Pipecarvers Pipes & things

That would be the feed hose. I like that setup with feed hose higher up dont have all the pressure on the fitting less chance of spill.
I think im going to order one. Its Steamrollers Fault this time. The enabler !!!!!!

I ordered one get it sometime late October tired of hand watering.
If I get the blame you should have checked out Blumats~!
They water only when needed with no pump or action by you needed.
Kind of a set it and forget it.
I use them in my room.
View attachment 71425

Keep seeing these on sale at my local store. Tempting.
I bought the 4 pack and added 2 more, love them, the only real issue is the humidity with 6 in a 5x5 its not easy to keep the RH down. Winter months are okay but summer its almost impossible to keep it below 60% and in flower that can make it tricky to manage.Air flow air flow air flow.
I bought the 4 pack and added 2 more, love them, the only real issue is the humidity with 6 in a 5x5 its not easy to keep the RH down. Winter months are okay but summer its almost impossible to keep it below 60% and in flower that can make it tricky to manage.Air flow air flow air flow.
I hear you on the humidity. Had a few 70% days too. Only the last week we’ve been able to get 50’s.

Don’t think the Strawberry Lemonade liked it but the other two did great this run. 🤷‍♂️
I hear you on the humidity. Had a few 70% days too. Only the last week we’ve been able to get 50’s.

Don’t think the Strawberry Lemonade liked it but the other two did great this run. 🤷‍♂️
Sept 5
I flipped them yesterday, in the autopots and again I have the springtail larva in my trays. has to be in the soil, I've bleached and used citric acid to clean with, followed with vinegar then peroxide, then multiple clean water rinses.

Day 1 I got bugs...wtf I've fed them a bath of peroxide and water I'll do it again and again until I see them gone.

Sept 1 reds.JPGsept 4 Flip day 1.JPGI've had my far red lights on for 15 min at lights out for 2 weeks in veg and will continue with them on through flower.

I'll have to keep an eye out for the males in the group but I think I can identify by the biggest tallest plants will tend to be the males, too bad because there looks like a few thick stalk stronger plants
Where are these bugs coming from? Thought you nuked them last run. 🤔
Where are these bugs coming from? Thought you nuked them last run. 🤔
They have to be in the soil I'm using. I did nuke them multiple times, I should & will the next time wash my soil in peroxide before I use any more. I always wet my soil prior to using it, next time I'll use peroxide in my soaking before transplanting. I've been told they are of no real concern as they don't fk with growing roots, they just eat dead organic materials in the soil but they multiply like crazy so I gotta keep them in check. I also have 1 tray overflowing...??? now what?? I'll pull it out today and have a look. it has its own valve I can stop the flow of feed to it and let the rest work as they should.

I'm going to an every day this month gym workout, I'm going to lose this weight if it kills me. I've been going every 2 days since May 30 now 4 days straight I'm going to make it 30 if I can. I know there will be days I can't make it, shit to do but the plan as of now is 30 straight. I've only been dropping 7-8lbs /month and I've 60 more to drop. I feel good, working hard each day and no stiffness in the am so wtf I'm retired. I got me some work to do.

I used to play a lot of hockey and Sept is training month, its always been a good month for me to work out and when I'm working on and finish a set I feel like I've just got back to the bench I need my wind back so I can hop over the boards for the next face off or pull/push/lift my next set of weights...
hey man i was looking for a little advice, i'm not a good woodworker but i have enough tools to get in trouble. hehe

i made that last and final shelf for my dryer box and it's untreated wood and just soft pine. what do you suggest i put on the wood?

can i just shoot it with some polyurethane and be good? 🙃
hey man i was looking for a little advice, i'm not a good woodworker but i have enough tools to get in trouble. hehe

i made that last and final shelf for my dryer box and it's untreated wood and just soft pine. what do you suggest i put on the wood?

can i just shoot it with some polyurethane and be good? 🙃
Hey I'm what I call a crapenter, no square corners in my work. I only use oils on my pipes virgin olive oil, or waxes like Carnauba, White Diamond or Tripoli. I've used a clear coat on some shelves I've made but I'm not the guy to talk about coatings.
Hey I'm what I call a crapenter, no square corners in my work. I only use oils on my pipes virgin olive oil, or waxes like Carnauba, White Diamond or Tripoli. I've used a clear coat on some shelves I've made but I'm not the guy to talk about coatings.
Use raw linseed oil its non toxic. Food safe,water resistant
Hey I'm what I call a crapenter, no square corners in my work.

around my house we call that building "country style" :LOL:

Use raw linseed oil its non toxic. Food safe,water resistant

thanks, i will. i have some left over from a meat chopping block a buddy made me from hunk of cherry tree,,, i oiled that thing for years to get it like that.


also goes up in flames real easy if left on an oily rag in a confined area. spontaneous combustion. When I use it I toss the rag outside and let it sit for days before I toss it in the garbage

for real? my oily rag sits on top of the bottle in my garage!!!
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