy shape. I'd have to youtube it to see how they do it
Sept 1
Gees I've been lax in my posting lately, not much in plant updates, they are all doing well only fed twice so far and they are not feeding out of the autopots yet, top fed only. I was hoping to flip today but I want them feeding off the bottom first. I may have to top them as they are getting too tall already.

1 month old today and I've been using the far reds for 15 min at lights out to see what would happen. They have stretched between nodes with thicker stalk and wider leavessept 1 a.JPGView attachment 71264sept 1 group.JPG
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